Sunday, November 05, 2006

Sunday Morning at the McCreas

The day starts early here. Tyler is up and at em no later than six. And he didn't go to bed last night until 9:30.

Both of Val's stents were replaced late Friday by Dr. Yang at USC. One was completely blocked and the other was partially blocked. ERCP Post-Op is painful because the abdomen has to be inflated like a balloon to perform the necessary work.

Mitzi, Kerry and Tami, took Ryan and Gavin up to visit mom yesterday. Chris has been there since Thursday when Julie left. Good soldiers all.

Thanks to all who have faithfully provided evening meals to us all week. They were delicious.

Val is hoping to come home this morning. The decision hinges on the Bilirubin Count, a measure of liver function. Yesterday her count was 3.0. This isn't bad, but it wasn't great . They are looking for a trend down.

The docs are pretty certain that the stents were the reason for the blood infection. I don't think there is any plan to remove the chemo port at this time.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Val! Just thinking of you. I am glad to hear the surgery was successful. I hope you will be feeling better soon. I saw the boys on Halloween and they looked so cute! We misplaced Ethan's costume so he had to trick or treat with just a sword. (He was supposed to be a samurai) Ah well. I hope you are able to come home soon and be with your family. We are all thinking good thoughts for you here! Lots-o-love, neighbor Maria

3:43 PM  

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