A Hard Week Past And Another On The Near Horizon

The past week has been hard.
Bloodwork prior to Chemo last Thursday at USC showed an elevated Bilirubin (3.5), elevated liver enzymes (138 ALT, 203AST), and low Hemoglobin (8.9). Val's weight was down from 122 to 117. She was jaundiced.
She was transfused with (2) units of whole blood on Friday at Pomerado. Her Bilirubin crept up to 4.4. She had an ultra sound.
On Sunday, members from Val's church, The Movement, came to her house to pray for her and Chris.
And then came Monday. Another blood test. The Bili. dropped to 3.6 (good). The liver enzymes plummeted to ALT 86 and AST 77 (epic!).
Prayers change things!
Monday got tougher, however, when Val learned that Kelly Lester, a cholangio patient she knew from Houton, died.
Char spent time on the phone with Simon Lo, Val's stent doc at Cedars. He is concerned and wanted to see her ASAP. Val has an appointment next Monday at 6 am for another ERCP procedure. Please pray for Val's determination as this is a tough road to travel. I am confident, however, that Dr. Lo will be able to correct some things.
Since pain continues to be huge problem, Char is also going to talk to Dr. Lo about a Celiac Block for pain management.
Next Thursday, we are scheduled back to USC for Chemo 26 at 8:30 am.
A tough two weeks for Val. She is a warrior.
Val, you are so strong. Your determination and will are such an inspiration. I admire you so much. And I pray for you to be well every single day. God Bless you and your loving family!
Dear Val,
My husband was diagnosed with this disease in Dec.2004. January 31 will be the second anniversary of his whipple surgery. On August 28 of this year he had a recurrence with mets to his liver, bones and lymph. If you saw him you would never believe any of this is going on. Like you, we are true believers in the healing power of the most high God. I read your blog and am constantly encouraged by your unwavering faith. I walk in victory knowing that God is in control. This is only a test. Remember, we war not against flesh and blood. But more importantly remember that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but are mighty to the pulling down of strongholds. I was filled with joy when I read your testimony tonight and I stand and agree with you for your healing.
God Bles you and your family,
Belena Turner(belenaturn@aol.com)
Dearest Val, Chris and Family...
It has been said many times, but you are by far truely amazing in your strength, your faith and your determination. I pray for you and your family everyday. You are always in my thoughts in everything I do, words I speak, actions I take. We miss you guys and will continue to offer our support. Thanks you to everyone that can offer help and support on a daily basis. Lots of Love sent your way...
Val, you are such a strong woman. You are so blessed to have such a wonderful husband, children, and family. You are in our thoughts and prayers daily. God is with you through this battle. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Eat lots of yummy food and get the weight back up!!!
Dear Val,
You are so brave and are fighting the good fight. My thoughts and prayers are with you always. God would never leave you alone on this journey. Love you!!!
Aunt Judy
Dear McCreas -
As always, I am thinking of you. Thank you so much for keeping us up to date. These blogs give me such inspiration.
My best wishes for a wonderful Thanksgiving. I am just happy to have another Thanksgiving in my life as I thought last year would be my last one. But we're still here!
I am feeling so sad about Kelly Lester. She seemed to be at peace. I will miss her posts, but I think I can feel her spirit with us.
Love and prayers to all of you,
Caroline Stoufer
I am so very sorry to hear that you have had to endure so much these past few weeks. I know how hard you try to put one foot in front of the other each day. You never complain and always find a silver lining in each day.
I pray that you have a blessed Thanksgiving with your family.
I am really looking forward to seeing you in a couple of weeks.
Gobble, Gobble...............
I love you buddy,
Bless you my friend! I know these last few weeks have been trying and exhausting for you. Yet, you have perservered and conquered the battles you have faced with grace, courage, and faith! Just like you always do! There is NOTHING that you can't do Val! With your determination and positive attitude...and our Father walking this journey with you, you will always come out on top!
As always, our prayers remain steadfast for you and your family.
All my love,
Kerry Randall
Dear Val,
I am so sorry the past week has been so hard for you. I wanted to take a moment to let you know that as always you are in my thoughts and prayers. Especially at Thanksgiving I am thanking God for you and the many lives you continue to touch. Since you have had two of your boys in kindergarten with me, you know that I have a song for everything, so of course I have a song for today. I’m sure that the artist wouldn’t mind that I’ve personalized it for you... Nicole C. Mullen - Call On Jesus
“…Val has never walked on water
She has never calmed a storm
Sometimes she feels like hiding away from the madness around her
Like a child who's afraid of the dark
But when Val calls on Jesus
All things are possible
She can mount on wings like eagles and soar
When she calls on Jesus
Mountains are gonna fall
'Cause He'll move heaven and earth to come rescue Val when she calls…”
Believing that Jesus will indeed cause the mountains to fall and will indeed rescue you,
Ginny McMillan
My sweet friend;
Praying you are having a good Thanksgiving with your family... I too thank the Lord for you this Thanksgiving, for giving me a great friend, for letting me learn so much from you and through you, for letting me experience the true meaning of family when mine is so far away... and I thank Him for all that He is yet to do for you and through you and your family... When we were praying last Sunday at your house I heard Him so clearly say the simple words over and over again... Trust ME! Trust ME! It's weird when you hear the Lord, cause in my own human mind I think it's just my own imagination... then it gets louder and louder, and then if I don't say it He says "Say It!!" It was simple words this time.. but the peace I felt for you was profound... He is the one that will heal you... Trust in Him, cling to Him...
"I lay my life in your mighty hands,
You're guiding me through, according to your plan..
so wherever I go and whatever I do, I know you're in control, I surrender my life to you..."
I love you, Val!!! Rest in His mighty hands, and let Him carry you through this week and the next... even though it doesn;t seem like it sometimes, He is in control...
Hey, if we don;t see you at church Sunday, we'll bring church to you again! We were so blessed last time... thank you for having us!
I have been thinking of you every day and praying for a blessed Thanksgiving for you and your family. I have been busy scrap booking and would love to work on our pictures together when you have the time.
Val- I know everyday is a challenge and you are fighting this battle with such strength and determination. I read the blog daily and the words that are written are so encouraging from your family and friends and all who just love you so much. The people who support you are so special in many ways and God continues to weave his fabric of love in your life. That's what so amazing is the amount of LOVE you share with others. There is so much love surrounding you and I believe it comes from God! God wants to share his love with you through others and it's evident in countless ways.
My sweet, dear friend I too love you very much and I pray for you with my heart and soul that you are healed completely and that the hard times go away and life becomes easier for you day after day. And that God blesses you this holiday season with good times for you and your family.
Your friend always!
What a nice message from Deanna. She is such a good friend and cares about you very much! She is fortunate to live close by you as well as Osil and Kerry and everyone who loves you and wants to see the cancer go away. That's right Cancer you need to pack your bags and leave. Are you listening? We are done with you.
We all want you to have peace and comfort each day. Please know that you are in all of our prayers each day and we are all on your side......
I am thinking about you today and wishing for you a painfree procedure tomorrow.
May you feel the love surround you as you awake tomorrow and head up north.
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