The Dream

In bed, Escondido, California, 5:45 AM, Monday, 4/13/2009.
I heard Tyler's little feet running toward our bedroom.
As usual, he climbed into bed between Nancy and I. He told me that he had a dream last night. To the best of my recollection, his narrative went like this;
it started at Gavin's baseball practice. Then he talked about Moses and some bad guys with sharks. He saw a man raised from the dead. He saw soldiers beating someone and then talked about Jesus dying on the cross. He mentioned that God was present.
Quite a dream for a 4 year old. A dream for the ages. I leave the interpretation of the dream to you.
For me, it was a golden moment to have Valerie's youngest son snuggled next to me and sharing his dream.
That is beautiful! Thanks for sharing!
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