Thursday, October 27, 2005

Thursday at Cedar Sinai Hospital

Today Valerie had an MRI to try and get a better idea of where exactly the cancer is in her body. The doctors think something is questionable in the pancreas, but further tests tomorrow will be the key to giving the doctors an absolute answer to their suspicions. Tomorrow she will have a test at 9:30 am that she will have to be "put under" for. A camera will be put down her throat and go all through her digestive tract. They will also biopsy several areas during this procedure. In the afternoon she will have another test where a nuclear dye will be put in her body then a CT scan will show ANY spec of cancer. All of these tests will take several days to be analyzed by the doctors. Val, Chris, and Charlene will be coming home tomorrow night and hopefully be able to rest this weekend as a family. As a nice surprise Val's dad Richard drove up to spend the day with them. Thank you all for continued prayers and encouragement.

Prayer Requests:

* Quick, absolute diagnosis and treatment plan
* Insurance will cover her needed tests and treatment
* Strength for Val and God's peace
* Strength and healing for Chris. He had back surgery last week.


Blogger Osil said...

Dear Val; my thoughts and prayers are with you constantly. There are so many people praying for you, even my family in Norway. It is wonderful to read all the comments; you are loved by so many people! No wonder, you are just one of those people who you feel you have known forever! I am so glad you guys chose Valley. Can't wait to see you again at school! I am here for you always..

"He shall cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you shall take refuge;" Psalm 91:4a
Love, Osil

5:59 PM  

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