Wednesday, November 02, 2005

The Fast Track

This often overused phrase is usually applied in the business world to describe a project that is pushed too fast. The normal result is cost over runs, scope creep, and not enough attention to detail.

Not so in the affliction of Valerie McCrea. Delivered the results of a pathology report on
Friday, October 21st at 6 pm.

Val, Tyler, and I went to Ryan's soccer game the next morning. A damp and rainy day. I could not help but watch Val as she sat on the sidelines. Trying to focus on the game, I am sure her mind and spirit was in another place.

After receiving the news of Val's affliction, my sister Charlene, at her home in Colorado, stayed on the internet until 4 am getting educated on the nature of the disease.

Char landed in San Diego on Monday the 24th and has been here ever since. Since then, she has been pushing the wheels of the medical community faster than they want to turn. Possibly faster than they have ever turned before.

The result? Today, after a long three days in LA at UCLA Medical Center and Cedars Sinai, I am confident that Val, Char, Chris, and Nancy will roll into San Marcos with a solid battle plan to fight this fearsome enemy.

The progress made from that dark Friday to this morning is the result of your prayers for God's intervention and the human spirit that has propelled this journey so fast and so far.

I always knew my sister Char had a big heart and consummate skills in the business world. But her leadership in carrying us so fast and so far has, to borrow another overused phrase from the business world, "exceeded expectations."

Jesus is our best example of the fast track. In Mark's Gospel (10:17), a rich young man saw Jesus on the road, ran up to Him, fell on his knees, and asked,"Good teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?" Jesus looked at him and loved him.
Jesus reply to his question: "Go sell everything you have and give it to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me." At this the man's face fell. He went away sad, because he had great wealth.

Having great wealth was not the issue. But Jesus looked into this man's heart and saw that it was a wall separating him from the Life of God. The only fast track solution was to knock it down.

To all the Saints of God most High who have been praying for Valerie, thank you.

Continue to Pray that God will give us and the Medical Professionals the right protocol and surgical procedures to defeat this cancer.
Posted by Richard Sloan


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