I have been blindsided by events of epic proportion three times in my life; The assassination of JFK, 911, and the 10/21/05 diagnosis of cholangiocarcinoma.
We christians have this horribly flawed condition of wanting to know why bad things happen. Did I do something wrong? Is God trying to shape me up? Beloved, these thoughts are not from God Most High. They are worldly, hellish. The truth is; "For now, we see through a glass, darkly, now I know in part".
All I know for sure is this; Nothing blindsides Jesus: Jesus is at work in Val's life every day: Jesus is the author of "the now" and "the then" that Paul describes in 1st Corinthians. "For now, we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then I shall know even as also I am known."
Tomorrow, 9/11, is a huge milestone in our journey to defeat this enemy. Val, Chris, and Mary Ann are traveling to Cedars Sinai this afternoon. At 8:30 am, An ERCP will be performed by Dr. Simon Lo (one of the top docs in this speciality) to replace Val's stent and have a look around in her liver. He may also perform a celiac nerve block to alleviate pain. Val will also be meeting with Dr. Drazin, her Cedars Oncologist. Please pray for supernatural skills for Dr. Lo. Pray also for Chris. He suffered a flare up of his Crohn's disease this week that required emergency hospitalization.
After Jesus called Phillip, he found Nathaniel and told him that Messiah was here. Nathaniel's scornful response; "can any good thing come out of Nazareth?" When Nathaniel met Jesus, who already knew his name and had seen him standing under a fig tree, he realized that this man had knowledge and vision beyond the physical and declared, "Rabbi, you are the Son of God."
Jesus' response; you believe because of what I said? Just wait and see what I am going to do.
His message is the same to us today, beloved.
Just wait and see what I am going to do. You just wait!
There is a verse in the hymn "Immortal Invisible" that goes like this; "unresting, unhasting, and silent as light, nor wanting nor wasting, thou rulest in might."
As long as this battle continues, there is no place for the word "burned out". God Most High doesn't recognize the concept. On the contrary, His promise from Isaiah 40:31 is clear: "Those who wait for the Lord will gain new strength; they will mount up with wings like eagles, they will run and not get tired, they will walk and not become weary."
Val and Chris..
I was soooo excited to see you guys at church today... that message was meant for you! I know you are gonna finish this race strong, and we are all gonna be there cheering you on... I see that one of the verses your dad posted is the same one Barry read at the end of the service. Take that my friends as His message to you... He is with you on this journey, every step of the way - your spiritual coach... He will see you through to victory! I love you guys, and as I said, I would love to play with baby Tyler, and the other boys too should the need come up for a good nap... especially in the afternoons after Dawn leaves and on the weekends... whats on or two or three more, ha?? I would truly love it, and it would bless me more than it would bless you... I miss those baby days, you know:) I pray that all will go well tomorrow, and that you will return home pain free, fever free with your spirits lifted and your hope restored!!! I am so gald Maryanne is here, that will be great for you...
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