Follow Me

When the Lord was with us here on Earth, His command was simple. Follow me. He has and will always leads us in the right direction.
Today is no exception.
The door to Cedars Sinai closed this morning. Immediately, we made the decision to have the ERCP stent procedure done at USC. It is scheduled for tomorrow morning.
I caught up with Val and Julie a few minutes ago. They were down in the sunny garden area of the USC Quad having an outdoor barbeque. Chris is en route to LA as we speak. we have a hotel booked 3 miles from USC for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. I think Julie is going to head back to San Luis Obispo soon.
Val is very anxious to see her boys. We are going to try and get them up there this weekend.
Pray for Val as she has this procedure tomorrow morning early. Pray for wisdom in deciding what to do about the infusion port. Pray for travel safety for all. Pray also for Char's husband Michael. He had to go to St. Thomas for treatment of swollen joints. They ruled out Dengue Fever (mosquito borne) and think it is a virus.
We will be praying and praying and praying! We already know that God has heard!
The Ensor's
Oh My! I usually never miss a blog but you all have been blogging religiously over the last few days! Tears of joy run down my cheeks right now as I just read the words...THE TUMORS ARE SHRINKING! Thank you God!
The Ensor's
Praying daily for you Val and your family.
With love,
Bea Arnold and family
I will be praying for you tomorrow morning at 6:30am PST as you go in for the Stent replacement procedure. I pray that this procedure is done skillfully and that the physicians resolve the culprit of this infection. I am glad that you have Chris there and that the boys will be there this weekend
May your spirits be lifted and your radiant smile placed back on your beautiful face.
You have an incredible sister to drive up there and forgo Halloween with her kids. I can only imagine how much she loves you and wants to see you get well.
I pray for peace of mind for you and for your laughter to return. You have such a fun way that you look at the world around you.
Remember that God is with you every step of the way.............
He will be there with you when you go in for the procedure in the morning with his arms wrapped securely around you.
Remember you are never alone.
I miss you Val,
Dear Ones,
You don't know me, but a friend of mine asked me to pray for you about 2 months ago and so I have been. As a matter of fact, you are so on my heart and mind that I even dreamed of your family last night. It was a good dream and honoring to God.
Please know that you are touching the lives of many. Yet, I am sorry that your family has to go through this. Your testimony has been a great witness to God's grace, faithfulness and steadfast love. I'm not sure of the spiritual heart of my friend, but I am sure that you are making an impact on her. Know that your faith is obvious to others and that God is being glorified through all of these many hardships. I believe that you have tried to find joy in every circumstance and that you are holding tight to the One that offers peace.
While I will probably not meet you here on this earth, I am confident that we will be worshiping our Lord together one day.
Peace unto you.
Heather Rice
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