
Nancy called to say she was going over to Val's to brainstorm our plans for future treatment. The issues are; pain management, chemotherapy, other cancer therapies, PET/CT, liver re-section, stent management, diet and exercise, getting enough R & R while juggling a family with excessive testosterone levels, and attitude.
Pain management: This continues to be our biggest problem. It drains you of energy and takes your fighting spirit away. Today is the last treatment of infusion antibiotics. We are looking forward to getting beyond them.
Chemotherapy: We are not happy with USC and will be leaving them soon. Local treatment would be great but we also have the option of going back to Dr. Drazin at Cedars. MEK Inhibitors have also been mentioned by Dr. Lenz. We are scheduled to go up to USC for chemotherapy this Thursday. Pray that we can get there for infusion and get back on oral Tarceva also.
Other cancer therapies: Interventional radiology, Cyberknife, and chemo embolization should be investigated.
PET/CT: In spite of Dr. Lenz' objections, we should always get a PET/CT instead of a CT only. We must schedule a PET in the next few weeks.
Liver re-section: This is always our goal. Since the liver regenerates itself, if we can get one lobe cancer free, this is the final cure.
Stent management: We will definitely use Dr. Lo at Cedars for this. We will be scheduling the next ERCP now. They want to do this every three months. This could be a stretch for Val in terms of blood infections. Please pray that we can get through this period infection free.
Diet, exercise, attitude, and management of excessive testosterone levels in the McCrea house: A huge challenge!
As we rush headlong into the holidays, the order of the day should be; do less!
Your prayers and suggestions are always appreciated. Pray for us as we move forward with confidence in our goal of ridding our dear Valerie of this disease. God Most High is with us and nothing can stand against us.
Your fellow soldier and servant of Jesus Christ
CyberKnife Info:
CyberKnife Frameless Stereotactic Radiosurgery
CyberKnife - Precise Radiation Treatment
The CyberKnife was invented at Stanford and is considered a major advance in the radiological treatment of cancer.
This device is commonly used for treatment of tumors in the brain or the base of the skull. Physicians at the Stanford Comprehensive Cancer Center also have experience using the CyberKnife to treat cancers of the pancreas, prostate and lungs.
With more experience than anyone in the world using the CyberKnife to deliver stereotactic radiosurgery, the Stanford CyberKnife Treatment Center is able to provide cutting-edge radiotherapy treatment for a wider variety of cancers than any other center.
CyberKnife stereotactic radiosurgery uses computer technology that allows doctors to deliver radiation with unprecedented precision, and without uncomfortable screws or frames that were previously used to immobilize patients during treatment.
Hey Val;
Know that you can count on us for anything, should it be baby-sitting, christmas shopping... whatever! We love to shop, you know that, so if you want, give me your list and I'll get her done... More than that, I'm here should you need prayer, worship, or a shoulder to rest on... I know the other girls are ready too, we just love you soo soo much, and truly there is nothing we wouldn't do to help bear your burden. Most of all we will be on our knees praying for your healing!! I had this wonderful dream the other night, and in it you just looked so amazingly healthy, just like before all this... I'll take that as God's promise of restoration and healing, how about that?
Love you, miss you, thinking about you, praying for you!!
Love, Osil
Val & Chris - There are some Interventional Radiologists out there that specialize and/or have an interest in Interventional Oncology. From my experience I have seen them involved with embolization, chemo embolization, radiofrequency ablation, cryo ablation and microsphere therapy.
I have put some calls out for some names and will let you know what I find out. They too may be key for alternative options for your pain management as well.
Thinking of you, Lara
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