Sunday, March 25, 2007

Gentle Reminder

This is a gentle reminder that this BLOG is only to show love, support, prayer and encouragement on behalf of our dear Valerie. No negative comments are welcome here. Authors of such posts are mislead and should be ashamed of themselves for soiling such outpourings of love for Valerie.

Thank you for your continued prayers for our dear Val.

Her sister, Julie


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks Julie! The beautiful life of Valerie and all those who surround her, is truly a testament to Jesus' love. He hears our prayers and is holding Valerie in the palm of his hand. Rest easy sweet Val for you are safely tucked in his arms.

11:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for that reminder. Val is such a beautiful person. I continue to keep you in my prayers Val.

11:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Thank you Julie for your message to anyone who would abuse this site for Valerie. I am hopeful that you are able to delete any negative comments.

Val is in all of our prayers.

Val is blessed to have such a loving and close family.

Enjoy your time this week,



1:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you, I read this blog everyday, and was upset by some of the remarks, even though the person may be thinking they were writing out of love, it didn't come across that way at all. It was an attack. Valerie needs our love and prayers, she needs peace and quiet, she needs to be still and hear Jesus speak to her.I pray for Valerie, and her whole family and friends, what a support group she has around her. I think we need to pray for each other in how we cope with what is before us, and what is to come.In Jesus we pray, Amen

1:37 PM  
Blogger Osil said...

Julie, thank you for your message and for deleting the negative comments. This is very precious time for Valerie and your family, and for all of us who are connected to our sweet friend, and we are not gonna let the enemy come in and create a spirit of division and discontentment. I pray that the peace that only our Lord can provide will flood the McCrea and Sloan households today and the days to come, that His Spirit of love and unity would reign.

I am so thankful that we have the hope and knowledge in our Lord that we have, that He is holding our precious sister, His precious daughter in His hands, and that whether He chooses to heal her at this time, which He fully can being a God of the ninth hour, I believe that with all my heart, or if He wants to take her home, we will be with her again... I keep remembering a time, it was the first time we visited the Movement Church, Val, Kerry and I, and there was a girl there from Israel who was teaching us this Hebrew dance. As we were going faster and faster around in this big circle, I kept looking back at Val, and she had a look of pure joy, while she was hooting and hollering in pure Val fashion, dancing and singing her heart out. That is my prayer for her, that she would be able to have pure joy again, the kind of joy that only Jesus can bring. I have learned so much from Val this short time that I have known her, I wish I had met her years ago. She is so cool... I love you Val, Chris, Richard and Nancy. My thoughts and prayers are with you all constantly...


1:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you Julie!

Please update us when you have the chance and we will continue to pray for Val. I'm relieved knowing you are in town to be with your sister and family. This journey that Val is on has touched so many people and it's her family that she desires to have by her side. When I was there visiting on Friday she said she wanted her Mom, just having her there brings comfort. Family is so very important to her. Everyone who knows Val well knows how much she loves all of you!

Our sweet Val has a heart of gold.


2:19 PM  

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