My Boys

Of course I have a lot on my mind and do not look forward to the month of January. The Theraspheres conversations, stents, chemo etc.... have me a bit worried. Crystals being sent through one of your major arteries to your liver does not sound fun. We have our consultation on Friday to see if it is a move a head or not. I have 100 questions.
I miss all my friends on the blog. It seems as though I have been so busy I do not see many of you face to face at least. I did go to breakfast today with Tami, Kerri and Osil. It was good to see you. Tami - I can not believe your finger. It looks almost unreal the way the ligament is torn. I hope to be at Moms in Touch tomorrow. I have not been in so long.
I have been feeling OK. The ascities is what bothers me. It pushes on my liver and makes it hurt. I am taking 3 diuretic pills now. Maybe this will help. My boys have been doing great at school and seem happy but they are well aware of what goes on with me and I think I under-estimate the emotional effects on them. We have looked into some counseling. We will see.
Prayer requests-
1. Ascities to go down2. Theraspheres is a good idea after our consult Friday
3. I can handle chemo
4. Quality time with Chris and kids.
5. Mom's hip to knee pain gets better and give her more energy.
6. Chris' work continues to go well.
7. Safe trip for brother coming to visit 1-16 through 1-24.
8. My emotional wellness. I am looking for a support group to get into. I think it would be good for me.
God Bless all of you!
You are in my prayers today and everyday for the specific prayers that you requested. I think about you everyday and I miss talking to you. I can only imagine the dialogue that goes through your mind with so many different paths to choose. Remember that God is with you through all of this. He loves you and cares about you and knows what is best for you. You have a gigantic safety net of family members and your friends. Remember that we are all here for you and are only a phone call away.
I am glad that you have decided to get the boys into counceling. It will probably be good for them to gain a better understanding and not worry.
I pray that your acites gets better with the diaretics at work. I also pray that if you choose to go with the Therapheres that they work properly and zap that tumor away. I am most concerned that your pain gets under control. With the help of the pain specialist and nurse practitioner this should help you.
Most importantly, I care about you and only want what's best for you. When you meet with the MD's on friday I pray that you gain valuable insight into the best treatment plan for you with.
I love you Val and I miss you.
Call me when you feel up to it.
Your friend,
I love you Val! You are such a great friend, so caring and sweet... I will keep praying, keep knocking day in and day out, for the concerns you mentioned and more so for complete healing and restoration of your hope in Him. He never tires of hearing our cries on your behalf... I pray that you would receive renewed strenght and energy to not only keep fighting this Goliath, but also so that you would enjoy life to the fullest! I want to see you smiling and laughing again! That is my prayer for you... Praying you will be able to make it to Don and Sharon's Thursday night.. it will be good to get together and worship again... I think it would be great to find a support group, people who understand what you are going through... Kitty always says that helped her a lot. And the sweet boys... I will keep lifting them up to Him who will someday wipe every tear away, knowing that He will sustain them through this time as well. They are in His hands, and they are so precious to Him...
All my love and prayers,
I have attended, when possible, a support group at the hospital in Grand Junction that has been so helpful.
Praying for all that is on your list. Thank you for posting the picture of your wonderful boys!
Oh Val...
It was the highlight of my day yesterday morning when we were able to sit down for breakfast with Tami and Osil! We miss you terribly! I am still laughing at the color "red" story you shared with us...too funny!
I haven't walked in your shoes most of the time I feel so inadequate to even speak of what you must be feeling and thinking. So please forgive me if the things I say are just plain "wrong"! I love you Val...we all do...and what I desire most and pray for most for you is complete healing and complete peace!
I am proud of you for seeking counseling and support group info! We will continue to lift up the boys to our Lord...who WILL bless them and care for them in ways that only He can! Our children are our greatest gifts...and we must remember that they came from Him...and because of that, they are in PERFECT HANDS!!!
Lord, we come to you again and ask for healing for Val. We ask that you bless every single doctor that touches her, speaks with her, and advises her with infinite wisdom. We ask that you touch Val and let her feel You...let her know that You are guiding, and will guide, them to the right decisions in her treatment. Lord, place your arms around Nancy and heal her pain in her hips, leg and back! Give her strength, rest, and peace! We ask that for all of the McCrea family!
Val...I hope you can make it Thursday night to "rock out" on Don's couch!!! Take care for now...we love you!!!
Kerry Randall
There is not a day that goes by that I don't check your blog....and Pray for your a Nurse No Path sounds good at this point except for the Cancer to be gone. God will hear our cries for you and your family and guide you to the best treatment.
As for the BOYS..our kids are very aware of everything these days...Cant imagine that you can hide your heartache from your flesh and blood...We all know that it kills you to see them hurting...I will continue to pray for peace and healing....
You are an incredible women (but you have heard that before)
If there is anything I can do for you here at UCSD Moores Cancer Center just let me know....It is only a phone call...
Your Chilhood Friend
Pat Stravalexis-Washington
O Lord,
In this time of need, strengthen me. You are my strength and my shield; You are my refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. I know, Father, that Your eyes go to and fro throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts long for You. The body grows weary, but my hope is in You to renew my strength.
I do not fear, for You are with me.
I am not dismayed or overwhelmed, for You are my God. I know You will strengthen me and help me; that You will uphold me with Your righteous hand. Even as the shadows of illness cover me, I feel the comfort of Your strength, Or Lord.
Val ~ I am sorry that I don't write on the BLOG more, I just get to see you so much that I would rather come hug you and tell you how much I care about you and your family. You, Chris, the boys, your mom and dad are such great people who I love to see.
It was great to spend last weekend with you and our double date to dinner and the movies was fun. We have to do it again soon. Amanda can babysit and we will go.
Good luck tomorrow at USC and if you need anything from us just let me know. I love you...
It was so great to see you, Dawn and Tyler yesterday! Thank you so much for coming by to visit. You are such an incredible friend and I treasure our times together.
I know you are faced with a lot of decisions right now and I'm praying that the doctors are able to answer all your questions regarding this new procedure. We are all praying for a full recovery and asking God to direct you through-out this journey. Trust in Him to guide you to make the right decisions and remember in all things God works for good, for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. You... my dear friend LOVE the Lord and He will keep His promise to you. So trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths. I pray today that God will speak to you and you will hear His desire for you. I pray that He wraps His loving arms around you and you feel His presence more than ever!
I love you Val!
Val, I know your family wrote something about a blog from anonymous is...I forget. And it looks like it has since been deleted. But as an anonymous blogger, I want to say what others are thinking and feeling from the standpoint of: I'm Val. I'm young, with young kids. I love the Lord. Why did this happen to me? And the answer is, some identify with you but don't know you. We feel wrong to questions God's sovereignty. We want to know WHY. And the answer is: God IS sovereign. And we may not understand His ways. But Val, we can pray for you and your family. And that is the best part: that people whether they know you and love you, they don't know you but feel connected, or they merely love the Lord so they love you: they/we pray. And prayer is EVERYTHING. And I am praying for you daily. And I want for you to be healed and I know the Lord hears everyone's prayers. So have faith and be strong and courageous. The Lord is with you.
Val - I wanted to let you know that Patrick and I are thinking about you. We hope your trip to USC tomorrow is encouraging and you get the answers you want. We also hope more suggestions for your pain management therapy are provided to you.
Best to you and your family,
A poem contributed by a visitor of Healing Cancer Naturally
Cancer I did not give you the right,
To invade my body and take a bite.
This is my body and with all my might,
I will prevail with one hell of a fight.
To the cancer inside, I will battle and kill.
For that is my body's God given will.
To my cancer, these words I do send.
Your life is short and near the end.
(For Lucy & all those fighting cancer)
J Joens, 10/13/05
Seek a support group - it can be a complement to your 'blog support group' and will perhaps address some additional perspectives about your journey than those easily addressed or pursued on the blog.
Hi Val & Chris - I wanted to let you know that I was talking with one of the interventional radiologists I call on here in San Diego and he mentioned to me that UCSD is one of the facilities in S. CA that provides the radioactive bead treatments. If you would like for me to get the name of the group that is doing the procedure let me know.
I haven't written in a while but think of you often. I read your blog and feel close to you even though I have not seen you. Please know I am thinking of you and praying for your happiness and health.
Amy V.
Val, hope to see that you have a smooth month. Alway's in our prayers! Loe Val P
Val -
There's no keeping you down. It always puts a smile on my face to see you on the road driving your boys either to or from school. You are really amazing. Stay strong.
Dan Lawrence
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