Thank You!!!
Thank you to:
*To my husband whom I love dearly (we just celebrated 10 years of marriage). He is holding our family together.
*My Mom and Dad who have been living this cancer with me since OCT. They have been my life line.
* Thank you to my dear sister Julie, whom I miss dearly because she lives in San Francisco. She and Chad have been responsible for this whole blog and many other sources of help and information.
*Thank you to Paul my brother who comes over and helps with my boys. He also lets them spend the night at his house. Total Terror!!!! ha ha.
*Thanks to my brother Jeff for his prayers and support. He has his whole church praying for me! I miss him. He lives in AL.
*Aunt Char who with time, energy and love has moved mountains for me in the area of research, insurance, appointments with doctors across the country. I love you Char!
*Thank you to Dawn (my nanny). She has a gentle calming spirit and my kids love her!
I do not know how I would have gotten through this last 4 months w/o her.
*All my Mom's in Touch gals for prayers gifts, unconditional love and friendship.
*For all my friends that help me with the kids when I am out of town.
*Thank you for ALL the meals that have been delivered. They have saved me. As you can imagine 4 boys in my house eat a lot.
*Brian Stiver my boss who has visited me every time I have had Chemo in L.A. and helped us with Avastin problems.
*All my friends at work who donated their own vacation time to extend my pay.
*My work for sending a nurse and hydration on a Friday at 5:30pm for free.
*My Healthnet friends for your gifts and generosity!
*Thank you for all the of prayers that have gone up for me from Emmanuel Faith Community Church.
*Thank you for the prayer team at Valley Bible Church that has committed to pray for me.
*Thank you for my extended family in CO, MI, AL for your prayers. Our family has turned into a solid network of believers.
*Thank you for all my friends who have contacted me out of love ranging from 1st grade all the way to present. The support, gifts and love is overwhelming.
*Dr. Tasher for helping me with local RX and love from his family.
*All my neighbors for love and prayers.
*There are silent prayer warriors out there whom I do not know. Thank you! Blessings to you and your family!
*Most of all I thank my God. His promises to me are true. His Power is real. His strength is revealed to me every day. Thank you Jesus!
Colossians 3:1-5
"Since then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your God appears, then you also will appear with him in Glory. "
What a Promise!!!
*To my husband whom I love dearly (we just celebrated 10 years of marriage). He is holding our family together.
*My Mom and Dad who have been living this cancer with me since OCT. They have been my life line.
* Thank you to my dear sister Julie, whom I miss dearly because she lives in San Francisco. She and Chad have been responsible for this whole blog and many other sources of help and information.
*Thank you to Paul my brother who comes over and helps with my boys. He also lets them spend the night at his house. Total Terror!!!! ha ha.
*Thanks to my brother Jeff for his prayers and support. He has his whole church praying for me! I miss him. He lives in AL.
*Aunt Char who with time, energy and love has moved mountains for me in the area of research, insurance, appointments with doctors across the country. I love you Char!
*Thank you to Dawn (my nanny). She has a gentle calming spirit and my kids love her!
I do not know how I would have gotten through this last 4 months w/o her.
*All my Mom's in Touch gals for prayers gifts, unconditional love and friendship.
*For all my friends that help me with the kids when I am out of town.
*Thank you for ALL the meals that have been delivered. They have saved me. As you can imagine 4 boys in my house eat a lot.
*Brian Stiver my boss who has visited me every time I have had Chemo in L.A. and helped us with Avastin problems.
*All my friends at work who donated their own vacation time to extend my pay.
*My work for sending a nurse and hydration on a Friday at 5:30pm for free.
*My Healthnet friends for your gifts and generosity!
*Thank you for all the of prayers that have gone up for me from Emmanuel Faith Community Church.
*Thank you for the prayer team at Valley Bible Church that has committed to pray for me.
*Thank you for my extended family in CO, MI, AL for your prayers. Our family has turned into a solid network of believers.
*Thank you for all my friends who have contacted me out of love ranging from 1st grade all the way to present. The support, gifts and love is overwhelming.
*Dr. Tasher for helping me with local RX and love from his family.
*All my neighbors for love and prayers.
*There are silent prayer warriors out there whom I do not know. Thank you! Blessings to you and your family!
*Most of all I thank my God. His promises to me are true. His Power is real. His strength is revealed to me every day. Thank you Jesus!
Colossians 3:1-5
"Since then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your God appears, then you also will appear with him in Glory. "
What a Promise!!!
Congrat's guys!!!! We love and miss you out here in Georgia. Bill will be out there soon. Love Val, Bill, Liam and Claire.....
Hi Val,
It was great to see you and the boys yesterday. They are all so cute. Stay strong. We will be checking on you often thanks to this blog. Maybe we will see you guys skiing in Idaho?
Lots of love and prayer,
Beata, John, Colin, Ryan, and Shane
Hi Val,
Do you remember your old high school friend? Heidi (Mueller)DeuPree. It has been a long time.
I ran into your parents today, and they filled me in on the latest with you and your family. Your mom gave me the blog address to leave a note. I have spent the last hour reading the blogs and I am just blown away, notso much by the illness but by the beautiful support system you have. What an amazing person you are and you have such a beautiful family. Your boys are angles! It was nice to see pics of you, Julie, Paul and Jeff with their families.And the picture of your family is so beautiful! Please know that my prayers are with you, and I have added you to my moms in touch prayer list as well as at my church. I have such fond memories of you from days gone by, they bring a smile to my face! I will check back often to follow your progress. Your Dad's blogs are great--Keep it up Mr. Sloan it helps to know what to focus on in prayer.
God Bless
Dear Val,
I just wanted to share what a small world it is. I was sharing your cancer story with my mom and she reminded me that my step dads brother in laws mother had also fought liver cancer and the following is a e-mail that was sent from George (brother in law) this morning---
It's a small world....we know of Valerie through our friends Tim and Susie Theule in San Luis Obispo. Tim's brother Chad is married to Valerie's sister Julie. Here is the link to their blog: I've been praying for her...We had a healing service at our church last night - pretty radical but totally biblical, prayer and anointing with oil by the elders, according to James 5. My mom and dad came up for it. Pray for my mom, that her tumors (also on her liver, but actually colon cancer) would shrink so as to be operable.
George Means
It is very comfortining to know that the Lords hand is streched out to work in so many lives..and just the thought that there are so many people out there loving you and praying for you! Its awsome! Happy thoughts to you.
Valerie -
We pray for you daily and are encouraged greatly by the things we read on your blog by all the people who love you. You have more than one family praying for you here in Georgia. Jennifer Richard sends her prayers and thoughts and asks how you are doing all the time. She has FOUR girls and we now have 3 kids (Olivia was just born in December). I wish I was there and miss our walk/jogs together in the old hood.
Laura Paczewitz
Bon voyage and Aloha!
You are going to have a fantastic time in Kauai. It is the most amazing place and is simply spectacular. Make sure you go into Hanalei there are good resturants and beautiful beaches to explore. I wish for you a wonderful time - relax, soak up the sun and enjoy your vacation.
Love your friend,
Dear Val...
I'm teary reading your recent are such a beautiful person! And reading all of your words thanking people, is just a testament to the kind of person you are...for you recieve in this world what it is that you give to others...and you give so much to is only natural that it would come back to you!!!
There is no need to thank us! There is no place that we would rather be at this time, than helping you and your family. Not to mention the fact that the time spent with all of you...I consider such a blessing...I thank YOU for being such a true friend...I am grateful and lucky to have you in my life...we all are!!!
God bless you and your family always...
All our love,
Kerry Randall
You are such a beautiful person inside and out. I miss you and look forward to seeing you soon.
Congratulations on your 10 years of marriage - WOW that is an accomplishment. I remember the day you were married, I stood near and watched the magic between you and Chris. I still have the photo of the girls in the wedding party framed in my home. Seems like just yesterday. I hope you two enjoy your celebration!
Amy V.
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