
Cancer patients all have one thing in common. They are in a continuous state of waiting for news, Whether good or bad.
There is a line in the poem "If" by Rudyard Kipling that goes like this, "if you can meet with triumph or disaster and treat those two imposters just the same."
I am not exactly sure what Mr. Kipling was thinking about when he penned these lines, but the words are absolutely true for a christian.
If you are a child of God Most High beloved, there are two things that you can be sure of; God sees all your tomorrows, and God assures you that you are held safe and secure in His hands.
One of Frank Sinatra's lesser known songs is entitled "All my Tomorrows".
Today I may not have a thing at all
Except for just a dream or two
But I’ve got lots of plans for tomorrow
And all my tomorrows belong to you
Right now it may not seem like spring at all
We’re drifting and the laughs are few
But I’ve got rainbows planned for tomorrow
And all my tomorrows belong to you
As long as I’ve got arms that cling at all
It’s you that I’ll be clinging to
And all the dreams I dream, beg, or borrow
On some bright tomorrow they’ll all come true
And all my tomorrows belong to you
Again, I am not sure what Mr. Sinatra was thinking but truly all our tomorrows belong to the Lord Jesus Christ.
Yesterday we were up at The USC Norris Cancer Center for Val's 14Th Chemo Infusion and her bi-monthly CT Scan.
Before every Chemo infusion, blood tests are done. The results yesterday were great! Platelets up. Red cells up. Bilirubin down. Liver enzymes down. Triumph!
Now we wait for the results of the Ca19-9 Tumor Marker Test and the CT results. But our God already knows the results. And His message to us; I'll handle this one. trust me . This is my battle to fight and win.
Val you must be so encouraged with this good news! I'm so happy for you. Keep on track and looking up!
Valerie - That picture of you and Chris is amazing. All your pictures are. I saw Chris on Wed. at a Vendor Fair at Tri-City. That is great news about your blood work results from yesterday. I told Chris we will have you all over soon for a BBQ, our pool is open too, so you are welcome to bring the boys over anytime.
I don't know if Chris told you or not, but I am running in the Rock-N-Roll marathon June 4th with the Leukemia & Lymphoma society. As you know my dad had a rare leukemia, anyhow, I informed Chris that you have been in my thoughts my entire training and that I am running in your honor as well. The LLS experience has been amazing and I have learned no matter what type of cancer one has, it is a battle and you truly are an inspiration to all that are faced with such an enemy. So thank you for your courage and inspiration.
Best to you as always,
Great news on the blood tests & tumor marker. I am saying a prayer specific to your CT scan that it shows shrinkage as well.
Happy Mother's Day!!!
Love to you
Our God is soooo good. You looked awesome last night.. You are so beautiful inside and out! It is so true what your Dad said, no matter what the scan shows (although we will never seize to pray for a miracle until it happens) you are in His hands, and you CAN rest there knowing He is in full control of your life, and your tomorrows... His plans for you truly are for good, to give you a future and a hope!
See you at church tomorrow!
In His name, Osil :)
Happy Mother's Day to a wonderful, caring and kind Mom!
Love, Jenny G
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