We Are All Praying Together

This picture symbolizes what Val has done in her own special way. She has brought a lot of people together over the past 18 months. These people are family, friends, and friends of friends from all across the country and they have come here to wish Val the very best and to pray that her suffering will end. We also pray that her pain will diminish. Many of the people who visit this blog daily are friends for life, and many visitors are people who have joined in along the way. I think that several of us visiting have learned that life should not be taken for granted, but rather we should cherish each moment that we have with our family and friends. Thanks again for all your prayers and help as we continue to pray for Val.
Val had a lot of energy today, relatively speaking. She wanted to get out of bed and walk around at 7:00am. I was reading a book to Tyler right next to Val and Char in the living room. When I’m reading and Tyler see’s people with sad faces in the book he says “mad, mad face”. I was trying to make a mad face and right after that Val started to do this with her face. I didn’t think she fully understood what we were saying and 5 seconds later she had Char and I laughing. Then Tyler got more involved and he was trying to make his own mad face. It was just one of those moments that were special.
She is having more problems with the pain relief, so Hospice put her on a Pump tonight to help smooth out her pain. She is still trying to play Mom and tell the boys what to do. She was trying to tell Tyler to put on his pants this morning. She is having problems letting go. Her mind is so strong. I think she gets this from all the running she use to do. When you are in pain running its mind over body and she is an expert at it. She once was running so much each week she stress fractured her lower leg and had to be in a cast for 6 weeks. I guess what I’m trying to say is she is such a fighter and with the Boy’s it’s not easy to say I give up.
Please pray that she can let her mind rest and the pain pump works well.
THANKS for all the beautiful comments and all the effort with the Meals!!
Chris, so well put. I am one of those friend of a friend that was picked up along this journey of yours. I read this blog more than once a day. Val has set me straight on the path of my life.
I am glad that you and your family continues to make lasting memories together. Thank You for sharing with us all.
Even though I will never meet you in person, I will continue to keep tabs on you, the boys, and your extended family through our mutual friend. I wish your family much peace. Please give Val a special hand holding from me. Tell her thank you for bringing everyone together.
I know you guys don't know me very well, but through the blog I feel like we have known each other a life time. Please let Val know that even though we only met a few times that she has made a lasting impact on my life, you all have. I am just down the street so please don't hesitate to call for anything and I will help however you need. Thanks so much for sharing your jourmey with us and we will continue to keep you in our prayers.
Love, Hei Dee DeStefano
we are all praying for Val, you and the boys. Remember that God is with you always, and look to him for Strength and comfort.
I have been praying for Val and pleading with God to bring her back. I am from Florida and do not know your family, but for some reason I was led to your blog. I was sitting in the stands at the Championship game of the Final Four and I couldn't help but think of Val and the boys, chris and Val's parents. I wanted to enjoy the moment of such success of the Gators, but my heart was aching for your family. "We can never avoid strife in the world around us but when we fix our thoughts on God, we can know perfect peace even in turmoil. As we focus our mind on God and his word we become steady and stable. Supported by God's unchanging love and mighty power, we are not shaken by the surrounding chaos." Isaiah 26:3 You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you.
The Mccrea Sloan faith has lifted me and encouraged me to become a better christian, mother, wife, friend. God Bless you and keep you. My prayers are always with you.
Michelle Jones
My thoughts and prayers are with you and Val. I have known you two for a very long time and cherish the memories we have created. You have always been a blessing in Val's life and no doubt she is thankful to this day for all that you have done for her. I remember your wedding day like it was yesterday. Seeing Val in her gown ready to walk down the isle. She looked at me and said "This is what I have waited for, I am marrying the man of my dreams". You are so strong Chris and Val needs that; she has always needed you. It is no wonder she is holding tight and won't let go. She is a remarkable person and strong in so many ways. She never did anything half-heartedly, she always gave 110%. I remember shopping with Val years ago. We entered a boutique store that had lotion on display to test. I tried a small amount and Val put a very large amount in her hands and couldn't rub it in enough to do anything else in the store. She was bathing in the lotion rubbing her her hands, arms, neck and face. She wanted the full experience not just a sample! Realizing she had more lotion than places to moisturize, she came over to me and told me how wonderful the lotion was and wanted me to try it -- from the remaining amount on her hands. It was so cute - so Val! We laughed about it...many times we shared similiar events laughing to tears. When it came to sharing chewing gum, I always knew she needed 3 pieces not 1. She wanted the full effects of flavor in her mouth even if she couldn't talk with her mouth full of gum. It was Val's way and I always loved this about her.
Val was an amazing inspiration from her athletic ability to her sense of style and her infectious bubbly personality. I miss my friend and pray for her health everyday. Chris, I pray for your strength in all that you are going through.
With love,
Amy V.
I am praying for Val to be comfortable and less restless. I know how strong she is - She is equally smart. May your entire family have peace during this difficult time.
You have been a wonderful husband and I know how much Val loves you and wants you by her side.
I pray for you all everyday.
Dear Chris,
I hope you know that Val is constantly in my prayers. Not a day goes by that she is not on my mind and in my heart. Last night I awoke at 3:30 a.m. and there she was! I just continue to ask God to support your whole family through this journey. I know that you have so many people helping you and the boys; just know that Michael and I are here for you whenever you need us. You, too, are foremost on my prayer list. God holds you in the palm of His hand. With Love, Jane Fontes
Chris-We admire your strength and enthusiasm for life that keeps the family on the right path. Valerie married you for the dependable, level-headed, trusting person you are. We love your energy and your love of life..We can't imagine what you are going through, we are here for you, stop by any time. Matthew misses Ryan and Gavin. Keep your heart strong, we have no doubts that you will continue to flourish and guide your family through this adversity. Godbless Valerie and your whole family.
Love Pete and Tamara
Chris, thank you for the update. It still amazes me how you think of others in the midst of such a trial. You and Val have such a special love for each other and your boys. I'm still praying for that miracle of physical healing! I pray Psalm 102:23---"In the course of my life He broke my strength; He cut short my days. So I said: Do not take me away, O my God, in the midst of my days; Your years go on through all generations."
Chris - When I see you outside whether its taking in the trash, playing catch with your boys or at a t-ball game, you always wear a smile. In the face of this challenge, you can still see the light. Your boys have a good man and wonderful father to emulate.
We are here if you need us in any way...I do a "mean rolling in of the trash cans" you know!
Terri Ensor
Hi Chris & Val! greetings from all the way down the street! Just a quick hello to remind you we are still tuning in to your blog everyday and sending all our love and positive thoughts to you and your wonderful family. I really hope Val regains some physical comfort soon.
Thanks for this entry. I relate so closely to Val's running story. It has always been my outlet for mental and physical unburdening--even when it causes additional physical pain. Funny you should mention this, because I have been running pretty faithfully several times weekly in spite of some injuries and etc... EVERY time I do, I think of Val. When I feel like I can't take another step, I picture her smile. I visualize her cheering on her boys and chasing them around. I crank up my Ipod w/ some hard rockin song and fight for one more mile. I feel so empowered and I blessed that I have the strength and ability to go just a little further... You all inspire me every day. BELIEVE IT! Tell Val I'm running for her, okay?
May our magnificent Lord and Savior Jesus Christ bless and keep you close. Our prayers for all you need will be prayed to Him whose Grace is sufficient. God bless you.
Dearest Chris, Val and precious little ones;
I did not know your battles until recently. You have been in my thoughts and prayers, as I too have become a warrior for Val's healing with prayer and faith.
As I look at your family pictures, I see a smile so bright it shines with blinding light in all that see it and feel it.
Mother Theresa said; "We shall never know all the good that a simple smile can do" Vals smile will bring faith, joy and love for all eternity.
If ever I wander, I shall think of Vals smile, the faith of her family and kindness in the words of her friends.
Let her smile lead us to HIM.
God Bless,
San Marcos
Dearest MCCREA Family
I want you all to know your stength and faith has helped to remind my family of what is important. Thank you for sharing Vals brave journey it has provided us with a reminder of how strong and wonderful family is through all of your words. We will be foreverly greatful. I worked with Val at Option Care, not closely, however the times we worked together and shared some moments (we were pregnant at the same time) will never be forgotten. All of you are in our prayers every day. God Bless
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