The Wild Animal Park

Another busy week. Val's bloodwork from last Friday is in Dr. Rose' office. The numbers look good. This is the first step into our cautious consideration of Yttrium-90 SIR Spheres. Thursday is a chemo day at USC. Chris will be out of town and I am booked with an FDA Inspection so Val, Paul, and Nancy will be making the trip. 09:30 appointment time.
Aside from pain management and ascites, our biggest challenge is getting some muscle mass back on Val. She was 107 on her home scale last night. This is critically low. She has an appointment this Wednesday with the Nutritionist at UCSD Moores. Julie is going to pull together the planning necessary to get the nutritionist's meals delivered to Val. Char has graciously offered to pick up the cost of these meals. In talking to Trisha, a cholangio patient from New York, she indicated that a 150 mg. dosage of Tarceva had caused her to lose weight. Val is on the same dose so we are going to ask Dr. Lenz to reduce it to 100 mg or even 50 mg.
The author of Jude, a short letter found just before Revelation was Judas (not Escariot), one of the twelve apostles. He was Jesus' cousin. His father, Cleophas, was the brother of Mary's husband Joseph. It was Jude who, At the Last Supper, when Jesus promised to manifest Himself to those who heard Him, asked why He would not manifest Himself to the whole world. Jesus replied, "If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word, and my Father will love him and we will come to him and make our abode with him."
The letter begins; "Jude, a servant of Jesus Christ and a brother of James, to those who have been called, who are loved by God the Father and kept by Jesus Christ:".
"Called" in the original language is a very serious word that referred to an official summons from the court to appear.
The Court of Heaven has sent an official summons to every soul who has cried out to God Most High for mercy.
Who is worthy to receive this summons? John answers the question in Revelation 22:17, "whoever is thirsty, let him come; and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life."
Beloved, you who have been called, when must you appear?
Jude answers the question in his doxology. "and now unto Him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you before His glorious presence without fault and with great joy - to the only God our Saviour be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore! Amen."
Beloved of God, the end of the matter is this. You have been summoned to appear. The date of your court appointment is written in The Lamb's Book of Life. You are kept in this life by the power of Jesus Christ. You will be presented to the Court of Heaven by Jesus Christ. You will be found perfect, without fault. And your spirit will overflow with great joy when God Most High pronounces the verdict of the court, "well done faithful witness."
As a college freshman, I pledged Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity. The 13th week of pledging, "Hell Week", involved sleep deprivation, road trips, and other various types of abuse. At the end of the week, each pledge must appear before a court of approval. Unknown to the pledge, this is a "Kangaroo Court" populated by alumni who systematically tear the pledge down and then throw him out as a reject. It happens to every pledge. Most get over it. I did'nt.
I left with my "Big Brother", Tony Anzalone from New York. I swore to Tony that I would never set foot in that house again. Finally, he had to admit that it was all a ruse.
I tell you this story because I was not a christian at the time and it was a devastating experience. Now I look back at it with great joy knowing that The God of Heaven is the exact opposite of that group of "judges" who rejected me.
Prayer requests:
1. Val has been under too much stress recently. It is affecting her ability to grow stronger Please pray that she can pull the plug on all stress.
2. Pray for wisdom in our considerations of SIR Spheres.
3. Pray for increased weight and muscle mass.
4. Pray for wisdom on chemo selections. Pray for our plans to transfer from USC to UCSD
I came upon your family blog looking for mircospheres as my wife was diagnosed with cholangio in June 2005. Although I have only skimmed some of your blog, I am taken back by the strong faith, mental toughness and family support you have.
I would like to ask a family member to contact me to compare some notes. Of course we will add Valarie to our prayers. God bless you and your family.
Nice to see you are out and about.
Stay strong my friend, for your journey has shown how much faith you and your family have.
God is using Valerie to expand his kingdom! Your family and friends that have been on this journey with you will never be the same. This blog is amazing!
I wanted to let you know even though I have been busy with Hunter you are always in my prayers and thoughts. Your friendship means so much to me and I miss spending time with you. Your generosity and enthusiasm about the birth of my son is so appreciated and I can't thank you enough for all your visits and helpful advice along the way.
It was great seeing Marianne when she was out visiting and it reminded me of all the fun times the three of us have shared. You can come over and visit anytime and bring that cutie Tyler with you so he can see the baby. I love you Val and I'm praying for you!
I am glad to see you and the boys went to the wild animal park. That is such a fun place to visit and I imagine that the boys loved seeing all of the animals. It must have warmed up as you had on a tank top.
I too want you to toss away your stress. It is important to stay calm and tranquil to allow yourself to heal. You seemed to enjoy sitting and watching the ocean. It may be nice to drive down there once in awhile and let Tyler play in the sand. It would do you good to just be. You also thought it was very relaxing being at Deanna's. She would love it if you came by more often to visit with her. Just finding the places that make you feel calm are important to visit.
I pray that you make a seamless transition to UCSD if that is what you chose to do. It would be nice for you to get your treatments closer to home.
I really had a wonderful time with you last week and I miss seeing you and just hanging out. You are a good friend Val and always have been to me. I wish there was more that I could do for you...
Your boys are so adorable and just too cute.
What is it with you and Deanna - you both make such cute kids....
Safe travels tomorrow up to LA,
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