Fight the Good Fight

Val brings light into our lives and we continue to fight the good fight knowing that God Most High is with us every step of the way.
Thing are not always as they seem, beloved. When I look at Val through the eyes of faith, I see a beautiful, strong, and courageous warrior ready to fight the enemy. And great victories await us in 2007. I am excited as I watch and wait what miracles Jesus has in store for us.
I waited for the Lord on High. I waited and He heard my cry.
Cancer is a good news bad news demon. Sometimes it helps me to visualize a balance scale. I put the good news on one side and the bad news on the other. So lets do just that together.
The CT Scan; Pulmonary (lungs): no change in nodules that have been there from the beginning. Good news. Lymph nodes: normal. no enlargement. Good news. Liver and spleen: Slight increase in size of large tumor. More smaller lesions noted but these may be caused by stent infection. Spleen slightly enlarged. Abdominal fluid present. Bad news.
Blood tests: all good news. Bilirubin down. Liver enzymes down. White blood cell count dropping (no infection).
Val did require two units of whole blood this week to bring up a low hemoglobin level. During the 2nd unit, her fever spiked to 103F due to an allergic reaction.
Pain management and fatigue continue to challenge us. Val's weight is also too low at 115.
Tuesday night as Val and I read the CT Scan together, a tear dropped out of her eye. Our beloved Tyler walked across the room and wiped it away. God was witness to that event beloved and I can tell you that great power flowed from His throne in response to that act of compassion. On that night, Tyler did what God will do at a future time. He will wipe away every tear from our eyes.
Our next chemo date at USC is January 4th. We will be discussing changes to our treatment regimen with Dr. Lenz.
Please pray that God would heal Val completely. We will continue to pursue all medical options that He has faithfully guided us to do. Pray that Val's weight would go up to 125. Pray for the wisdom of when to get a PET scan. Pray that Dr. Lenz would be given wisdom from on High to prescribe the perfect chemo regimen. Pray that Val's pain would leave her and she would be energized by the Holy Spirit. Pray for the upcoming stent change with Dr. Lo on January 19th. Pray for Chris and his health. We are so proud of him for closing a huge deal in his business. Pray for Val's mom Nancy as she continues to battle pain from Fibromyalgia.
Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen
Godspeed Beloved and Blessings to you in 2007 from the throne of our glorious Saviour
I pray that you will heal and be free of pain. We are all thinking about you and praying for you. Keep fighting and know that all your friends and family are praying for you. Even though I do not know you that well, I pray for you everyday.
Happy New Year to you and your family.
I pray that you are free of pain and that you find peace and joy in the new year. You have been very courageous and strong in the fight for your recovery. I want you to know that I continue to pray for a full recovery for you everyday.
I hope that you are able to locate a pain specialist to help you manage the pain and allow you to sleep better at night. It is important to keep the pain under control.
I hope to see you at the end of the month :)
I miss you and love you!
Not a day goes by that I do not think of you and pray for your complete healing. May 2007 bring you miracles beyond your wildest dreams.
Dear McCrea family,
I would like to make a suggestion that might help Nancy but even Val.
I have an eye problem, macular edema that I have been struggling with for a couple of years. Although all tests come back negative and they cannot determine what is causing this, the last time I went to the retinal specialist he said that this might be autoimmune.
I contacted the man that I buy my vitamins from, and asked him about a medicine that he sells called Transfer Factor. I remembered him mentioning this a long time ago as an immune booster, but I was afraid if the problem was autoimmune would it make it worse?
He said his wife takes it because she has fibromyalgia and it helps her.
I bought a bottle, and saw some improvement the first day although he said you should not see results for a few weeks. It is supposed to greatly boost the killer T cell activity which may even be of help with cancer. My representative is Jim Gerber. He is a wonderful, kind hearted man. He can answer any questions you have. His phome number is 850-678-8891.
His products do help me alot.
Dara Johns.
God hear me when I ask you to give Val strength to get through this time and heal her from her fears and let her gain weight and be new again for 2007. Bless Val and her family with all that they need to be comfortable!!!
Love to The McCrea's and a VERY HEALTHY 2007. Love Valerie Pe4rsichetti
Happy New Year Val, Chris and McCrea family!
Joey, Michael, Ethan and I spent a very quiet and lovely New Years Eve at home cooking dinner and watching movies while Mara and Payton each went to parties! Isn't that a sign of the times? I think we are getting soft! Anyway, I have spent the last few days immersed in my love for them all.
Thanks to your dad for sharing that story about Tyler. I am still teary-eyed thinking of it. What a precious sweet little boy! (Just like his mamma!) I am always blown away by the big miracles coming from those little bodies. Thanks for helping me remember how to see beauty in everything and how to be thankful for every moment.
We are thinking of you and your family praying for your continued strength and healing. I have a good feeling about 2007.
Much Love,
Dear Val...
You have been in my thoughts and prayers over and over again! I have missed seeing your bright, beautiful face over the vacation! Now that the children are back in school...we need to meet for breakfast soon!
Dear prayer for you is complete healing and peace! As hard as it is to keep your eyes on that "winner's circle" at times...I pray that God will lift your eyes to that place whenever you feel you cannot! You are a VERY strong woman who can conquer anything...especially with the Big Man at your side! And we pray for your family too...for your three beautiful boys...for your mom and dad...for Chris. Lord, please send strength to each of them and total peace!
Let's get together soon...and I just know 2007 will be full of blessing for you all!
Kerry Randall
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