Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Passing The Torch

This very cool picture is Val racing an RC car at a track I had built where I work in Oceanside.

In Paul's 2nd letter to Timothy, we find the weary apostle facing execution in prison. His life of obedience to Jesus Christ was coming to an end. It was time to pass the torch to Timothy.

The words of his letter are filled with emotion; Sadness, weariness, fear, nostalgia, and concern for the church of Jesus Christ.

But overshadowing all of his human emotions is his confidence and blessed assurance that Jesus is alive and in control of all things. Listen to his triumphant recollection of an encounter with The High King Of Heaven on the road to Damascus;

"but it has now been revealed through the appearing of our Saviour, Christ Jesus, who has destroyed death and has brought life and immortality to light through the gospel......I know whom I have believed, and am convinced that He is able to guard what I have entrusted to Him for that day.......If we died with Him, we will also live with Him; If we endure, we will also reign with Him."

Based on what we see, Val is about to leave us. What we don't see is in God's hands. She has run the race. She has finished the course. Her citizenship is in Heaven. Her passport is validated with the blood of Jesus Christ. Val is passing the torch to us. He who began a good work in her will carry it on to completion until the day of Jesus Christ.

All of the human emotions expressed by Paul in his final discourse to Timothy fill the hearts of all of us, and all of you, as we struggle saying goodbye to Val. She is leaving us but we are not losing her.

But Do not grieve, beloved, as those who have no hope. According the Lord's own word;

"The Lord Himself will come down from Heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever."

Comfort ye my people with these words.

Physically, Val's biggest problem today is difficulty in swallowing. Pray that she can swallow water and protein drinks without anything going to her lungs. We are walking a fine line between encouraging her and forcing her to drink. Pray also that those who assist her in moving around are very careful with their back.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Val, may you find comfort and peace knowing that your family is with you always!!! You have shown such strength and determination.
Thank You, to you and your family for sharing your life with us.
God Bless you always.

12:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I stopped by this morning to say good morning to Val and she was comfortable with no pain. Val ~ may you have a peaceful day with continued no pain. I love you. Kelli

12:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have been following your blog since the beginning, and I want you and your family to know that it has been such a testament of your love for God, Jesus and your family. We have all been placed on this earth for different reasons, and I am convinced that your blog has changed lives and brought people closer to God and for that I thank you and your family.

12:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Sloan -

I will continue to pray and pray for Val.

Thank you so much for your words and letting us in your life. I wish you knew what an impact your updates have on so many of us. Val is so lucky to have such a great family and what a very special father you are to her.

12:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My dear Val, I don't know you personally but you and your amazing family have been in my heart and prayers since I learned about your battle. It is so amazing how in the mist of carring this terrible load, you have encouraged all of us, teaching us that only living for Him makes sense. I'm ashamed for being concerned for that which can be solved, because most of our trials are NOTHING compare to your suffering. You are my hero.
Until we meet in heaven my dear,

Your sister in Christ,

Vista, CA

12:30 PM  
Blogger Betty Johnson said...

I have been to this comment section so many times to write something and I would erase it before sending. My words to provide comfort seem so inadequate because I know how difficult these days are for all of you. Nancy, I went back today and reread the beautiful card that you sent last September after I lost Sam in August. You said "What a wonderful man your Sam was". Well I have to ditto those same words about your entire family. I feel so connected even though I haven't met any of you. Your words have been a blessing to me and have provided so many people a lift each day. You have remained steadfast in your love for Jesus Christ no matter how difficult your pain. My heart goes out to all of you; may you find comfort and peace knowing that all of us are loved so very much and especially your precious Val.
Betty Johnson

12:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dearest Val - You are truly a hero and an inspiration, and all that has been said about your big smile and even bigger heart has been true. You were so generous to me in everything though we were only friends for a little while. We will see each other again in a blink of an eye.
God bless you, sister.

12:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Val - May you rest peacefully knowing that you have made such an impact on so many peoples lives in sharing you own personal experience. You have such a sound circle of friends and an amazing family. Those boys of yours will be so proud to share what a strong mommy they have and will grow up to be wonderful men.

McCrea and Sloan family thank you for being so generous in letting us into your lives. What an impact you all have made.

Bless all of you.

1:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The words that have gone before me are the same that are in my heart! My heart swells with love for you all as a family and as unique individuals.

I will always remember the day shortly after you were diagnosed were sitting up on the balcony and I was down in your driveway. You were still adjusting to the news of your diagnosis and you asked me if I thought your kids would remember you. To this I say YES! How do I know, you ask? Because you will be looking down on them, you will be all around them and you are IN them. Ryan, Gavin and Tyler will swell with pride when they talk about you. What a woman! What a MOM!

After you asked me this question, I went home and have continued since to cherish every moment with my kids, for life can be fleeting.

At times I find it hard to accept that you are leaving your physical body but then I know...I know this is your journey. You have been blessed as have we.

Thank you for letting me walk with you and your family through this blog. You have taught me so much.

With Love,
Terri Ensor

1:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Val, I am praying for comfort as you walk closer to being in the presence of our Lord. May your journey be peaceful and surrounded by the ones you love and love you. I have all my precious memories of you in my heart. I pray for Chris, your boys and your family. You have taught us so much about Faith in God through this journey. You have been so strong. I continue to pray beyond all hope that you heal from this terrible sickness. I love you, miss you and I know, I will see you again!


2:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear precious ones,
My love and prayers continue to be with you. May God’s word bring you comfort:
Psalm 56: 8
For you keep track of all of the McCrea and Sloan sorrows, You have collected all of their tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book.
Revelation 21:4
God Himself will be there with you. He will wipe every tear from your eyes, and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain. All these things are gone forever.
Remember the poem that Kerri found at the beginning of this?
"You are a great champion,
When you run the ground shakes,
And the sky opens,
And mere mortals part...
Part the way to Victory,
Where you will meet me in the winner's circle,
And I'll put a blanket of flowers on your back."
Still praying that God will heal your earthly body, but should that not be His plan, we will all meet you in the winner’s circle,
In His Love,

2:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We continue to pray for your families' strength and peace. You are so blessed to have each other and you have blessed so many by sharing your story and most of all your faith. Through the Sloan and McCrea families you have encouraged many of us in our walk with the Lord. Thank you.

This is a beautiful poem. I hope it lifts your spirits today.

Cancer is so limited…

It cannot cripple love
It cannot shatter hope
It cannot corrode faith
It cannot destroy people
It cannot kill friendship
It cannot suppress memories
It cannot silence courage
It cannot invade the soul
It cannot conquer the spirit
It cannot steal eternal life

Author unknown

3:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Val, I am praying that you are with no pain and may you understand and accept your family's love and full Christian hearts that they will take care of your Beautiful Ryan, Gavin and Tyler. When I said goodbye to you in San Diego before I moved to Georgia I knew in my heart it would not be last for our friendship and I still feel the same way I will see you at the crossroads. Be in peace Val! I love you and your family very much. VP

3:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm flooded with precious memories of spending time with Valerie. I have been blessed knowing Val for as long as I have and remaining close to her over the years. One thing is for sure Valerie will forever remain in my heart.

My friendship with Val is a gift from God. Spending time with her during her journey brought us much closer together. The conversations we shared our etched in my mind and I consider Valerie McCrea one of my very best friends. I recall a time when the thought of Val being sick seemed absurd; Valerie one of the healthiest most beautiful people I have ever known. We spent many times working out together (taking spin classes when she was pregnant with Ryan), aerobics, yoga you name it Val could do it. And she did it well!

When I got the news Val was sick I was home alone that evening. I cried a lot that night and wasn't able to sleep. It just didn't make sense. WHY, I asked God is this happening to my friend Val?

Sometimes we get so busy with life that we loose touch with loved ones, we get caught up with our daily routine. I believe God opened a door for me and gave me quality time with Val while she has been sick. In the begining of 06 I sprained my ankle badly and was off work for sometime. I had the opportunity to hang with Val. I then became pregnant and was on partial rest; often times Val and I would rest together. I can't even begin to share what those moments have meant to me. A bad ankle, a complicated pregnancy all seem so minuscule compared to what Val was facing and it was. But not to Val. She wanted to be there for me and she was. She would sometimes show up at my house ready to help and take care of me. She wanted to wait on me. That what makes Val happy, giving to others! And she did it with such beauty and grace.

I beleive this disease that Val fights will never win because Valerie always made sure that she wasn't going to let it bring her down. Those who know Val probably remember her smiling and asking,
"What's Up?" Or reaching her on the phone and the first question is "what's up?" If God is ready to bring her home then I am confident that UP is where Val will be. Val will be looking down on her family and friends with LOVE in her heart. She will no longer have to suffer with pain, no longer have to fight. She will be living in perfect peace with Jesus. And we will miss her terribly but I know we will meet again.

I love Valerie so much!!!!! She is my friend forever!

3:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

DEar Christ and Val:

My love and prayers have been with you since I heard you were sick Val. I have checked your blog at least once and generally twice a day to see how you were doing. I will always remember you and look for you when it is my time to join you. Much love to all of you. Your "old neighbor", grandma Sarah

4:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


We met at our Young Married's Home Group several years ago. Little did we know the battles that lay ahead. Although we haven't been in contact with each other, please know I keep you in my prayers.

Thank you so much for sharing your faith with all of us. You have shown great strength, courage, and a tremendous love for the Lord.

You are an amazing person, Val. I never told that to you before. You also have an amazing network of family and friends, who have done so much for your and your family.

It was no accident that our paths crossed many months ago at Johnny Carino's. It was then that Chris told me about the cancer. Since that time I have checked on you via the blog, and prayed for you along the way.

Thank you again, Val. Thank you again to your family. All of you have been such a blessing to so many of us.

Your Sister in Christ,

Ginger Lovisa

4:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will not stop praying for healing.

4:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can understand everything that your family is going through with this cancer as my Mom had it. This cancer is rare and all of us that have or had a family member affected by this cancer have experience the things you have talk about in your updates. We are part of this special family. We are praying for Val.

4:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are praying continually for Valerie, Chris, those sweet boys and the entire family.

Lovingly, Drinkward Family

4:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Words cannot say what I feel about your very brave and public battle with cancer. Your honesty and openess about your disease touched so many of us in ways we might not even realize. From following the blog, I feel like I know your family intimately and will miss all of you. I also believe this phase of your "journey" is just the beginning, and you will be able to be with your boys whenever you want to, and they will know you are there sometimes. I too will look you up when its my turn!

A friend for eternity

5:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This website has affected our family in so many ways and has had such an impact on all us.

Val is in our prayers every night.

5:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are praying for you.

Houston, Texas

7:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everyone's comments have reflected our thoughts more eloquently than I can. We have been blessed to have known you even though it was only a short time. You have a tremendous family through Chris, your boys and your parents and sister. You have brought many people closer, as a result of your strength and belief in God. We wish we could ease your suffering and pain and make your cancer go away. We're still praying for a miracle.
Love, lisa and vlasi

7:28 PM  
Blogger Osil said...

My sweet Val, I miss you soooo much already, and I can't wait to see you again:) Remember that one time when you asked "What about me? Am I gonna sit on a cloud playing the harp until you all are raptured?" You're gonna be doing so much more than playing the harp, Val (or maybe the Mariacci Violin in your case!) I can't even begin to imagine in my small mind the wonders you will see... I can't wait to hear those words again when I see you "What's up!" Oh, how I miss picking up my phone and hearing those words on the other end... But, although we are weary we will stay strong for your precious family, especially Chris and the boys who have all such a special place in all of our hearts... We will ALWAYS be here for them, Tami, Kerry, Diane and I, and all the others that love you so much! As I told your Mom today, we all love you Val sooo much, and we know that you would always do everything you could for everyone else... You have the most giving heart, even now as you fight for your life...

Chris, it was so awesome to see you at church on Sunday. It was weird, I was just thinking about you and praying for you, and then I turn around and your right there! God is so good... I got such peace during the last song, the one that starts with "You are my all in all," and ends with "Dont worry about a thing, cause every little thing is gonna be alright! Cause I'm free, I'm free to be without worry..." Chris, I had such peace at that moment, cause I knew in my heart, that although this is gonna be hard for some time, that GOd is gonna make everything alright for you and the boys. HE is with you through this, carrying you in His arms, as He is Valerie and everyone else involved. I know you know we will ALWAYS be here to help you and the boys.

Val, I love you my sweet angel friend... you still owe me that song, remember, that you were gonna teach me when noone else were around... I think it was the one about NOthing can seperate me from the love of GOd... No powers, principalities... Can't wait to hear you sing it!

Val, you are a breath of fresh air in my life, and in everyone elses that have met you... KNowing you have taught me to live life to its fullest every day, to always put other people's needs in front of my own, to not be afraid of making a fool out of myself, but to take chances, to go for it full force. To not wait, but sease the moment in every situation. You have no inhibitions, Val, and that is something that I, the Norwegian that I am, yearn to have. You will forever be my hero! (Whether you want to be or not..) Thank you for the "hugs" when I was with you overnight last week... When I put my ear close to you to hear what you were saying and you gently laid your head against mine, thank you for those tender moments...

Love you forever... until we meet again...


8:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you to the McCrea and Sloan families for letting us share this journey with us. Many people have written about how your family has spread the word of God and touched so many.

I am one of those that have been touched. You have returned me and my family to the more important things in life; you have shown us that in all things believe in God.

You have opened up the last 18 months of your life for us to share. We have had the opportunity to get to know you so well, and I thank you so much!

Though we may never meet here, I am certain we will recognize each other when we are all called home to the Lord.

May the Lord God be with you and bless you. My He make his light to shine upon you and hold you in His arms.

In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, our Savior- Amen.

8:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dearest Sloan and McCrea Families,
You have been in our thoughts and prayers each day. Valerie is going to a good place. She will be joining my sister, who I lost when I was only 14. It gives me peace of mind to know that they will be together and watch over our families. All of the messages and updates are so inspiring and Valerie, you are a true hero. You will always be present in the hearts that you have deeply touched.

Maricris and Virgil Enriquez and Children

8:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am also praying for a miracle.

9:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Val and your family are in my prayers tonight.

9:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are all hoping for a miracle.

9:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love to all the family.....We are still praying for a miracle....but it is in God's hands. We pray for all of you at this you all dearly......Kay and Gary Dale We love you Val......

10:10 PM  
Blogger marianne said...

Chris and Val's entire family,

I know the pain and I know the sorrow. I also know the joy. Be near her, love her, let the final hours be peaceful. Lie next to her if she will let you. Tell her how much you love her, but if it is God's will, let her know she can go. We wasted too many precious minutes that I would give anything to do over again. Talk, remember, laugh, cry, and dream together. Even if you're the only one talking. She can hear you. Death does not take our loved one away. We remember them daily in the home and life we shared with them and in the eyes and souls of our children. We keep living for the children and to honor the ones who go before us. I don't completely understand why, but I do have faith that our Father in Heaven has a plan for each of us.

I will pray for the Comforter to be with you and that Peace will abide in your home.

Marianne Clements and children

10:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Val, I still am praying for a miracle. I look back and feel so badly that we lost touch. I remember the first time I ever saw you: they were throwing you a baby shower at work for Ryan. I looked in at you and knew I wanted to know you. And after you came back to work, we got to know one another and realized we both were Christians. I remember when I was pregnant and the person who was supposed to give my shower couldn't make it at the last minute and you jumped in to make it happen. True to what everyone says about you being there without hesitation for your friends. You were the one who lent me all of your hip baby clothes, and then said you needed them back right away b/c you were pregnant with Gavin! You were always so strong and good at whatever you did. I am praying that God's will is to leave you here, but I KNOW that whatever His will is, you and your family will be OK. I have followed the blog and your journey and have to echo many sentiments: you have touched so many, led many to Christ, and have shown us all what is truly important. Val, you are amazing.

Michelle G.

11:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Those who touch our lives Stay in our hearts forever..."

Val, Chris, McCrea & Sloan

You have all touched our hearts in so many different ways.

Thank you so much for opening the doors to your homes and hearts and letting us in to share this journey.

We hold you close in our thoughts,

Lara & Patrick

11:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our family has gone through this illness and I pray for your strength. Never give up.

11:57 PM  
Blogger DUŠKA ALŽBĚTA said...

Thank you for sharing, I was fighting my cancer. A week after I turned 45 I was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer that spread to my liver. It was a long hard journey but July 19 will be 5 years cancer free after drinking Dr Itua herbal medicine. I wish the best for anyone with cancer and I will recommend Dr Itua to anyone with cancer and Dr Itua will cure you completely. I’m thankful I meant Dr Itua on Stay on them about the ox platinum that can leave you with permanent damage. They backed down on mine after drinking dr itua herbal medicine and I don’t have any permanent side effects. Much love from California stays strong . If you have any questions You can write to Dr Itua Herbal Center on

4:58 PM  

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