How Then shall We Live?

Many of you have posted comments assuring us that Val will be healed. And you are right. But the truth, beloved, is that we just don't know if this will manifest itself by the hand of God reaching down to tear this disease out of Val's body. This is the daily prayer of our heart and we honor God by laying it at His throne. He never tires of repetition.
But we who are close know that this enemy, cholangiocarcinoma, is a deadly adversary. The medical world consider it a terminal cancer. Treatable, but not curable. I wish I could find just one five-year survivor on the planet.
There are no shortage of voices screaming at us from Germany, Mexico, or Thailand that they alone have the magic bullet cure. Some even suggest a conspiracy theory, claiming that the medical community is trying to hide these "cures".
At the risk of being harsh, the words of Jude 1:12 apply to those who push miracle cures; These men are shepherds who feed only themselves. Clouds without rain, blown along by the wind; autumn trees, without fruit and uprooted—twice dead.
As Yoda would say, discouraged are you? Don't be. We lift up our eyes unto the hills and ask, From whence comest our help? Our help cometh from the Lord, Creator of Heaven and Earth.
On this second day of 2007, consider the question posed by Francis Schaeffer, "How Then Shall We Live." The answer is simple. Live with purpose. Live life to fulfill your destiny. Live life as a journey. Every day, every hour. Look for the hand of God at work. King David spoke truth when he said, "better is one day in your house than thousands elsewhere."
The Apostle Paul understood this. He left us a trail of cookie crumbs to follow.
In the city of Troas, close to modern Istanbul, the Apostle, knowing that he would leave these Macedonians the next day and never see them again in this life, spoke until midnight in a heated upper room. A young man named Eutychus, sitting in the window, fell asleep and plunged to his death. Paul went down, threw himself on the young man and said, "don't be alarmed. He is alive!"
Had we been there that night, I am sure we would have seen the friends and relatives of Eutychus run down to the street ahead of Paul, only to find the broken body of a young man who, moments ago, was alive and vibrant. The Apostle, on the other hand, would certainly have stayed behind to petition the source of all power for guidance. I am sure that God Most High spoke audibly to Paul with detailed instructions on how to bring this man back to life.
Then they went upstairs again and broke bread and ate. After talking until daylight, he left. The people took the young man home alive and were greatly comforted.
Paul lived his life as a man of destiny. These would prove to be his last days of freedom. God had made it clear that he was to go to Rome by way of Jerusalem. He faced lynch mobs, a treacherous sea journey and imprisonment in Nero's Rome. And from his cell in The Mammartine Prison, he wrote what should be every christian's confession:
For me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.
This is no death wish, only a statement of fact. Paul's life, my life, your life, Val's life is in the hands of God Most High, the Ancient of Days. Those who confess that Jesus is Lord are children of destiny. Every day. Every hour. Until Jesus returns or we go to be with Him.
And so we are back to the beginning beloved. Pray continuously that God would wrench this enemy from Val's body to His praise and glory. He never tires or grows weary of repetition.
Richard - I think this posting meant more to me than anything you have ever put on this blog. Well said and so very much appreciated.
I know that anyone that reads this will have their spirits lifted.
God bless you and your entire family.
Betty Johnson
I agree with Mrs. Johnson. Your words have touched me so deeply this morning. I don't think I even have any words that can express what it is that I am thinking...except that I believe every word that you wrote. We pray unceasingly for what our hearts desire...ultimately though...our glorious Father is the only one who knows what is best for all of us. And KNOWING that He only has good and gracious plans for the most reassuring TRUTH we have! His plan is may not always seem so to our human eyes...but it is so, never-the-less!
Lord...we trust You...we put all of our faith in You alone. We seek your infinite wisdom and believe that You can do all things!We place the McCrea family at your feet...bless them Lord! We ask that You carry dear Val...your beautiful daughter...and again ask that you heal her completely Lord! We know You love her so much more than we could ever understand...she is your child...protect her and bring her perfect peace! Pour grace out upon this entire family! We come to You humbly Lord and ask this in Jesus name...
We love you all so much!
Kerry Randall
Sweet Val,
I'll be praying for you tomorrow, for wisdom for the doctor, for your "team", but most of all for that peace that surpasses all understanding, that only He can give you... the joy that only He can fill you with, even in tribulation, and I will pray that He will restore your hope in Him, increasing your faith and knowledge that He truly is in control, that He loves you more that anyone has ever or ever will love you, even though He is the one that knows you the best...
"Father, I pray that You, our God of hope, would fill Valerie and her family with all joy and peace, as they believe in You, so that they will abound in hope, by the power of the Holy Spirit... Thank you that You hold her in the palm of your hand, and that you are with her every step on the way..."
I love you Val!!! You're my hero!!
Your friend,
Good luck today Val. We are all praying for you every day! Your strength inspires us all.
The Lawrence's
May you have peace and comfort today in your treatment. I am praying for your pain to be resolved with the pain specialist today.
God is with you today and everday.
I love you Val,
I'm thinking of you and praying for the doctors to provide you with the right information.
It breaks my heart to hear you're struggling with pain and I want so much for you to feel comfortable and good again. I'm asking God to guide you to the right pain specialist that can help achieve the best plan for you.
Stay strong and I hope and pray that you are able to have a easy recovery from your treatment today. We will never know the challenges you are faced with and can only imagine what it feels like. Rest in God's hands and allow him to guide you while making decisions along the way. He knows you inside and out and loves you more than you could ever imagine.
I love you~
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