CT results, Vacation

Hello All-
Just an update on the most recent PET/CT. As you know the PET looked good. The CT results showed shrinkage as well. All the liver tumors and the 2 lympth nodes had shrunk. This is great news considering all the previous results showed "stable" but no shrinkage. Val and I are encouraged! She will stay on the Gemsar, Avastin and Oxi. Until her next scan in 4 weeks. The Surgeon and Oncologist are looking into the Theraspheres and will refer if appropriate. We will talk with them this week. Chemo tomorrow (Thursday) which she is starting to dread every 2 weeks but she reminds herself it's medicine.
We had a Hawaii trip planned for kauai in Princeville this last week but we had to cancel it because of the rain and flooding there. Instead we took the boys (all three) to Big Bear to snow ski. Both Gavin 5 and Ryan 6 were both skiing for the first time. Val really enjoyed this time with the boys. We were all on skis which was truly a blessing. The fresh air and break from reality was awesome. Val and I miss skiing so much. We all skied 2 days and Val felt great. We have missed skiing and it has been a long time since we have skied together. After we got back from skiing Val and I went to Cabo for 4 days with no kids. It was incredible. A much needed break for Val and she enjoyed the time away from the kids. I thought she would miss them to much to enjoy the time. We stayed at Pueblo Bontito Pacifica Holistic Spa & Retreat. We lounged around at the pool. Val did a massage and I went to a Off Road racing park. Our room was over looking the water and we listened to the waves every night.
Please Pray for her continued strength to manage Chemo. Her nausea stays under control and CT results continue to improve.
Thanks to all for the support and prayers!!!
Val & Chris,
What cute pictures of the whole family and the two of you! I am so glad that you were able to get away and have some fun!
I miss catching up with you Val. You are never far from my thoughts. Please call me when you get some time.
I will be praying that your chemo goes well and that you continue on this path of good results. The CT/PET scans are encouraging! Prayers are being answered for you.
I miss you so much,
Hey Val,
I am so excited to hear your good news! I am glad you had a great time on your much deserved vacation. Take care and keep in touch!
Kelly Lester
Hey, Val!
It was so nice to see you this afternoon! I had missed your happy smiling face! You look amazing and tan!! I am so happy for you, Chris and the boys that you got to have this time together... you deserve it more than anybody I know! My prayers are with you tonight and will be with you through tomorrow and the following days. I know you are not looking forward to the treatment to say the least. This to shall pass, my friend, you are such a trooper! And our good Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will be with you every step of the way.. He loves you so much! So cling to Him, the Hope we have in Him, the Peace we have in Him, and Him alone, the strength that He will provide, enough to get you through all the hurdles, the Love He has for you, His strong and mighty arms that will never ever let you go. I am so comforted by the promise we have that nothing in this world or out of this world, principalities, powers, nothing can ever tear us apart from Him! That is such a comfort, He is all we need and all we will ever need, everything else, the things of this earth, grow strangely dim, don't they, in the light of His GLory and Grace. That is my favorite song now, you know, Turn your Eyes upon Jesus, and also GIve Me Jesus. He is all we need! He fulfills us! The Lord brought this to my heart again the other day (always when I'm driving for some reason - maybe that's the only time I sit down!) Our purpose is this: to receive His love, to give Him love and to share His love.. so simple, it's all about Love-His Agape Love, pure and true and powerful.
I'll see you in the morning, maybe we could all get together and pray before you go to Encinitas, that would be awesome.. So keep trucking on my friend, and run this race that He has set before you, and keep your eyes set on the Finishline-Jesus, don't turn to the side, don't look back, just keep looking forward, and as you do that know that there is a multitude of runners behind you, because they have seen His good fruit in you, and in your family, some of them have met Jesus maybe for the first time by watching you run your race for Him. You are awesome! Call me if you need company tomorrow!
Love, your sister in Christ, Osil
Hey McCrea's glad to hear you guys had a great time in CABO!!! Prayers and love to you! Val and Bill
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