Thanksgiving Day
We give thanks to God for all of you who continue to pray, give, and serve the McCrea family. We were truly blessed with a great dinner that many of you prepared and delivered. Thank you for helping make this day easier for us. It was amazing to see the food multiply and we were reminded of Jesus and His feeding of the 5000. We're still not sure how we had enough space in the refrigerator. We continue to fix our eyes upon Him who has created us and continues to uphold and sustain us daily.

Dear Val and family,
It's so nice to see you smiling! I hope you all had a blessed Thanksgiving weekend. You are always in my thoughts and prayers, and I pray tonight that Our Lord would set you free from the pain you are having, and not only that, but that He would heal you completely and miraculously! I truly believe He will!
A poem by Helen Steiner Rice:
There are times when life overwhelms us
and our trials seem too many to bear-
It is then we should stop and remember
God is standing by ready to share
The uncertain hours that confront us
and fill us with fear and despair,
For God in His goodness has promised
that the cross that He gives us to wear
Will never exceed our endurance
or be more than our strength can bear...
And secure in that blessed assurance,
we can smile as we face tomorrow,
For God holds the key to the future
and no sorrow or care we need borrow....
Love, Osil :):):)
Val you look so beautiful! Keep going sweetie! Happy Turkey Day...Love VAL
Your face is that of an angel. Every day, we will see your beautiful, bright smile in our minds eye and pray for you. The Lord is with you and your family at all times. He will keep you very close and will protect you from all that hurts. May you feel his presence and peace today and everyday. :)
Have a wonderful Monday Val...keep smiling! The sun is shining down on you with the love of all your friends and family. You are in his hands and he will protect you always...
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