In The Shadowlands

This Good Friday Morning is like no other in my life. My daughter has one foot on Earth and the other in Heaven.
Thursday 33 A.D., after sunset in Jerusalem. The Lord Jesus is eating His final meal with the Apostles in the Upper Room. A dispute arises over which of the apostles is the greatest. He rebukes them and assumes the duties of footwashing, a task assigned to the lowest ranking household servant. The God of all Creation washes their feet. He identifies Judas the betrayer. Judas leaves and Jesus warns the Apostles against deserting Him. All, particularly Peter, insist they will never desert Him. The Lord takes the cup, gave thanks, passes it to His Apostles, and says, “I will not drink from henceforth of the fruit of the vine until the Kingdom of God shall come.”
Beloved, for the child of God Most High, there is coming a day when we will share the cup with our Saviour. He is the firstborn from the dead. When we see Him, we will be like Him.
And He took the bread, and when he had given thanks, he brake it, and gave it to them, saying, “this is My body which is given for you: this do in rememberance of Me.” And the cup in like manner after supper, saying, “this cup is the new Covenant in My blood, that which is poured out for you.”
In like manner, the saints throughout time have celebrated this remembrance of our Lord until He returns. We shall do likewise. Tomorrow night, Saturday, at 7 pm we will gather at Val’s house to sing a hymn, read from God’s Word and celebrate Communion. All who call on the name of Jesus are welcome. Please RSVP to me at 619 7789945. There is probably a practical limit of about (30) who can fit in the house. Leave small children at home if possible.
Thursday 33 A.D., after sunset in Jerusalem. The Lord Jesus is eating His final meal with the Apostles in the Upper Room. A dispute arises over which of the apostles is the greatest. He rebukes them and assumes the duties of footwashing, a task assigned to the lowest ranking household servant. The God of all Creation washes their feet. He identifies Judas the betrayer. Judas leaves and Jesus warns the Apostles against deserting Him. All, particularly Peter, insist they will never desert Him. The Lord takes the cup, gave thanks, passes it to His Apostles, and says, “I will not drink from henceforth of the fruit of the vine until the Kingdom of God shall come.”
Beloved, for the child of God Most High, there is coming a day when we will share the cup with our Saviour. He is the firstborn from the dead. When we see Him, we will be like Him.
And He took the bread, and when he had given thanks, he brake it, and gave it to them, saying, “this is My body which is given for you: this do in rememberance of Me.” And the cup in like manner after supper, saying, “this cup is the new Covenant in My blood, that which is poured out for you.”
In like manner, the saints throughout time have celebrated this remembrance of our Lord until He returns. We shall do likewise. Tomorrow night, Saturday, at 7 pm we will gather at Val’s house to sing a hymn, read from God’s Word and celebrate Communion. All who call on the name of Jesus are welcome. Please RSVP to me at 619 7789945. There is probably a practical limit of about (30) who can fit in the house. Leave small children at home if possible.
Physically, Val is not doing well. Her legs are swollen. Her abdomen is distended with air. She is eating and drinking as much as can be expected. Her alertness ebbs and flows. She is in no pain. We are continuing antibiotics and have ordered a blood panel for Monday. Truly she is in God’s hands. Her future is secure. My continued prayer is that she would stay with us and be healed.
I am very grateful to San Diego Hospice, particularly Petra, our Nurse Practitioner. She truly goes the extra mile and has taken a very personal approach in her loving care of Valerie.
I am very grateful to San Diego Hospice, particularly Petra, our Nurse Practitioner. She truly goes the extra mile and has taken a very personal approach in her loving care of Valerie.
This is such a Holy time for our world and Val is so much taken care of by all of you but most of all the Spirit of all the Saints and Our Lord most high Jesus Christ is with her at this hour. I believe that Val's "Miracle" in this trial has been her Father and Mother and the POWER of Christ in there family. Not all of us have that! I Believe that her miracle is "YOU" The Family which she was born into. Thanks be to God for that Blessing. I am also convinced that her time has been stretched for the sake of her INDEFINITE fight to win this. That is a miracle in itself. Here's to Val The most Beautiful soul and strongest women I know! Val you have put up some fight my love and have done very well. God Bless
Count me in for the conference call tomorrow evening. I will dial in from Michigan.
I pray for Val and your entire family everyday. I know how much you all love Val. It has been difficult for all of you too. I pray for energy for each of you and peace of mind during this difficult time.
I pray that Valerie is comfortable and pain free. I pray that her swollen legs decrease and that her abdomen goes down as well.
I pray for complete healing from God. She is in God's hands.
May Aunt Char fly safely to Val so that she can help you.
Love to you all,
My prayers are with you and your family during this difficult time. We continue to pray for Val's complete healing, comfort, and serenity. Our prayers are also with the people who surround Val in her care and comfort.
We will pray for you Mr. Sloan as you give such strong updates. We will pray for you and your family. We will pray for Val to heal.
Mr. Sloan, Thank you for the updates, I will continue to pray for Val, you and the entire family.I know what you are all feeling because I went thru the same thing myself with a sibling. I pray for healing for Val, that she may find peace and comfort in the arms of her loving family!
My prayers are with you, your family and friends during this difficult time.
I pray for complete healing, your comfort, and peace from pain.
Sending thanks to the caregivers and your family's updates to the blog. I think of your everyday.
With love,
Amy V.
We are so grateful that you are not feeling any pain right now. We will continue to pray for you to be completely healed. We are in complete awe of the strength, love and compassion of your family. You continue to touch and inspire all of us. My three boys are praying for your three boys.
With Much Love,
The Keefe Family
San Marcos, California
I will continue to pray for the stent change for next week and that will never change. What a wonderful father to give the updates with all that he is going through. I truly feel the love through your updates. It is wonderful that her Aunt is here now.
I wish we could do something to help your family.
Praying for Val in Houston.
Mr. Sloan,
I know that Val must have the Golden Bear necklace from her wonderful Aunt. Prayers to all of your family.
Houston Texas
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