Ct results come Tuesday

I am going to Block Medical Center in Evanston, Il to find out as much about what other alternative things I can be doing to rid my body of this disease. I will let you all know how it goes. I attached a picture of Tyler (20 month old) and I at swim lessons last week. Itn't he cute? Under water? Gavin my five year old is posing for us at swim lessons as well.
You are such a wonderful mother to your 3 beautiful boys.Your love, caring, kindness and support to them has enabled them to become such terrific little people. They are the cutest 3 boys I have ever seen.
Enjoy your special day with your family.
Have a safe and enjoyable visit to Chicago.
I can't wait to see you Thursday!!!!
Love you,
Wishing you a wonderful Mothers Day!
You're such a Godly Mom.
Ryan, Gavin and Baby Tyler are so blessed and I know they love you very much.
I wish you and your family a special day together and want to let you know I'm thinking of you and your Mom today.
I love the way the pictures turned out. See you soon.
Val and family...
I just read the "If" blog...tears are flowing! Every word was so true. This, actually everything, is truly in God's hands...and every second of this battle He is fighting just for you Val...His precious,precious daughter. It may feel like this is your battle girl...but you have the greatest soldier on your side...our Lord!!!
I wish you a very safe trip to Chicago...you will be in my thoughts and prayers the whole time!!!
And to all the mother's who read and write on this blog...a very Happy Mother's Day to each and every one of you! There is no greater blessing than the one we have in our children...and I thank the Lord everyday for the true gift He gave us when He gave us our kids!!!
All my love,
Kerry Randall
Dear Vall-
Thank you for the pictures of your boys and the one of you and your husband on the beach. Brings such pleasure to see these. I keep telling my husband we need to post a picture on our blog.
Good luck with your trip to Chicago, and thanks for sharing that info with us.
All the best to you and your family. Our thoughts and prayers as always.
-Caroline from Colorado
Dear Valerie,
I have been reading your family blog every day for many months now. I read in past entries that you were interested in the TheraSpheres treatments. My brother underwent this treatment. The spheres were delivered in two seperate treatments. They were very successful in destroying his cancer cells. He had elevated tumor markers and they were nearly at normal levels following the treatments. Although, after eight months his cancer did return. He also had side effects from this treatment, horrible pain when his tumors began to die. This did eventually disappear. The only serious permanent side effect was increased pressure in the vessels of his liver. To this day we all believe the Spheres were crucial in controlling his cancer. I just wanted to let you know of our experience. I do not know you, but when I read you entry when you attended your children's play,it brought tears to my eyes. Cancer is not fair and why is happens to people we love I will never undrestand.
Thanks for such a beautiful prayer for Sam. Things are not going very good right now; maybe the treatments that we start Thursday will turn this awful disease around. I'm not sure if he can continue to work any longer and giving up his job after 40 years is very tough for him. Your boys are so adorable and we are sending a prayer your way for wonderful results on your CT.
The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing.” - Zephaniah 3:17
I just wanted to remind you, Val, of how proud your Father in Heaven is of you, and how much He delights in you. You are so awesome and beautiful, inside and out! Your faith, hope and joy is and inspiration to all of us! So let His light keep shining in you and through you for all to see, all for His Glory! I love how you always end your prayers with that, Val... Praying everything is going well in Illinois, and that Ryan is enjoying his time with you and Deana! We miss you here! Hurry back!
Love you,
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