Dr. Amy

Dr. Amy Whitman, a Scripps physician and personal friend of Valerie, has been a great resource and provider of critical services in Val's home. She and I had a frank, difficult, painful debate last night. Me, the dad and engineer who can fix anything. She the competent medical professional.
I was on shaky ground.
Point one: Should Valerie have an outpatient ultrasound and paracentisis to drain ascites fluid in her abdomen? After an examination, Amy indicated that the distension is not fluid but air inhaled and not exiting the body normally. Conclusion: she probably should not. The hospice nurse will also examine her today to provide a second opinion. Argument over.
Point 2: If Val is still with us next week, should we consider an ERCP and stent change? Amy's opinion is that she wouldn't survive the procedure. She would have to be intubated and we would be right back where we were last Wednesday when we took her out of Cedars Critical Care. My opinion, the cancer has been held in check and we should give Val a chance to stay with us.
I think Amy is right. We ended our debate with this caveat. If Val's level of mental awareness returns and she chooses to go through another ERCP, we will go forward with it.
Yesterday was a good day for Val. She was up and about. Her mental awareness is improved. Julie and her mom hung out with her. Her friends Carrie and Brenda slept next to her on the couch. The catheter was removed and Val is having good bowel movements.
I heard a true story from Watchman Lee about a poor Chinese rice farmer. He was a christian. His paddy was high on a mountain in southern China. He rose at 5 am every morning and spent two hours pumping water up to his paddy. By time he climbed to the field, his neighbor below had opened the dam and drained the water into his own field. The next morning, the farmer rose at 3 am. He pumped his neighbor's paddy full and then his own. The neighbor saw Christ's servant spirit in this man and was converted to christianity.
I am so grateful for all of you who have displayed this servant spirit in ministering to Valerie's needs. You are following the example left by our Lord.
Paul described it best in his letter to the ancient church at Phillipi: "Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus who did not consider equality with God something to be grasped but humbled Himself and became obedient unto death."
Prayer requests:
I was on shaky ground.
Point one: Should Valerie have an outpatient ultrasound and paracentisis to drain ascites fluid in her abdomen? After an examination, Amy indicated that the distension is not fluid but air inhaled and not exiting the body normally. Conclusion: she probably should not. The hospice nurse will also examine her today to provide a second opinion. Argument over.
Point 2: If Val is still with us next week, should we consider an ERCP and stent change? Amy's opinion is that she wouldn't survive the procedure. She would have to be intubated and we would be right back where we were last Wednesday when we took her out of Cedars Critical Care. My opinion, the cancer has been held in check and we should give Val a chance to stay with us.
I think Amy is right. We ended our debate with this caveat. If Val's level of mental awareness returns and she chooses to go through another ERCP, we will go forward with it.
Yesterday was a good day for Val. She was up and about. Her mental awareness is improved. Julie and her mom hung out with her. Her friends Carrie and Brenda slept next to her on the couch. The catheter was removed and Val is having good bowel movements.
I heard a true story from Watchman Lee about a poor Chinese rice farmer. He was a christian. His paddy was high on a mountain in southern China. He rose at 5 am every morning and spent two hours pumping water up to his paddy. By time he climbed to the field, his neighbor below had opened the dam and drained the water into his own field. The next morning, the farmer rose at 3 am. He pumped his neighbor's paddy full and then his own. The neighbor saw Christ's servant spirit in this man and was converted to christianity.
I am so grateful for all of you who have displayed this servant spirit in ministering to Valerie's needs. You are following the example left by our Lord.
Paul described it best in his letter to the ancient church at Phillipi: "Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus who did not consider equality with God something to be grasped but humbled Himself and became obedient unto death."
Prayer requests:
- That Val's mental awareness continue to improve so she is able to participate any decision regarding future ERCP's.
- That Val's stomach distension subside.
- That stents in Val's liver begin to flow. Val's liver is failing.
- That infections can be held at bay. We are running out of Cipro and must decide if it is appropriate to continue.
Godspeed Beloved
Hi to all,
We continue to pray for your family and for Val. We love and care for you all. We will pray for Gods wisdom and strength for you all.
Maggie your little friend says howdy...Maggie (mega-doodle) is fine and happy. She is so smart she learns tricks in l day.She loves people and kids.....Gary found a great way to wear her out.
She chases water at he end of the hose......While he sits in a chair.
Take care, I know God is with you....love....Kay and Gary Dale
Romans 8:28
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
Keep up the fight McCrea & Sloan Families. Don't lose faith or give up... Many prayers your way....
Enjoy the day today God has provided. Do not worry or be anxious........
My prayer, of course, is that God touches Valerie and removes all traces of illness from her body. I will also continue to pray for her precious boys, husband, mother, father, sisters, brothers, extended family and friends. Her life has obviously touched so many, not to mention mine, someone she has never met or even spoken to. However, she is my sister in Christ Jesus and someday will we see each other face to face. I want to take this opportunity to thank you so much for the beautiful christian messages that you so eloquently convey. I have been so blessed by them. I so want to be the strong, supportive wife, mother, sister and daughter to my own family as my husband battles this same disease. Your christian testimony has truly been an example for me to follow. I can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens me. To God be the glory forever. Amen
Michelle Bailey
All of your prayer requests are in our prayers. Love to you all, The Ensor's
Many prayers to you.
Valerie, you and your whole family are truly an inspiration on how to live life.
Dear Everyone,
My heart and soul ache for you Richard, Nancy, Chris, Julie...all of your family...the decisions you have faced over time and the decisions that are to come, have not been and are not easy! Yet you all gather together in faith and as a family and press forward! I am constantly amazed and inspired by all of you! But more than that, I am BLESSED to know you and call you friend!
Your prayer requests are heard...my prayers remain unceasing. I spent last night just praying, praying, praying while lying with Brenda...Val between us. I felt peace...knowing that our Lord is holding Val and each one of you in His mighty arms...doing only the work that He can do! I thank you for allowing me to help...it is such a blessing to me...I love you all so much!
I pray for rest and peace for each of you! And will continue to pray for all of you...louder and harder than ever!!!
All my love,
Kerry Randall
Hi Val,
It was so good to talk to you yesterday! I am glad you are feeling better and getting around. You are the strongest gal I know! Your spirit in unwavering!
Talking with you yesterday reminded me of all the good times we have spent together over the years. The night out when you met Chris, followed by all those years of dating! Fun, crazy times! The fun time we had on your boat...I remember losing my brand new cell phone in the water, jumping in to get and laying it on Chris's truck dashboard in the sun to dry. I can't believe a few hours later, it worked again!
One of my fondest memories was coming over to see baby Ryan after he was born. I was single again and had no idea what to do with a baby. You offered for me to sit and rock him in his room....Amazing! He fell asleep in my arms. It was so wonderful and I thought I could never be as good a Mom as you! You used to tell me it was easy and he just goes everywhere you do. Then came #2 and 3...all boys! I was so scared when I had Sydney and thought how did you do it and go on to have more??? You never cease to amaze me! I have always looked up to you for that. Sydney turns 4 this April and Luke will be 9 months this week. Still terrified of being a good Mother, but I too have passed on those words to friends, that they are easy, and go everywhere you do!
Val, I pray for you daily and just miss you so much. I know that God is taking care of you and has his plan in place.
Keep your strength up and continue to get well!
Mom's In Touch here in Michigan is praying for you Val, and for your family. You all have been such a beautiful witness for Christ.
Love, your cousin Christie
Last night was amazing to watch and be with Val. She has so much strength and still has her awesome sense of humor. She wants to remain positive!!! I love you Valerie. Kel
Richard, you are Gods child and he has been with you all the way and as you know God will never leave your side. Val is your child and Gods and she will never leave your side. Val is with us now and as a Christian we all know she will always be with us. I'm in Georgia and I am with you right now. All of my prayers for Val and her Beautiful Christian family.
Love, Val Persichetti
Dear Sloan and McCrea families,
You are bathed in prayer every moment by so many..what a huge blessing. Thank-you for continually updating us with Val's condition. My heart goes out to you having been in this situation only two years ago to the day with my own father and having lost my brother only a few years earlier to cancer. God teaches us so much about Himself through all of this doesn't He? I do pray that God may interevene yet with a miraculous healing for Val. Three things I know for sure: God is is control, He is faithful, and His grace is sufficient no matter what.
Nancy, know that all of us at the Youth Center are praying and love you lots.
"In Your presence Lord there is fullness of Joy! Ps 16:11 May you find ways to experience His joy today.
Love because of Jesus!
The unity of friendship, teamwork, medical expertise, and love for Val is unparalleled!
Keep fighting Valerie.
The Lawrence's
Our prayers are with you in this difficult time. My husband Joe has been diagnosed since July 06 and is not getting IPT. We are praying for Val to be comfortable and that she can stay with her family and have some quality time. You faith is so strong and I can't imagine how people can go through this without Christ. God Bless Mary Anne by the way , we live in Plainfield IL
Let God's Wisdom lead you to the right decisions for Vals care. Praying for you all....
We continue to offer our prayers for peace, strength, and God's miracle. May His wondorous light continue to shine so brightly in the McCrea and Sloan families. When I visit this sight I am encouraged and amazed at the number reflected on the counter. Your family has touched so many of us. Thank you!
After reading a previous posts I noticed a verse that Val said she had read, and read, and read.... It seemed to mean a lot to her at the time she read it, maybe she would like to hear it again. 2 Cor 4:16-18
"Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far out weighs them all. So, we FIX OUR EYES not on what is seen but what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary but what is unseen is eternal."
Mr Sloan, please know that we all will continue to pray for Valerie. I think about her all the time and include her in my prayers every day. You have raised a truly remarkable, exceptional, wonderful woman. Val is so strong! She is an inspiration to everyone! God Bless you and your entire family. Thank you for keeping us updated. I know that you have so many things on your mind, but we truly appreciate the updates. We may not be with Val physically, but spiritually, she is always with us....in our thoughts and in our hearts.
Mr Sloan, thank you so much for the updates. You continue to give us updates while you are doing so many other things. Never ever give up. Val is in my prayers everynight. Val is so lucky to have such a wonderful and amazing family.
There are so many people in Houston praying for her.
I have an honest question. Isn't entrance to heaven, being in the very presence of Jesus what we all are to long for? When a Believer in Jesus Christ is suffering, in a body that is so humanly frail, so near to death, why do we not welcome freedom from the illness, saddness and pain of our earthly body, considering it the very best of the best? The fulfillment of our faith?
For the believer to enter Glory is a wonder beyond words, finding rest, wholeness and peace.
My prayers continue to be with you all.
You and your family are awesome examples and witnesses for our Lord!!!
You are a sweet source of strength to all of us.
I know some of the VCS moms have been helping overnight. If you would like/need someone to stay with Val overnight, I'd love to help. I work graveyard, so I am totally use to being up all night.
I am available this Saturday night, with other nights a possibility as well. Just let me know (504-7693).
In prayer with you and for you.
Love in Him,
Alice Sarazen
Dear Val, Chris, Boys, Mom, Dad, family and friends,
The Lord Bless you and keep you.
The Lord make His face to shine upon you, and give you peace.
I was listining to the radio earlier and I heard a song I have not in awhile. Natalie Merchant's "Wonder"...the lyrics reminded me of Val...
"They say I must be one of the wonders
Of God's own creation
And as far as they can see they can offer
No explanation
O, I believe
Fate smiled and
Laughed as she came to my cradle
Know this child will be able
Laughed as my body she lifted
Know this child will be gifted
With love, with patience and with faith
She'll make her way"
I know Val is making her way by faith right now and our Lord knows her destiny.
We pray the family is strong and Val is pain free and enjoying her life.
In Our Savior's name, Amen.
Have a good night my sweet angel friend! I love you!!
All night all day angels watching over me Oh Lord,
All night all day angels watching over me...
When at night I go to sleep, angels watching over me, my Lord, I pray the Lord my soul to keep, Angels watching over me!!!
Just visualise the invisible army surrounding our sweet Val at this time, it is good to know that she is in His good hands...
I pray you will have a good blessed night, Val, Nancy, Richard, Chris, Julie, Ryan, Gavin and little T, I love you guys all so much..
To Val and the McCrea/Sloan Families,
We pray for you guys at my bible study and I know all of our family is praying for you.
I pray for peace, comfort, and strength for you guys.
Your examples as followers of Christ are amazing.
Continuing to pray...
Jeremy Schluntz
You have such amazing friends Val. They too are a blessing to all of us. Praying for a peaceful nights rest and while you rest may you heal and gain strength.
God - please watch over our Valerie.
Heal her suffering and rid her from this cancer and make her strong.
Please hear our prayers.
Val & family,
I pray for you continually and my friends in Oregon and my family here in California are praying for you as well. We look forward to hearing about your full recovery. Our hope is in Jesus. All things are possible with Him.
You are very loved and covered in prayer all across America. Thank you for touching so many lives.
Dear Val
You have been in my prayers since 2005. Every time I lift you up in prayer, your big, beautiful smile comes to my mind.
Cari (Beckett) Hudgins
Hi Val,
It was so nice to speak to you yesterday and hear your voice. I miss picking up the phone and just talking to you. It made me sad that you asked me to come over. I wish I were still there and I could just pop over. I am comforted that you had Deanna,Julie,Mom and Dawn there to keep a good eye on you.
Julie is a wonderful sister to be driving back and forth to help you. She loves you and wants to see you as much as possible.
Deanna has been a wonderful friend to you and she wants to be there to help you. She loves you very much.
There is no love like the love of your mother. She loves you unconditionally.
Dawn was hired as your nanny to help care for the boys. She has turned into a great friend to you. She cares for you and she hurts when you hurt. Everyone that cares about you feels this way.
Keep getting your rest and enjoy your time home with the boys.
I am praying everyday for you to be pain free and comfortable.
You are definately loved my friend!
I love you,
I said a prayer for you today,
And know God must have heard.
I felt the answer in my heart
Although He spoke no word.
I didn't ask for wealth or fame,
I knew you wouldn't mind.
I asked Him to send treasures
Of a far more lasting kind.
I asked that He'd be near you
At the start of each new day,
To grant you health and blessings
And friends to share your way.
I asked for happiness for you
In all things great and small,
But it was for His loving care
I prayed the most of all.
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