USC Day Update

We got in tonight about 5:00 pm. I think we had a good day as far as completing all the things we had to do.
1. Blood draw (problem with pulling blood from port, can infuse through it but can not pull blood) We hope next time the drug that they put in will allow it to work properly.
2. Met with Dr. Lenz. He said he is going to wait to see what the CT looks like from today to determine whether we add Gemzar or move with radiation.
3. Met with pain team at 1:00 pm. They are so nice. We tweaked a few things. Dropped the Phenergen (nausea drug). Keep with MS Contin 30mg/day X 2. PRN Dilaudid.
4. Had CT scan. I pray pray pray it looks good. Should know in a week.
I feel good. We stopped for IN n OUT on the way home. My Mom had made home made soup but I just could not wait. I am glad the stents, CT and Chemo are behind me. I want to just relax for a few weeks. My blood work looks good. My white count is up a little still but liver ALT and AST are good. 34 and 44. My CA19-9 went from 3,500 to 1,900. Bilirubin 2.6 and Alk Phos 150.
The one thing that bugs me is the ascites. Dr. Lenz said to up my dieuretic to 100mg. He said if it gets too uncomfortable he will drain it. He wants to avoid it if possible. I need to eat as much protein as possible to increase my albumin which plays a role and Avastin helps to decrease also (which I have not had in 5 weeks). So my biggest prayer request is for my ascites to go away.
I love you guys so much. You are all so good to me with your love, cards, meals, help with kids. I could go on and on. Have a great weekend! I am going to try to grab Chris away one night since we missed our 11th anniversary because I was in the hospital Jan 20.
Valerie XXOO
Call me when you get a chance. I have left a couple of messages on cell, home etc.
I am glad your day went well.
I miss you............
Hi Val,
Hoping you rest comfortably the next few weeks.... thinking of you often and praying everyday!!
Love, Jen Gaetani & family
Happy Anniversary Chris and Val.
What a strong family you have.
Including Sloan family as well.
Glad to hear you got to see all
your Dr.'s. Have a terrific weekend. Love to all of you !!!!!
If there is anything we can do to help in anyway please let us know.
Boys spend the night??? Have a great restful day.
The Sayers Family :)
Val, Bill and I might be out in March to visit!!!! I will make lot's of time for you and the boys. Liam would love to see you too! Have a nice evening out with your hubby! Val P
You go Val! Great to hear your voice through your words on the blog! You keep fighting and we will keep praying!
The Ensor's
it is so good to see a post from you! Hope you are feeling well. I am glad things went smoothly for you at USC. Have a great night out with Chris and enjoy each other! We all care so much about you and miss you so much!
Valerie: I am amazed every time I read your blog site at the spritual strength that you and your family embody! You have courage that is unheard of in this day.
I miss you so much at OptionCare! We had the annual sales meeting last week and it wasn't the same without you, me and Amy getting together!
You are in my prayers daily!!!!!!!!
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