How Big Is Heaven?

So here it is
The truth is, in my humanity, I can barely understand living in time and space on the surface of a tiny planet spinning around at 1,042 MPH. I am getting older and 100 years from now there will be no physical trace of me in sight. How depressing is that?
And space? The picture above does not do justice to the insignificance of our planet in the "known" universe. As big as it is, our Sun would appear the size of a pixel compared to the star Antares!
So how big is heaven? And, more importantly, where is it? Is it some parallel universe humming along with lots of inhabitants zipping around in a Jetson-Like City of flying cars weaving through crystal skyscrapers?
When Moses asked God Most High what His name was, God responded, "I AM". When the Pharisees questioned Jesus' claim that Abraham saw Jesus' Annunciation and rejoiced, Jesus responded, Before Abraham was, "I AM."
So how big is Heaven? HEAVEN IS.
In John Lennon's beautiful song "Imagine", the first line says; "Imagine there's no Heaven. It's easy if you try." The rest of the lyrics present an idyllic but sadly unrealistic picture of life on Earth with no connection to eternity. Tragically, an assassin's bullets ended Mr. Lennon's life on December 8th, 1980.
So what is time? We spend it. It passes. As soon as I say that the present time is 12:55, it is already past. The future has not arrived. The past is gone. The present is. When you gaze at the stars, you are seeing light that began it's journey hundreds of years ago. You are looking into the past.
And what about eternity? Is it a real long time? Does time fit into it? I saw a bumper sticker once that read, It's not that life's so short, it's that death's so long."
And space. Where does it end? As a child, I imagined a huge wall of boulders at the outer reaches of the Universe. In Jim Carey's movie, "The Truman Show", he finally reached the limits of his universe. And he escaped!
If only we could find a reliable witness who has visited Heaven and came back to tell us about it. All of us have heard reports of those who claim to have come near to death. Go to the light, Go to the light, they cry! Don't believe them. The Bible says that every man has one appointment with physical death. And it's not a round-trip ticket.
Be encouraged beloved as I remind you of faithful witnesses who have been to heaven and returned with a report for us.
In Chapter 12 of Paul's second letter to the church at Corinth, the Apostle tells us of a man who, 14 years earlier, was caught up into Heaven. That man was Paul himself. He may have been stoned to death (my opinion) . This man was caught up to paradise. He heard inexpressible things, things that man is not permitted to tell. "To keep me from becoming conceited because of these surpassingly great revelations, there was given me a thorn in the flesh."
What Paul saw and heard was so wonderful, so far beyond our human experience, that God had to impose this extreme sanction to keep him focused on the knowledge that "My grace is sufficient for you."
In the last two chapters of Revelation, an angel takes the Apostle John on a tour of the new Heaven and the new Earth, with special emphasis on the Holy City, the new Jerusalem. John is so overwhelmed by what he sees and especially by his traveling companion that he falls down to worship the angel. The angel sharply rebukes him; "do not do it! I am a fellow servant with you."
And so we go back to the beginning. All things are made new in Revelation. Everything that spoiled The Garden of Eden is excluded. No night. No death. Nothing impure. Satan disappears forever. No tears. No pain. We will walk with God again just as we did in Eden.
The Garden of Eden was situated at the confluence of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, in present day Iraq. It is interesting to note that Satan and his minions of evil are so active in this historic area. Since we are all descendants of Adam and Eve, we are all Iraqis!
Anyone who has traveled out of the country knows how good it feels when you return home and hand your passport to the Customs Officer. Many of these professionals have said to me, "welcome home sir."
In his letter to The Saints at Phillipi, and to us, Paul's exhortation is to press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called us Heavenward in Christ Jesus. Why Paul? Because, we are citizens of Heaven. Beloved, my U.S. passport expires in 2009, but my passport to Heaven is irrevocable. It is signed in blood.
Here is the end of the matter, beloved. For the Child of God, for the saint who has been bought with a price, you are today a citizen of Heaven. You have been sent to this far country for a short season to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ. Heaven is our home. Our return will be filled with unspeakable joy as we join those who have gone before us.
And we shall behold Him.
That was very beautiful. Thanks!
I am in tears...joyful tears! Those words were incredibly and beautifully written. And...touched on every single question that I have ever had enter my mind about heaven. As I read this...I felt nothing but complete peace...peace about where my whole family is, how they have gone before me and how we will meet again...peace for I know where my "home" is...where "our home is!!!
THANK YOU for taking the time to enlighten us...for sharing your faith with us...and for continuously teaching me!!!
God bless you and your family! We love you!
Kerry Randall
I am but a living soul in this body. Healing or no-healing, Our Great and Wonderful Father has provided His presence to us, not merely to escape the troubles touching our life. He is very much there through the troubles of this life, giving me hope to join Him in the days ahead. Tenderly and very securely He holds on to me with His love, His forgiveness, and His power.
(L. Richards)
Your description of heaven is wonderful and it is easy to picture our home. Thank you! Anne Graham Lotz (Billy Graham's daughter) is also a great "illustrator" of heaven in her "Vision of His Glory" tape series. Her study of Revelation makes you wish you were in heaven right now but, helps you to see God's plan and purpose for us and the hope He holds for us while still here on earth. "Hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us." Romans 5:5
Press on dear believers!
I love what you wrote. I firmly believe there is a lot more to look forward to after this life. This is a temporary journey here on earth and our real home awaits us.
Very beautiful entry. Tho I think if Paul can go to heaven and return to talk about it, and Moses and Elijah could return to meet with Jesus, it might be possible for others to be taken to the doorstep, yet not enter Heaven for good at this time. I agree, the Bible says it is appointed for man to die but once, but near death experiences might be just that… NEAR death, but not really death. Yet near enough that God allows some to visit Heaven and come back. The Bible says we die once, but not that we can only travel to Heaven once.
As evidence, I would submit a dear friend of mine who was 15 years old when he had his Heaven experience. He was only a Christian for a couple of years at that point, but his heart stopped for several minutes. He reports that he saw himself on the ER table and floated thru the several layers of the hospital which he had never been in, yet was able to describe with great detail the many different floors of the hospital and the equipment on each floor. (He later described that equipment to the hospital staff working to save his life, and they were astounded that he could have knowledge of what was on all those floors above him.)
Once in Heaven, he said he was amazed that he KNEW everyone he saw. The reason being he later reasoned was that the Bible promises us, “We shall KNOW as WE are known.” So it was like EVERYONE in Heaven was his best friend. He could see in their faces not only the beautiful NEW body we are given, but also the face that person had his/her entire life on earth. In other words, he could see the new born face of that person; right on to the day that person grew old and died … and all the faces in-between.
Also, he told me that Heaven has MANY MANY more colors than we have on earth. Recently, I saw a report on TV about people who “died” and went to Heaven, then came back. A little girl of about age 10 reported that she TOO saw MANY more colors than we have on earth. My question to you then is, how can two people, separated by 35 years and who never met each other, report that same little detail about Heaven?
My friend told me he saw Jesus sitting on the throne. (The little girl said the same thing.)
My friend told me he heard music everywhere. (The little girl said music came out of the flowers in Heaven.)
My friend also reported that JESUS WAS the light. And that it was uniformly even everywhere. Just as the Bible promises.
Incidentally, my friend told me that he was extremely light in Heaven. Coincidentally, doctors have discovered that the human body looses a couple of ounces of weight immediately upon death. In other words, those few ounces our bodies lose as we die, seem to be the weight of our new bodies. (Just my theory anyway.)
I could go on and on, but bottom line is, he had WAY too many details to report about Heaven for it to be made up in his head. And when he came back, he didn’t experience the awakening you and I have from a dream where we wake up and realize, it all seemed real AT THE TIME, but NOW we could understand it was a dream. For him, the coming back part seemed like it was unreal, and Heaven was MORE real than living here on Earth. He says it was the most vivid experience he has ever had in his life. It was not like a wispy dream.
He is also a rock solid Christian, and has been all his life. He believes that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. No one can come to the Father except thru believing in Him.
So take this story for what it’s worth. But I am convinced after knowing this good Christian man since my college days when we both attended Bible college, he is telling the truth and nothing he’s told me conflicts with solid Bible truth.
God bless.
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