You Shall Be Witnesses

Last Tuesday, as Val's 6th chemo regimen was just beginning, a tall girl came in and identified herself as a social worker from Dr. Drazin's office. After a few words of obligatory hello, she asked Nancy and I to leave. In a moment, I realized that this well meaning person wanted to talk to my daughter about life and death.
I spent the next half hour sitting somewhere trying to look calm and cool in front of my wife and everyone else. In truth, I was churning on the inside wondering how Val would handle this encounter.
When I couldn't stand it any more, I walked back into the Infusion Center. Val was in her room. The social worker was gone. And what was Val doing? Laughing and chatting on the phone with her friend Mary Anne.
I asked Val about her discussion. It was pretty much what I expected. I mean, what else can a social worker talk about? Although sincere, her perspective is based only on the world we see. Life and death. That great divide.
Apparently most of the conversation between Val and the social worker came from Val telling this gal that the world's view doesn't quite get it right. Way to go girl!
That, Dear Saints of God Most High, is what the hymn writer meant when she wrote, "Blessed Assurance Jesus is mine. Oh what a foretaste of glory divine."
Jesus' last words to his followers before He left were, "You shall be witnesses unto me in Jerusalem, and Judea, and Samaria, and unto the uttermost parts of the Earth."
Valerie Sloan McCrea fulfilled this great commission on Tuesday, June 17, 2006 at Cedars Sinai Medical Center in Beverly Hills, California. And God is well pleased!
Val's Dad
There is nothing sweeter than beinging in the presence of God and having the boldness to share that truth with those around us. are an encouragement to all of us a you fight this battle with grace, dignity and the strength that only God can give you at each moment of the day. My prayer for you (and our church is praying this as well) that you will be completely healed, and that God will use you to bring others to His Kingdom (our ultimate home!) didi pressley
When we spoke on the phone last week during your chemo, I had no idea a social worker had been there to talk to you. You have a very positive attitude. You know that God is in charge and that the woman although her intentions were good cannot control God's will. You are focused and strong and God is with you every step of the way.
Please take this week prior to Mayo to take a vacation from your illlness. Go shopping, go to the beach, go out to lunch, go to church groups, get a manicure, massage, laugh, smile and rejouce in the day. It will do you good to take a break from all of this.
I miss you,
Dear Val,
Your father's story about you is so very admirable...brave...and such a testament to your faith! There are not very many people who, while experiencing what you are, would put another person first and spread God's word as He asks us to do! But you Val...are such a special woman...and it is so evident that God is completely surrounding you and holding you on this journey. There are glimpses of this fact every day...and you being a witness to the social worker is just one! We must keep our eyes upon these graces that are shown to us...focus on them...and rest in them!
I also want you to know something else...and your mother and father too! YOU are a witness to me every single day. You have listened to my story over and over again. When I came to Valley Christian, I was at one of the lowest points in my life...and there you were! And from that very first have been a witness to have taught me so much. I have learned more from you in these last few months than at any other time in my life. And between you, Tammy and Osil teaching me, my load is so much lighter! God is sooooooo proud of are one of His greatest works! And that is how I know and BELIEVE you will be the greatest warrior in this battle...and the greatest winner!
I hope to see you soon! God Bless you and your family always...let's play soon!
All our love...
Kerry Randall
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