My Little Foot Soldier

My little rock star Tyler was a faithful foot soldier as we spent two hours driving up and down the Highway 78 rush hour parking lot to get mom's prescriptions filled. We both got hungry and shared a box of Capn Crunch. I will be totally busted when Nancy reads this!
Yesterday, Val, Chris, and I went up to USC Norris for Val's 21st chemo infusion. We were encouraged to see that Val had gained five pounds and her blood numbers were OK. she had her chemo infusion; double Avastin, and 5FU/Leucovorin. The 5FU is administered over 48 hours with a pump that she carries in her pocket.
It is very tough at times as Val looks ahead and wonders how long her life will be pre-occupied with this seemingly endless battle. Actually, the cancer itself is sometimes overshadowed by the side-effects of chemo, concerns of blood infections, stent management, and pain.
On the trip up yesterday, Val questioned whether God was even involved in her disease since she has not been cured. Beloved, the answer is in the picture of Tyler above. Look closely and you will see footprints of someone walking next to him. But he hasn't noticed them.
God's footprints are all over our long journey down the beach. He is with us every step of the way. We can trust Him as Peter did when Jesus asked if he too would leave Him. His answer is ours; "Lord, where else can we turn? Only you have the words of eternal life."
Our biggest challenge continues to be pain management. Dilaudid, Fentanyl Patches, Percoset, Aleve, Marinol. We are still struggling to find the best combination that deals with the pain without becoming drug induced zombies. If any of our readers have advice or suggestions, we would like to hear from you.
Let no man judge you,because they have not walked in your shoes!
Good news about the weight gain and blood results. Good news again that this allowed you to have chemo. Good news yet again that it is almost one year later and you are standing tall. Good news that your kids are healthy, that your family is together and that you are fighting the fight.
God's will be done on earth as it is in Heaven!
Terri Ensor
Val, have you contacted pain management at Norris? i think, believe, that you could get your pain under control with "their" help.
if you have not contacted them in the past, here's the phone # for Pamela Merriam (a nurse practitioner among other titles and experience) (323)865-3761. she works with Dr. Nemat and "they" have a care team for pain management. they came to my rescue in august when my pain was out of control post my liver resection for cholangiocarcinoma. i don't know that you will be able to reach her today as it is already getting late (i just returned home and read your posting). give it a shot.
wishing you relief asap.
My dearest Val; I feel your pain.. it is so true, we have not walked in your shoes, and cannot begin to understand what a trial like this does to one's faith... However, I do remember even our Lord Jesus crying out on the cross - my God my GOd why have you forsaken me,,, we all know what happened next, and we know that the same power that Christ had when He defeated death lives in you - and You WILL defeat death, I believe it with ALL my heart, remember early in this journey when your aunt Char told the doctors something like "some day the world will remember Val as the girl who beat Cholangiocarcinoma"? Believe that my friend, you will be victorious against this Goliath. Keep picking up those stones, put them in your sling and throw with all your might... the right stone will soon appear! Praying for you constantly!!! Hope you feel good enough to go to the Luncheon tomorrow - it's gonna be so much fun...
Did I tell you how cute your kids are? They are just so special...
Love, Osil :)
Spending time with you I was able to try to understand the frustration and uncertainty that you face each day. Am I going to get an infection? Am I going to feel good today? Am I going to gain weight? Am I going to have energy? You have made huge strides in the past couple of weeks.
Keep remembering to take this a day at a time. God is with you my friend.
Do you still have the phone number of the pain specialists at MRMC? If not, please call me. She said that she can help you with the pain and that it is important to get on a regimine. She deals ONLY with cancer patients and pain.
Here is the name of the product to rebuild lean body mass from Ross Laboratories for Oncology patients. It is called JUVEN. It has clinically been proven to help oncology patients rebuild lean body mass. The 3 ingredients are HMB, Arginie & Glutamine. The phone number to order it is:
1-800-GOJUVEN. The dietician at the Mayo conference I attended really believes in it.
Keep believing and visualizing yourself healthy and healed Val. I really believe that their is a lot of power in this along with the power of prayer.
I miss you and look forward to talking to you soon,
I hope this helps,
Lots of prayers sent to you from Scottsdale. We miss you all!
Jody, Chuck, Westin and Reece
Hey Val-
i got your message yesterday and appreciate the kind words. I miss you too and hopefully we will have the chance to see each other soon! I'm taking it easy for now.
I was thinking about the two of us yesterday and how we are told to rest. Every situation is different but I believe God will sometimes have us rest so that we stop, reflect and lean on Him during challenging times. By no means do I compare myself to you but I understand how hard it is to rest when we feel there is so much to do. i would love to see you when you are feeling up to it and know that there isn't a day that goes by that you are not in my thoughts and prayers. I will try to reach you this weekend.
your friend always,
Today I heard of a man who has survived this horrible disease. After 2 years of chemo and some shrinkage, the doctors decided to operate/liver resection. Just prior to the operation they found that all of the toumors were completely gone! Keep the faith.
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