
In The Book of The Judges, The Midianites and Amalekites joined forces in The Valley of Jezreel to wage war against God's people. Militarily, the Israelites had no chance. But The angel of The Lord appeared to Gideon and assured him of victory.
Gideon was too afraid to take God at His word. He laid a fleece outside and asked God to keep the ground dry while the fleece was covered with evening dew. God agreed and in the morning the ground was dry. Not convinced, the next day Gideon asked for the opposite. Keep the fleece dry and wet the ground with dew. Again, God performed this miracle.
It took three direct encounters with The God of Heaven before Gideon was moved to action and defeated the enemy.
What about us? We are afraid of an enemy encamped in The Valley of Jezreel. Like Israel, we have no chance unless God intervenes. Why not ask God for miraculous signs?
The answer is simple, beloved. Because we have not asked Him for signs, he has given them to us. Val, Chris, and Jeff went to USC yesterday. The results: Her boodwork was good. Her weight has increased from a low of 110 pounds to 114.4. But most significant of all was Dr. Lenz' statement about how surprised he is that her cancer has not grown since the original CT done last year. Val is scheduled to resume her chemotherapy next Thursday.
Several days ago, Nancy was praying and through the eyes of faith had a vision of Valerie; healthy, walking out of church holding the hands of her children. She claimed that prophetic picture to be hers. And our God will make it so.
Pray for Val's continuing battle with pain and fatigue. They go hand in hand. Anyone who has struggled with chronic pain knows that it saps your energy and affects your outlook on life. Pray also that Val continues to gain weight. Our target is 125 pounds.
Pray for Chris also. He continues to struggle with Crohn's and back/nerve pain.
She will walk, with her health, with those children...that is our vision, we will see that image in our minds eye EVERY DAY. We continue to pray for all of you. Medical Marijuana will help ease the pain, allow the mind to rest and will definitely increase the may be a good choice. Foot reflexology should also be considered.
In his love,
A faithful friend of a friend :)
My Friend Val,
You are a ray of sun shine,
You are a breath of fresh air,
You are a glorious spirit,
You are a wonderful mother,
You are a caring friend,
You are strong,
You are courageous,
You are insightful,
You are compansionate to all who meet you,
You are an old soul,
You are a true friend,
You are joy and laughter on a sunny day,
You are intelligent,
You are beautiful
You are going to beat this. See it, own it, digest it, sleep it. You will beat this. I see you getting better and I see you beating this...........It will happen.
I want you to know how much I enjoyed spending quality time with you, Chris, your parents, Dawn and those beautiful, sweet boys of yours this past week. It was a gift to me to be able to hang out and just be. I can't get over how grown up Ryan and Gavin are getting. And Tyler.....he has sunshine in his eyes and joy in each step he takes. When he wakes up the first thing he says quite loudly is Mama. He runs to your room and wants to start the day even at 5:30am. Ryan and Gavin are very sensitive good boys. I miss them already..............
I am picturing you well. I am willing you well.
Get your rest and remember baby steps..Put one foot in front of the other each day.
Val will be healthy again! Prayers will be stronger than ever. loe to you all. VP
Oh Val...your mom's vision is so awesome...and so true! She has claimed it you do the same...we all will! We KNOW you will walk completely healed, in victory...and all for the glory of God!
Lord we pray that you deliver Val from all pain and fatigue, that every piece of food that enters her body will nourish and bring her back to perfect health, that her mind, body and soul are protected by You and that only peace fills her and her family. We pray for Chris, that his pain will vanish from his body also...that his health will be restored and that only peace fills his heart. We pray all of this in Your name...
Don (one of our pastors) sang this song for me at one of our group meetings...the words are simple...and beautiful...
"His road stretches through the mire;
His arms wait for the tired;
Everyone who runs to You makes it,
Everyone who runs to You makes it..."
Run Val...He is running with you...we are all running to Him in your WILL make it to that "winner's circle"!
All our love and prayers,
Kerry Randall
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