Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2007

I know it has been a long time since I have blogged. My computer has issues. I can't always get on line. Anyway, I went up to USC on Wednesday of this week for a CAT scan, spent the night up there (went to a nice dinner with Chris) and met with Dr. Lenz the next day. Dr Lenz said my bigger tumor looked stable but the radiologist said in the posterier part of the liver it was hard to tell if it was inflamed or the tumors had grown. He was leaning towards inflamation because no other tumors had grown and my liver panel looked good. I will be able to get the full report on Tuesday. The stents can cause inflammation.
My bilirubin was 1.9 which is good. ALT 39 AST 42. platletes 241. My WBC is 12.2 which is high meaning I just finished fighting a bug or I could have something lingering. So I am laying low and out of crowds.
I have been feeling good. My only complaint is fatigue. Some mornings it really takes me a while to get going. I have been taking:
All my vitamins
Alot of these help with fatigue. Looking forward to Christmas and the New Year with my family.
Thank you to ALL of who have been bringing dinners. They really have been helping out. My 3 boys and husband go through a whole box of cereal in one morning so you can imagine the food requirements around here.
I wish you all a very Merry Christmas!!!~!
Love you all,
P.S. from mom:
The photo was taken on Christmas Eve 1968 by the Apollo 8 astronauts as they circled the moon. The astronauts read the first 10 verses of Genesis as the Earth rose above the Lunar surface. Christmas Eve 1968 was very special to us also. God Most High had blessed us with the birth of our first daughter, Valerie, just two months earlier. Just as God created light on the Earth, He created light in our life when all our children were born. You can listen to the astronauts' transmission to Earth at
I wish you and your entire family a very blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year. It is so good to hear from you.
I pray that you will have a wonderful Christmas with your family. I imagine they are so excited to see what Santa has brought them especially Ryan and Gavin. The baby will be in the mix probably trying to open everyone's presents. He is so cute!
My prayer for you is a healthy 2007.
I want you to feel good and be well.
Merry Christmas Val,
Jingle, Jingle.................
I love you!
Val & Family,
You have all been heavy on my heart and in my prayers throughout this year! You are a beautiful family and inspiration to all.
Wishing you a pain-free and very Merry Christmas filled with love and joy.
Best to you all in the upcoming year!
With Love,
Lainie Hulse
Have wonderful, happy holidays with your family! I hope you are free from pain and worry so you can focus only on enjoying yourself.
We go through a box of cereal a day too - and I have three girls! It's hard to keep enough food in the house to feed them all, huh?
Happy New Year too!
I hope you have a very Merry Christmas with your family and pray for you to have a happy and Healthy new year. God Bless you and your family!
Merry Christmas to you Val and your whole family! I am soooooo glad that we got to see you on Christmas were beautiful as usual!
As are in our prayers constantly. I am thrilled that all of your "numbers" are looking good...we will keep praying for the WBC to come on down! You keep resting and taking care of yourself...and if you need any help at all...CALL!!! We are here!
We love you to you soon!
Kerry Randall
Dear Val and Chris -
You 2 are always in our thoughts and prayers. Merry Christmas. We love you and your family and miss you so much. On Christmas Eve, we had the soup (sausage/tortellini) that you shared with us when we stayed in California for Christmas when Corinne was born. It brought back such happy memories of our days in Escondido with y'all. Hope your New Year brings healing, healing, and nothing less than perfect healing.
Eric and Laura
Ruth is with me in Michigan and we wanted to say hello. She doesn't know how to blog so I am blogging for her. She misses you and sends her love to you.
Call us tomorrow if you feel better,
We want to say hello.
I'm thinking and praying for you.
I pray that your pain goes away and you feel better soon.
I miss and love you!
Val, Have a wonderful New Year! Your old pal Valerie Persichetti
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