In Pursuit

Listen to the cry of David's heart in Psalm 22: My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? Why are you so far from saving me, so far from the words of my groaning? Oh my God, I cry out by day, but you do not answer, do not be far from me, for trouble is near and there is no one to help, My strength is dried up, I can count all my bones.
But something happened to David between Psalm 22 and Psalm 23.
Our God, the God of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob heard his cry and answered. David the prophet saw through the eyes of faith the armies of God Most High encamped around him. And in their midst stood a shepherd. David's shepherd. Your shepherd. My shepherd. A shepherd who would lay down his life for his sheep.
And instead of being pursued by Saul's armies, David could see clearly now as he spoke in Psalm 23; "surely goodness and mercy shall pursue me all the days of my life."
Val is being pursued by an enemy whose intentions are clear. And the words of David are her words. And the God of David is her God. He hears her cry. He answers. The Book is written. The story is ended. Although we haven't reached the final chapter, the Apostle Paul reminds us in his letter to the Romans of a promise from the author and giver of life; "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose."
Val had a long day yesterday. Our 1:30 appointment was delayed 2 1/2 hours and then lasted another hour. Val's friend Mary Anne from Michigan flew in and showed up at the hospital appointment room with her suitcase in tow. What a group! We finally bailed and had a great dinner at an Italian restaurant in Hillcrest.
Everyone is suffering from information overload. Dr. Steven Rose has recommended that Val proceed with SIR Spheres to treat both lobes of her liver. This procedure is not without risk, the worst case scenario being liver failure and death. We are proceeding with caution. Everyone needs more information before this decision is made. I am hopeful that Andy Kennedy from Wake will provide his expert opinion based on experience with cholangio patients. Also, Char has contacted an interventional radiologist in Denver who has cholangio experience and is willing to consult with us.
We are moving ahead with exploring the option of moving Val's Oncology treatments from USC to UCSD Moores Cancer Center. Joannie Salotti, a Nurse practitioner is working for us on this. More than likely she will recommend Dr. Tony Reid. Nancy is working with a Nutritionist at Moores also. We have asked USC for a referral so insurance handles it.
Val will be getting a blood test tomorrow as the next step toward Sir Spheres. Then would come a PET/CT followed by arterial mapping and a shunt study. Good news is that Dr. Rose doesn't see much resistance from insurance companies on covering this off label treatment.
The results of Val's last CT Scan on 1/25 indicated no growth from the previous scan on 12/20. This falls into my category of good news.
I talked to Val's friend Tricia today. She is a cholangio patient from New York who has had the disease for 3 years. No stents. Her last Pet/CT showed that the liver tumors were DEAD! She is on Gemzar, Xeloda, and Avastin. There is still some cancer activity in her lungs. Her next chemo is at Cornell this Friday. She is trying to come out for a visit soon.
Val's next chemo is at USC next Thursday.
Please pray that God would give us great wisdom as we consider SIR Spheres and moving our oncology to UCSD. Also, pray that Val's ascites and pain levels would be reduced.
Richard, everyday you make me want to be a better Christian and to be prepared on a spiritual level so if I should have to endure what you are going through I can be the strength for my children. I often cry when you write on the blog because my parents are divorced from 1984 and my dad does not have the faith that you have nor can he read or write to express himself. This has been so dificult growing up ashamed of my dad. I love my dad so much and that only makes me love him more but you are such a huge part of God and I feel very fortunate to have known you the short time that I lived on Canyon heights. Richard thank you for teaching me to be closer to God and letting me learn the miracle of love from your heart to your daughters. God Bless you and Precious Val.
Valerie Persichetti
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family as you plunge ahead in making these difficult decisions. Our good Lord will guide you and keep you in his loving arms. Be strong and lean on others when you need to. We are all here for you, whatever you need.
We pray! We pray! Then we pray some more! The Ensor's
Dear McCreas -
I've been thinking of you all and praying for the best. My oncologist suggested I check in with the oncology center in Denver later this month for other possible treatments. Can you tell the name of the interventional radiologist that Aunt Char spoke to? I am following your experience with the spheres with great interest.
Also, if Tricia comes out to California, would you like to have a third CC patient join you? I would love to meet both of you in person.
-Caroline Stoufer
We too offer prayer, prayer and more prayer. With Love....
Have you considered DAVANAT as a therapy? It looks promising.
I actually know Joannie Salotti. She is an excellent, detail orientated, knoweldgeable nurse practioner. You will be in good hands with Joannie!
Our prayers are with you and your family daily Val. Your strength inspires me to be a better wife, mother, daughter, and friend.
God Bless
It was so great to spend quality time with you and your family. I really miss hanging out with you. I want you to know that I am with you through this even if I am a long way away. I am only a phone call away if you need to talk. Please don't ever feel that you are alone. God is with you as well as your family and all of your friends.
I pray that you are relieved of your pain and that God directs you in the direction that you feel is correct. I know that you have a lot of paths to chose from as to which road to go down as far as your treatment options. Pray for guidance and write out all of the pro's and con's. It will help you make right choice.
It was really fun to see Deanna and her new baby Hunter. Tyler was so cute with remmebering his name and wanting to see the baby.
I love you Val and I am always here for you.
Your friend,
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