Thursday, December 01, 2005

GREAT STRIDES!! McCrea Family Update

In the last several days, we have made 'great strides' in pulling together the best medical 'minds' in the country to consult with us and our doctors on the 'latest and greatest' treatment options for Valerie's cholangiocarcinoma condition. We have communicated with a Doctor at the University of Virginia, who specializes in biological research and treatment options for cholangiocarcinoma, and he is going to consult with our oncologist, Dr. Noam Drazin, early next week. We have spoken with a Doctor at Northwestern University who reviews and monitors Chemotherapy protocols, clinical trials, and expermental therapies throughout the country for gastro-intestinal cancers. He has provided us with referrals to four different 'cutting edge' oncologists in California, one in San Franciso area and three in the LA area. We have obtained approval to begin adding Avastin to Val's chemo regimen sometime in December. Though it is not intended for this type of cancer, it has been utilized successfully in several types of gastro cancers with remarkable results. Richard is now 'pulling strings' at his company to make sure we can obtain a supply of this drug. We have a contact now at MD Anderson, a female doctor who specializes in advanced cholangiocarcinoma. Julie is pursuing information through a friend on a doctor at Stanford who is involved in treatment options for this condition, and they have pioneered techniques using laser treatments to reduce tumors. So MUCH information. We are blessed to be 'recipients' of all of this information, all of this expertise, all of these incredible people who are dedicated to healing!

Val is currently half way through her first round of chemo, and feeling good. She has occasional pain, but is grateful that her body is responding to the chemotherapy well. I am sure that her focus on 'nutritional' therapy is contributing to how she feels. Actually, as I was speaking with her on the phone today, she was using her 'new' Jack Lalanne juicer - carrots, celery, wheatgrass, etc. - she is really getting 'hooked' on this. She does need to remember to put the top on correctly however, I think she 'wallpapered' her kitchen with carrot juice today!

Val has contacted another individual who is also dealing with the same diagnosis; she spoke with his wife last night, offering assistance, support, and a sympathetic ear. In the midst of one of life's worst 'curve balls', there is a tremendous amount of human connection, caring and love that emerges. I communicated with his sister today, and we will share every bit of information that each of us collects.

Bless you all who communicate with Valerie and her family through this website, you can never know the power of your words! We have an incredibly 'formidable' defensive team!

Aunt Charlene


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Val - I am so glad to hear that you are feeling better and are making such great contacts and strides for your treatment.

It is so impressive how positive you have been during this very scary roller coaster ride you are on. I just know you are going to beat this monster.

You are a true role model for all.

Wishing you constant healing,

7:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so inspired by your POSITIVE attitude! You will beat this VAL. Stay hopeful, engaged, focused and determined to beat this. I am so looking forward to seeing you next week!


5:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Val - I prayed for you last night as I laid in bed and thought of you drinking Dirt Tea. What an inspiration you are! We are told to "rejoice in everything" and it's truly amazing that you are able, in your biggest trial, to find some humor in it. May the Lord give you his perfect peace and awesome strength to face each day with Him.

From "Praying God's Word" by Beth Moore:
"The Lord will do great things for [Val], and [she] will be filled with joy. [She] will sow in tears, then [she] will reap with songs of joy. If [she] goes out weeping, carrying seed to sow, [she] will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with [her]. (Psalm 126:3,5-6) O God, please help Val to be willing to sow the seed of Your Word and water it with her tears, believing You even in the midst of this terrible pain. If she does, You will be faithful to fill her with joy again. You will faithfully bring a harvest forth from her life. Her suffering will not be in vain."

Again, thank you for sharing this intensely personal journey with many - God is being glorified through the lives of you and your family.

7:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am always inspired by the posts to your blog site! Aunt Charlene, you are doing a great job on keeping us all updated on the "latest" in research etc. What a blessing to have you on the team! May God continue to bless each one of you with wisdom, grace and perserverance as you become experts on this disease. May He allow you to find the answer or the combination that will enable your body to be healed and free from cancer once again! I believe you are definitely on the right track! My family's thought and prayers are with you always!
Blessings and Love,
Brenda V.O.

9:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Every family needs an Aunt Charlene! God Bless you!

10:32 AM  

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