
Julie and the grommets (Paul's code name for Kyle, Julie Ann, and Nate) drove down from San Luis Obispo last Thursday. I was talking to Nate over the weekend and asked him where Aunt Valerie was. I watched his wheels churn as he pondered the question. "In Heaven," said Nate. "What's she doing there," I asked. "Waiting for us," was his immediate response. Great wisdom can reside in little hearts.
Shortly after Val died, Julie told me that if she and Chad ever have another child, she is going to name her Valerie if it is a girl, or Val if it is a boy. Either way, we would have another Val in our life. What a blessing that would be. A little soul to stand in the gap until we see our beloved again. What a reunion that would be when we get to Heaven. Val would meet her namesake and we would enjoy two Vals for eternity.
I am reminded of the story of Job. In the beginning, he was the richest man in the east and had seven sons and three daughters. He lost all his wealth and all his children. In the end, God rewarded his righteousness and perseverence. He doubled Job's material possessions and blessed him with seven sons and three daughters. Why didn't God double his children as he did his wealth? He did. Although Job's ten children were killed in the beginning, he never lost them. Today, he enjoys the presence of twenty children in Heaven.
Gavin went back to San Luis Obispo with Julie. I heard that he is enjoying being there. That shouldn't be a surprise. He is missing his mom and Julie reminds him of her. Paul and I are leaving Temecula at 3 am Saturday to pick him up. Chad and Kyle flew out of SLO today to do some fly fishing in Oregon.
Lifting your family up always!
I am still so inspired by your insightful words. May God bless and keep you until you see him face to face.
Michelle Bailey
My son andrew is up with Chad (he is Sean's nephew) in Oregon! What a great experience for Sean, Andrew, my Dad and also Chad and Kyle. It's these special moments that will make life time memories, I know because I have them with my Dad. He used to take me fishing up in Oregon when I was young. You seem like the same kind of Dad to your children and grandchildren. I know they have such special memories with you.
My sister is having a baby boy and had decided to have his middle name be John (my husband who passed away). They figure they got pregnant the same week that he went to meet Christ. Isn't it amazing how God gives and he takes away - all in his provisional timing. Your family is still in my prayers.
Congrats to you Jules! I love that you will name the baby Val! I hope this baby brings as much joy to you as Val did to all of our lives! I pray for you to have the energy you need to keep up with your three grommets and grow that precious being inside of you! Next time you are down, I would love to see you!
Congratulations Julie. What a wonderful surprise. A baby brings so much love to you. I know that Valerie would love that you will name your next child after her.
You are such a wonderful mom and your children are so beautiful. I am very happy for you to share this new life.
I was also happy to hear that Gavin came to stay with you. He is so sensitive and sweet and loved his mom so much. It must make him feel comforted to be around you becuase you are so much like Valerie.
I hope you are all doing well.
I miss you and pray for you everyday.
There is not a day that goes by that Val isn't in my thoughts...
I miss her,
Our thoughts are with you now and always!
I saw Chris in his driveway last Friday and we were talking about how much he loves pies. He used the phrase "THE BOMB" when talking about cherry pie! I told him that the phrase always reminds me of Val because I had never heard it until I met her. We were looking for a housekeeper and she turned us onto hers, Antonia and Melva Sanchez. She told me they were THE BOMB and indeed they is Val!
Terri Ensor
Chris and boys,
I miss you guys and hope that you are having a terrific 4th of July. I think that you were heading to Denver. I hope that you got to spend time with your mother. I know how much she enjoys the boys. It was nice to spend time with her when she was in San Diego even though it was under difficult circumstances.
I think of Val everyday and miss her so much. She was a very dear friend to me. A friend through thick and thin. Once in awhile I hear someone say "that is the bomb" or "what's up" or "stroker" or "that's insane" and it makes me smile to think of Val.
So often I want to just pick up the phone and talk to her. I have comfort in knowing that she is healthy now and that she is at peace in heaven.
We will see her again one day.
I hope to see you soon,
Love and hugs to the boys,
Missing the regular posts and updates about the boys Chris! How was your fourth of July? How was Gavins trip to Julies? Let us know if you all need anything!
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