Into The Light

It was cold and stormy when I arrived at 9 this morning for the trip to USC Norris. As we were getting into the car, Val fell to the ground and said she just couldn't make the trip. Cancer is such a hellish disease.
Val laid down on the couch and fell asleep. Chris went into his office to work. Tyler and I went for a hike in the hills. Julie and I talked while I was out with Tyler. We were really discouraged.
When we got back to the house, my cell phone rang. It was Dr. Steven Rose, the Radiologist from UCSD. He called to give me an assessment of Val's PET Scan from last Thursday. Expecting the worst, I heard the best. Dr. Rose indicated that all or almost all of the cancer is in the liver. It does not appear to have spread. He was very optimistic that this could be treated by SIR Spheres or Chemo Embolization. Both are interventional radiology treatments.
Val was encouraged by this positive news. Although we are concerned about side effects, including liver failure and death, I told her that it is time for the big guns. We have done enough due diligence.
It is Val's decision and she has to make it by next Monday when go to USC for the Chemo we missed today. If she decides to go forward, she has to stop the Avastin. 5FU and Tarceva can continue.
This is it. The most critical decision of our treatment. Please pray for Val as she goes to the Lord for wisdom. "If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God and it will be given to him." Lord give us wisdom and discernment to make this decision.
We are on the radar screen to go forward. March 9th; bloodwork, March 12; angiogram, March 20; either SIR spheres or Chemo Embolization. Also, we are meeting with Tony Reid on March 6th to discuss moving our Chemo from USC to UCSD.
I am so sorry that you had a bad day yesterday. The plan to go back on Monday is good. You can rest over the weekend and get your strength back. The news from Dr. Rose is very encouraging. I know that you are doing everything you can to stay positive and do what you are asked to do to keep the cancer at bay.
I rode with a rep in Indiana yesterday that has batteled two different rounds of cancer over the past year. He had a stem cell transplant a couple of months ago. He is feeling good and is working as a patient advocate to help others. I told him about you and he said that the visualization of seeing yourself better and having a positive attitude is so very important in fighting this enemy. When you get discouraged and down remember that you are not alone in this.
I know that it is frightening to look at all of the different options. Place your fear with God and let him help you move forward with the right choice. It appears that Dr. Rose is very encouraged with chemo embolization and SIR spheres. I am encouraged to hear that you can move forward with a plan that will give you encouragement.
Stay positive. Remember you are not alone in this. God is walking the path with you everyday. Don't compare your disease to any one else. You are different and always have options. There are so many people that have beat cancer where they were told a grim prognosis. Remember that as you walk down the path of new therapies options. You are unique and you are a fighter.
I love you Val,
Call me and I will encourage you!
Your friend always,
Eternal Father,Prince of Peace,
Jesus changes everything.
Look at your rock. WE will pray
that you have peace and comfort
with the many decisions up head.
You are a strong willed person,
don't give up. You are different than everyone else,like Marianne said. WE love you Val. Your Friends Always. The Sayers.
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Dear Val & Family -
Thinking of and praying for you. Sometimes I just can't do everything I want to. I just have to go lie down. It frustrates me, yet I was so busy for so much of my life that I try to enjoy it and do easy things or just sleep.
Good luck with your upcoming decisions. I am meeting with a specialist in March to discuss options beyond chemo including the spheres.
Thanks for the posts, Caroline
We are praying that God will help make your decisions easier. You are so strong and you have so much support. You are on the right path. We look forward to hearing more good news about you.
Maria Keefe
You're in my prayers and I am asking especially for wisdom when faced with this decision you will make moving forward.
I love you,
Val, Chris & Family, For whatever it is worth I wanted to let you know that I have talked with several of the Interventional Radiologists that I work with daily and they have all said great things about Dr. Rose and his experience with the spheres.
Val you are often on my mind and I wish you strength, courage and peace with your decisions. Keep fighting.
Love, Lara
Great news about the SIR Spheres! We continue to pray and send you positive thoughts from across the road. We see you well and healthy!
XO, The Ensor's
Dearest Family, may God lay his hands upon all of you to help Val make the right decision. May Gods word be all that you need for answers at this time and be comfortable with Val during this trying time. God give Chris strength and Courage to fight for his beloved wife and be the
McCrea ROCK for his beautiful, intelligent young boys.
God especially watch over Val's Parents as they are growing tired and give them strength to carry all of Val's wishes for her while she is healing. God is our Savior! Our Family and Friends our Life!!! Love to all of you and God Bless. Val Persichetti
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