Mental Toughness

When New England played San Diego a couple weeks ago for the AFC Division Championship, Patriots Quarterback Tom Brady talked about the mental toughness that he calls upon when a game has gone terribly wrong. It did, he did, and they won.
Recruits for The French Foreign Legion, it's flag shown at the left, are sent to a camp in the Sahara Desert. The unbelievable training regimen has one purpose, to create a soldier with great mental toughness. If you had to go into battle, a Legionairre would be a great comrade-in-arms.
Article 6 of the Legion's Code of Honor says;
La mission est sacrée, tu l'exécutes jusqu'au bout, à tout prix.
A mission is sacred, you will carry it out until the end, at all costs.
The Apostle Paul had a mental toughness that transcended Tom Brady or any Legionairre. His was almost an out-of-body experience. He correctly viewed his physical existence as the temporary dwelling place it is. As long as he was "in the body", he would live each day "to lift up Jesus Christ." How many days that would be was not his concern.
King David exhibited extreme mental toughness when, as a teen with no military experience he faced the 9 foot giant Goliath of Gath. The bad outcome seemed too predictable when David spoke, "I come against you in the Name of the Lord Almighty."
I see this mental toughness in Valerie. Many of our young cholangio patients have died. And it is extremely hard to disconnect from them and press on. But disconnect she does and we who are closest to her are continually amazed at her resiliency.
When Val had her ERCP Procedure last Friday, contrast dye was accidentally injected into her pancreas. We still don't know the final outcome of this. One of Dr. Lo's fellows at Cedars said it "fried" the tip of the pancreas.
Val has been in a lot of pain. Today, she is struggling with ascites (fluid buildup) that has caused her ankles to swell up to the size of her calf. Walking is painful. She needs to keep her feet up but this is difficult with three boys around the house. Four if you count Chris.
I spoke to her a few minutes ago. She is frustrated because she feels mentally strong but physically there is a decline.
We have a long day at USC tomorrow. Blood draw at 0900, Lenz consult at 0930, chemo 1000-1200, Pain Management with Dr. Ryan at 1300, CT Scan at 1400. We will be back on Avastin, 5FU/LV and Tarceva. I am going to ask Dr. Lenz about adding Gemcitabine.
Regarding Yttrium SIR-Spheres, I spoke with Dr. Andy Kennedy from Raleigh-Durham, the GURU of this treatment. He doesn't see any reasons why this won't work for Val. He also indicated that Dr. Rose at UCSD is the most experienced guy on the west coast. We have an appointment with Dr. Rose next Tuesday.
Eleanor, Nancy's friend with colon cancer met with Val today. She has used Ambrotose, a supplement, to reduce her tumor mass.
Prayer resuests:
1. Pray that Val's ascites would go away. It is tied to her albumen level and the dieuretics she takes. I think the dosage should be increased to 150 mg.
2. Pray for wisdom for Dr. Rose on decisions regarding SIR Spheres.
3. Pray for wisdom for Dr. Lenz in our chemo consult tomorrow. Pray that she can have chemo with her 7.0 hemoglobin level.
4. Pray that Val's chemo port would not plug during blood draw tomorrow.
5. Pray that Val's pancreas would recover from the contrast dye.
6. Pray that Char can successfully navigate the insurance maze for SIR-Spheres
7. Pray for wisdom on the correct dosage of Ambrotose.
8. Pray for Chris' health
I am confident that God's will is for Val to watch her sons grow up. At the same time, however, I have encouraged her to write down her final wishes on all aspects of how she wants us to continue if God calls her back to her home country. This is no death wish. Our God is a God of order. He is honored when we acknowledge our frailty by leaving specific instructions for those call upon the name of Jesus and confess that we are pilgrims and strangers in this land.
In the meantime, beloved, in the matter of Val's life, I choose to follow Article 6 of the Legionairres Code of Honor; A mission is sacred, you will carry it out until the end, at all costs.
Mental toughness. May God Most High grant us all this attitude of discipline.
Thank you for your prayers.
How does a mother find the strength to sit down and write her last wishes for her children?
Val~ may you find strength and courage from the pit of your stomach to do what needs to be done. This is the right thing and only a mother knows best. I pray you will succeed and the words will flow out onto the paper. I pray for your physical strength to return and for your body to be healed.
Peace be with you....J
It is impossible for those of us who are parents not to feel connected to Val and yet we find it very difficult to imagine what you are dealing with on a daily basis.
Val, we will continue to pray for your mental and physical strength. God is listening to all of our prayers, and He never tires. Please Lord let your perfect will be done. Let us all bear witnesss to Val in the victory circle, declaring victory over the cancer enemy. Thank you for such a wonderful family as the Sloan-McCrea family and their willingness to share such personal aspects of they're life. Thank you for their witness to your awesome power and strength. Lord strengthen and encourage them all as they travel this road together. Please give them a clear indication of the direction they should take regarding Val's treatment. Please grant wisdom to all the doctors involved in these procedures and let any barriers be lifted regarding insurance. Lord please lift this family and hold them tenderly in your arms so they can continue with your confidence and strength. We especially lift up the boys and pray that they too will know without a doubt that you are in control. Let them feel the peace that you, Lord, offer. Thank you Lord that you are a God of miracles and you hear our prayers. Amen
God Bless you Valerie. I think
about you all the time.
Val and Chris, While I am reading your prayer requests I join in your prayers for the McCrea family. All of you need all of us to rally for your strength, courage, and perseverence. We love you and we continue to hold you up to our Lord. My His peace be with all of you, Love, The Fontes'
Val, I am always thinking about you and praying that you will beat this!
You radiate strength! I pray for you and your wonderful family everyday.
Elda Condra
I pray for you and your family. You will be well in the name of Jesus. Please start taking Ambrotose, one scoop in a glass of water every hour for 10 hours per day. Also start taking Eniva's multinutritional antioxidant called Vibe. Work up to 3 ounces per day. Cut out dairy, salt, all processed food. Eat abundant greens and plenty of water.
Stay Blessed
Val-May God flood all of you with "Peace like a river" that engulfs you and floats you along like on a lazy summer day. May His grace cover your body and give relief from pain and anxiety. May you feel His loving arms carrying you onward. I pray for you every day.
You have been on my mind all week Val.
I pray that your appointments go very well today and that your pain gets under control along with your ascites.
I miss you and am sending you a great big hug.
We are with you in the fight! The Ensor's
Val, I think we speak for everyone here when we say, as we do every day, that we are all praying that God may ease your pain and heal your body. Stay mentally strong as you have been and we will be continue to be strong for you, Chris, and your 3 boys.
The Lawrence's
I love you Val and God is with you and all of us all the way. Richard you are a man of honor.
Thank you for being you!
God Bless you and your family.
The Persichetti's...Val, Bill, Liam and Claire.
Valerie - You are in our thoughts on a daily basis and we are wishing and hoping for a divine intervention for you. An intervention to your health, pain, family... and we pray for physical strength, mental toughness and peace.
You are an example to all of us to live life to the fullest each and everyday.
Never give up hope.
Val ~ We had a nice time with you and Chris at dinner last night, that was great. I am also glad to know you are on your way home from LA today with no problems. I will stop by and give you a hug later. I love you and your cute family... Kel
I think of you and keep you in my prayers always. My cousin is a pastor in a church just outside of New york and have asked him and his prayer group to pray for you. As a parent myself, I cannot even begin to imagine what you are going thru. Miracles happen every day, and I truly believe you are one of them!
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