
Sisters have played a major role in the comfort Richard and I have received. Richard's sister Char has been here for awhile, working to give our dear Val every advantage possible. Thank you Char.
My sisters Judy and Janet arrived from Michigan and stood beside us as we walked step by step through the homegoing of Valerie. They were tireless in cooking, cleaning, laundry, answering the phone, arranging flowers and helping me. A mistake had been made. Their names did not appear in the Memorial service bulletin. I want them to know how much it meant to me to have them here. Thank you for coming. It meant the world to me.
One afternoon as I was watering the flowers on my deck, my dear Janet grabbed the hose and sprayed the whole back end of my pants. I shrieked because the water was so cold. Of course, I did the same thing to her. When she was sufficiently doused, we laughed until we cried! We needed that after the intensity of so many days. Thank you both for your love!
My Sisters in Christ at Emmanuel Faith have been holding me up in prayer. I can feel the love, peace and comfort!
Valerie's sisters in Christ have been amazing. Our friend Sondra brought Valerie's prescriptions to her home on a regular basis. One day she not only had the prescriptions but also brought her rubber gloves and cleaning supplies. She cleaned all four bathrooms. Mary bought the boys clothes for the memorial service. Deanna, April, Steph and Kelli have helped so much. There have been so many gifts. I will ever stand amazed at the love that has been shown to my daughter. Food has been coming in for 18 months and will continue until Chris and the boys are ready to launch out on their own. Before hospice sent a night nurse, some of her dearest friends rom Valley Bible slept two at a time on sofas next to her. They helped her to the bathroom, gave her massages, changed her clothes, read the Bible to her and gave her the Roxinol for pain. One morning, I came close to Val's face and kissed her. She said, "my friends?" with a big smile on her face. I said, "its mom." There have been church services at her home because it was too difficult for the family to physically get there. Tami, Chris, Karee, Osil, Theresa and Diane are from Valley Bible. This is not a thank you list. It is an example of some of the sisterhood and love that exists at the school Ryan and Gavin attend. With an attitude of prayer in all things and a daily devotion to the Lord and each other, they have obeyed God.
John 14:23 "If anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching. My Father will love him and we will come to him and make our home with him. He who does not love me will not obey my teaching. These words you hear are not my own; they belong to the Father who sent me."
John 15:12 "My command is this: Love one another as I have loved you.
We Love You Sisters
ps: If possible, please leave your name even if the top portion says anonymous
Still praying for you all and will continue to lift you up - please let us know how we can pray and what we can do for you, Chris and the boys.
You are all in our thoughts and prayers.
I am so thankful that you have had so many wonderful people by your side to help you through this journey, every step of the way. You are wonderful people, loved by so many, and will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers daily. Thank you for the light that you have been to me over all of these years, especially the past year and a half. You are special people to me.
I didn't get the chance to give you a big hug after Friday's memorial service but wish I had.
Thank you for all the updates and for being such a great example of true love and motherhood. You have been a strong, shining light through the darkest of times. Val was lucky to have such a loving mother and the boys also fortunate to have you for their Grandma.
Best to you Always,
You are such a beautiful family. I continue to pray each day for you all. God praises you for your love and devotion you give to him and others...
You are always in my thoughts and my prayers..
Love Cheri'
That was sweet to acknowledge so many who loved and wanted to bless your family! You are truly loved by so many! I hope you know that and feel the peace only the Lord can give you.
In Christ,
This blog has been part of my daily ritual for the last 18 months and continues to be a part of my every day...some times several times a day. Val lives on in everyones thoughts, prayers and memories. When I look across the street and see The McCrea house, I see Val! When I see Chris and the boys, I see Val. When I see Richard arrive in the evenings, I see Val.
Our hands are open and reaching out to all of you should you need anything, anything at all!
In Love & Kindness,
Terri & The Ensor's
Richard, Nancy, Chris, Tim & Suzie, Julie & Chad ~
I just wanted to let you know the impact this has had on my life. I don't know how I lost touch with Val after we moved here to Arizona 5 years ago after having had the opportunity to be in a small group with her and Chris. It was such a wonderful time for many of us just starting our families. I had heard about Valerie a while back but did not have this blog address until just last week. I figured I'd see her again on one of my trips to San Diego - I had NO IDEA what she was going through! After hearing about her on Monday April 16th, literally not an hour has passed these past 8 days that she and all of you haven't crossed my mind with all you have endured. I have had a chance to read through the blog and experience all you have gone through for the last 18 months. The incredible reminders of Christ's promises are so reassuring and I know the hardest part is for those left behind trying to make sense of it all. I think with Val just being 3 weeks older than me and us having kids almost the same exact ages it has been a tremendous week of reflection. She was one of the first people I met at Emmanuel Faith back in 9th grade on that first Sunday I felt so alone and she along with others helped me feel so welcome. Our family will continue to lift all of you up in prayer and I love the updates on the blog.
Here are the lyrics to a song that Jana Alayra wrote about her 4 year old daughter she lost in a car accident. 4 or 38, they have been on my mind a lot this past week and I feel compelled to share them.
Every Minute that I Breathe
Photos on the mantle I won’t change
For they still remind me of a day
You filled our hearts with laughter and your smile
How we loved you for a while
The day came in the blinking of an eye
When suddenly we had to say good-bye
As you were soaring homeward through the blue
Part of me went right along with you
Every time I hear you in my mind
Though my heart weeps
My soul takes flight
To the place where you are
Somewhere far beyond the farthest star
Now every minute that I breathe
You live what I believe
You gave me so much more than joy
In you I saw a reason for each morn
In a world unwinding as it’s spun
Holding you would make me still again
Many say your days with us were too few
But they were numbered by the Lord for you
A message of your life remains through time
Jesus gave you everlasting life
Every time I hear you in my mind
Though my heart weeps
My soul takes flight
To the place where you are
Somewhere far beyond the farthest star
Every time I see you dancing through my mind
Though I long to hold you
My soul takes flight
To the place where you live
To watch you sing and dance
What would I give
Now every minute that I breathe
You live what I believe
One day I will see
Jesus come for me
No one knows the hour he will come
I will fall at his feet
For all he’s done for me
Then straight into your arms I’ll run
Much love in Christ ~
Debbie Pulte (Elyea)
I have cried once again. You all have touched my heart in such a way I can not repay you for this. But, I so much want to be in a better place with Christ and through this Blog I have taken the initial steps in my heart to start caring a little more about my life. You are such a beautiful family and an inspiration to be closer to God. Thanks for sharing!
Valerie Persichetti
Dear McCrea Family -
I am so heartbroken to not have Val in this world anymore. She was a great source of strength to me. I know God has a plan for us, but right now I feel like life is terribly unfair.
My husband and I will be in Denver this weekend (April 27th - 29th) at the Holiday Inn North at a gem & mineral show - it's open to the public. I see my oncologist tomorrow, so I don't know if I'll get to go to the show.
I don't know if Aunt Char is available, but I hope to be there with my husband this weekend should she want to stop by. She can call the Holiday Inn North in Denver and our room will be under Stoufer or
Also, we plan to be back in Denver the weekend of May 19th & 20th. We have some filming to do for my film project at the school, I need to go by the Denver Merchandise Mart, plus I'm hoping to see a specialist that weeke at CU Med Center.
We are also hoping to go to Utah to meet the Clements family sometime in May which is another possibilty for hooking up.
I will stay in touch. I would love to meet Aunt Char.
In the mean time, I will take comfort in knowing that when I get to heaven, beautiful Valerie will be there.
Sincerely, Caroline Stoufer
Dearest Nancy and Family,
I thank you from the bottom of my heart for this blog...for your family's willingness to allow us on this journey with you...for your unending, unwavering faith that has taught me, all of us, so very much!
My love for you all remains constant. You each are in my prayers have all blessed me in so many different ways! I would run out of room on this blog if I listed all the ways you have all impacted me in the most tremendous ways. As the days move forward, I will forever walk with our Lord, as your beautiful daughter/sister/wife/mother, Val, taught me to do. And I will remain here for anything that any of you need...forever.
May our dear Lord bless you each...may He fill your hearts with complete peace!
All my love,
Kerry Randall
To All Valerie's Loved Ones
My very deepest sympathies. Valerie was obviously a very special person whom you loved very much. For reasons we cannot understand, God has chosen to call her home to his kingdom much, much earlier than any of us wanted. Although words fail me and seem so inadequate, I just needed to tell you how very sorry I am and saddened by her passing. May God comfort and keep you. May his grace be sufficient and may his promises sustain you through this heartbreaking time. In the name of Him Who was, Who is and Who is to come. Amen
Michelle Bailey
It was truly a celebration of Valerie's life and all the people she had touched with her love and care for others. Richard and Nancy can be very proud that they instilled in her and the rest of the family the love of the Lord. We will all miss her but know she is in a better place.
Aunt Judy
As we left Valerie's memorial last Friday the storm was lifting and I was in awe of the sky. It was so beautiful and had a heavenly glow. The formation of the clouds allowed rays of sunlight to shine through. All I could think about was Val delighting in the Lord in Heaven. I kept telling my husband Steve "Look at the Sky" as we drove toward the coast.
When we arrived home I headed out to my balcony overlooking the backyard and sat watching the sun go down. A light-tropical like rain began to fall while the sun was still shining. It reminded me of a very special time I spent with Val one year ago. She and I spent a day enjoying La Costa Spa together. I joined Val at her house that evening and we experienced the same weather pattern in her backyard. Immediately she ran outside to play in the rain and there we saw a BIG, BEAUTIFUL rainbow. Val said rainbows remind her of GOD and she began to shout out "HELLO JESUS" and look up to the sky. It was a vision I will never forget. My beautiful friend dancing in the rain shouting out to the LORD. We both agreed it was the ending of a perfect day.
Last Friday as the rain fell and the sun was shining; a BIG, BEAUTIFUL rainbow appeared in the sky and I felt my dear friend close to my heart. I imagined her dancing in heaven and enjoying a multitude of rainbows. I know Valerie was pleased with the love and support that was shown as we celebrated her wonderful life. The rainbow last Friday ended a beautiful day.
I look forward to many more rainbows with Valerie in heaven.
I have followed Valerie's blog after finding this site shortly after my husband was diagnosed with cc in August 2005. I feel like I know your family and my husband and I would read your messages almost daily and find so much strength and inspiration from them. Dan and Val shared the same oncologist, Dr. Lentz. Living so close to you, we even hoped to one day meet her. I wish we had. We have a daughter Val's age, with 3 small children, and she reminded us alot of her, with her fighting spirit and love of family & life.
Valerie and her entire family were such a gift to us all. Having just lost my husband in March, I know the pain and loss you are going through. Please know my thoughts and prayers are with you constantly. Even though my husband never met Val, I'd like to think they are friends now in heaven, linked by the experience they shared. Thank you all for sharing your faith and your courage. You have been a light to so many.
Juanita Uster
I have followed Valerie's blog after finding this site shortly after my husband was diagnosed with cc in August 2005. I feel like I know your family and my husband and I would read your messages almost daily and find so much strength and inspiration from them. Dan and Val shared the same oncologist, Dr. Lentz. Living so close to you, we even hoped to one day meet her. I wish we had. We have a daughter Val's age, with 3 small children, and she reminded us alot of her, with her fighting spirit and love of family & life.
Valerie and her entire family were such a gift to us all. Having just lost my husband in March, I know the pain and loss you are going through. Please know my thoughts and prayers are with you constantly. Even though my husband never met Val, I'd like to think they are friends now in heaven, linked by the experience they shared. Thank you all for sharing your faith and your courage. You have been a light to so many.
Juanita Uster
I have followed Valerie's blog after finding this site shortly after my husband was diagnosed with cc in August 2005. I feel like I know your family and my husband and I would read your messages almost daily and find so much strength and inspiration from them. Dan and Val shared the same oncologist, Dr. Lentz. Living so close to you, we even hoped to one day meet her. I wish we had. We have a daughter Val's age, with 3 small children, and she reminded us alot of her, with her fighting spirit and love of family & life.
Valerie and her entire family were such a gift to us all. Having just lost my husband in March, I know the pain and loss you are going through. Please know my thoughts and prayers are with you constantly. Even though my husband never met Val, I'd like to think they are friends now in heaven, linked by the experience they shared. Thank you all for sharing your faith and your courage. You have been a light to so many.
Juanita Uster
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