Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Life As we Know It

In his fantasy "The Great Divorce", C.S. Lewis allows us to eavesdrop on a conversation between George MacDonald, one of the solid people, and a ghost visiting the Great Land.

Speaking about our memories of life on Earth, George says, "That is what mortals misunderstand. We say of some present suffering, 'no future bliss can make up for it,' not knowing that Heaven, once attained will work backwards and turn that pain into glory. The good man's past begins to change. Remembered sorrows take on the quality of Heaven. And that is why, at the end of all things, when the sun begins to rise in the darkness, the Blessed will say, we have always lived in Heaven."

"Ah, the saved...what happens to them is best described as the opposite of a mirage. What seemed, when they entered it, to be the veil of misery turns out, when they look back, to have been a well: and where present experience saw only salt deserts memory truthfully records that the pools were full of water."

It should not be odd to us that the voices of wise men through the ages have echoed the truth that God Most High has revealed to us. Concerning all things that come into the lives of God's people, Paul's letter to the Saints in Rome says, " And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose".

Val, first and foremost you are a beloved child of God Most High. You were a gift from His hand to your mom and I. Although our love for you is great, His is greater. We can share your pain and struggles, but only up to a point. The Lord Jesus, on the other hand, can and does embrace it fully. He alone is able to do this because He knows from experience the sufferings of man.

Posted by Richard Sloan


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The McCrea family we are keeping you in our daily prayers that Val's tumurs are able to shrink. There is so much strength be aimed your way Val. You will do just fine. I love you! Valerie P

5:05 PM  
Blogger Osil said...

Who am I, that the Lord of all the earth
Would care to know my name
Would care to feel my hurt
Who am I, that the Bright and Morning Star
Would choose to light the way
For my ever wandering heart

Not because of who I am
But because of what You've done
Not because of what I've done
But because of who You are

I am a flower quickly fading
Here today and gone tomorrow
A wave tossed in the ocean
A vapor in the wind
Still You hear me when I'm calling
Lord, You catch me when I'm falling
And You've told me who I am
I am Yours, I am Yours

Who Am I, that the eyes that see my sin
Would look on me with love and watch me rise again
Who Am I, that the voice that calmed the sea
Would call out through the rain
And calm the storm in me

I am Yours
Whom shall I fear
Whom shall I fear
'Cause I am Yours
I am Yours

Val, it's amazing how every song I hear now reminds me of you. You have no idea how much you have impacted our lives, our faith, our perspective. I am forever greatful to have gotten to know you, and I can't wait to get to know you even better. Stay strong, my friend, and on those days you feel weak, let Jesus carry you for a bit, so that you can gather your strength again. See you soon! Love Osil

9:52 PM  

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