Monday, October 31, 2005

Diagnosis Determined

It has been determined that Valerie has Cholangiocarcinoma - a cancer originating in the bile duct in the liver. The cancer has also reached a few lymph nodes. A long Monday in Los Angeles…Nancy, Char, Chris and Valerie….after many, many phone calls, and a few trips to pick up records, scans, etc. we finally achieved our goal of scheduling appointments tomorrow with the three doctors we were intent on consulting with regarding a definitive treatment plan. There were major ‘bureaucratic’ roadblocks to deal with and to break through…..but we had a formidable ‘offensive’ line and we were able to bust through everything. Again, keeping our focus on the goal for this week, which is to determine the best treatment plan and to decide the best physicians to execute this plan, we have a big day tomorrow. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we ‘hear’ the opinions of the best liver physicians in the Western United States.

* Pray for a slow moving cancer.
* Pray for clarity in decision making. Wisdom to decide which steps to take when they are given options.
* Pray for a chemo plan that will be effective. The doctors speak of this as being an art and science - they have to find a formula that will work before any surgery takes place. The chemotherapy will likely be done in several stages with a liver resectioning followed by more chemo.
* Pray for a full healing.
* Pray for patience as there is so much waiting.
* Pray that Val, Chris and the boys will rest in God's providential care and peace.
* Pray for Chris and full recovery from his recent back surgery.
* Pray for Ryan, Gavin, and Tyler - that there growing bodies and minds and souls would be nurtured during this difficult time.

Thank you for all your continued thoughts, emails, comments, and prayers.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have read your prayer requests and am getting right on them! My Aunt...who has the strongest faith that I have ever seen...has put you on the prayer list in Connnecticut also. You and your family are being covered. God Bless you...we are here for you!
Kerry Randall

9:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Val, Nancy, and the rest, I am so thankful for the updates you are able to provide us with. I will continue to pray along with my family for complete healing, peace, and strength to endure all that is before you. God's grace IS sufficient!
My love and prayers,
Brenda V.O.

10:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Val (Chris too),
We have been praying for you guys, and miss you guys alot. We are here for you, if there is anything we can do, (watch the boys, meals, cleaning etc...) please don't hesitate to call. WE love you guys very much. Remember:"You can do everything through him, who gives me strength" (Phil.4:13).
Lots of prayer and love your way

1:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Val, we think of you every day and pray for for you. We are so sorry that you are going through this. I just want to tell you how amazing and beautiful you are. You have an incredible family and you touch so many lives with your incredible spirit. Please know that your condition has inspired me. I feel entirely motivated to make the most of each day. I told Holly that I have been getting up and saying "ok, today is on purpose!" I try all day long to not take one precious moment for granted. In that way you are my beacon, shining there on the corner, reminding me how blessed I truly am. And I am blessed for knowing you! You inspire me to be thankful and to find beauty in everything. I know now more than ever that happiness is a journey, not a destination. I love you for that and for your courage!

10:09 AM  

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