
Nancy just sent me an e-mail entitled "Through a Child's Eyes". This is one of the letters written to God.
Recently, Nancy received a book about a woman who died and came back to life. In the process, she met two angels who told her about a life she lived in eternity past ( I am not sure where or when that is). There are many stories of people meeting angels in our world but the thing that I have noticed is that the stories don't seem to fit too well into the truth revealed to us in the Bible.
And that brings me to Gabriel. Come along with me if you want to hear a really exciting angel story.
Gabriel first steps into history when he is dispatched by God Most High to reveal to Daniel the future of mankind and the Earth. You can read about it in Daniel Chapters 8 and 9.
The next time we meet Gabriel, he appears to Zechariah, a priest in Israel. Gabriel speaks to Zechariah, "Your prayer has been heard. Your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you are to give him the name John. He will be a joy and delight to you....He will be great in the sight of the Lord....he will be filled with the Holy Spirit from birth....he will go before the Lord in the spirit and power of Elijah. Wow! How would you like to have an angel appear to you with that news?
Like Abraham and Sarah, Zechariah and his wife Elizabeth were senior citizens. Like Abraham and Sarah, they were childless.
Initially, Zechariah was gripped with fear at the appearance of the angel. After listening to Gabriel's message, Zechariah's fear turns to unbelief. "How can I be sure of this? I am an old man and my wife is well along in years."
I can sense Gabriel's frustration as he responds; "I am Gabriel. I stand in the presence of God, and I have been sent to speak to you and to tell you this good news. And now you will be silent and not able to speak until the day this happens, because you did not believe my words, which will come true at their proper time.
So Zechariah goes home, unable to speak. Elizabeth becomes pregnant. I am sure he told Elizabeth, in writing, about the appearance of Gabriel.
In the sixth month of Elizabeth's pregnancy, God sent Gabriel to Nazareth with a message for a virgin whose name was Mary. His first words; "Greetings you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you." Although Mary was greatly troubled at what kind of a greeting this might be, she was not gripped with fear as was Zechariah. Gabriel tells Mary that she will have a son and will name Him Jesus.
Mary is not filled with doubt,as was Zechariah. Just a legitimate question; "How can this be since I am a virgin?"
Gabriel speaks; "The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you."
Mary's faith and obedience are revealed in her response; "I am the Lord's servant. may it be to me as you have said." What a contrast to Zechariah's fear and unbelief.
Now that's an angel story!
Wish you were an angel? Not me. Unlike us, angels have never experienced faith and hope. They love and obey God but the simple fact of the matter is, they have always stood in His presence. They have always walked by sight. We walk by faith and hope. That is why Paul said, "and now remain faith, hope, and love."
We celebrated Father's Day this weekend at Paul's house in Temecula. Nancy, Gavin, Tyler and I arrived before Chris and Ryan, who were coming from a baseball game. Tyler and I were hanging out in Paul's front yard when Chris' Expedition rolled up. With dark tinted windows, you really can't see the driver. Tyler saw the car, turned to me and said, "momma's here." My knees buckled.
Janet Sloan's mom, Barbara Shimer has been in ICU at Palomar for several days with a so far undiagnosed low sodium condition. Please pray for wisdom for the doctors and God's healing hand on Barbara.
And finally, for those of you who choose to subject yourselves to my "too long" Tribute to Val at her memorial service, the video links below will take you there. Since You-Tube has a 10 minute or 100 Meg limit per clip, it is mercifully divided into Part One and Part Two, it's sequel.
Part One
Part Two
Hi McCrea & Sloan Family's - What a great blog! Thank you! My knees buckled as well when reading the words about Tyler's comment when the Expedition pulled up! We still call the house, "Val and Chris's house". We, the neighbors, continue to talk about Val as if she still walked the earth. Well, she does! Just take one look at those 3 beautiful boys! We had the pleasure of playing some t-ball with them in the street last week and you can see Val in their faces as clear as day! She certainly hit a home run! Happy Father's Day Chris, Richard and all you Dad's! Terri Ensor
Dear Richard,
Happy Fathers Day to you! I just wanted you to know your tribute was not "too long" It was a dear Dad revealiung truths about his beloved daughter and his memories of her!
Richard - as always I enjoy reading your postings so much. Your words of wisdom are very comforting and make me feel not so alone. I know exactly how Tyler feels - I just keep expecting Sam to just show up again. As C.S. Lewis put it so very well...their absence is like the sky...spread over everything. I sometimes think I would like to be Mr. Spock on StarTreak and tell Scotty to just "beam me up". Anywhere but here with this unbelievable pain and hurt....but that is not our choice. I hope you have heard from your "Alabama" son Jeff and all is well. Give my best to Nancy, Chris and the boys. I look forward to your future blogs.
Betty Johnson
It has been a year since my father passed away and we still say Mom and Dad's house without thinking. I am so glad that your family still blogs because it makes me fill better when I talk about my Dad so much even after a year. I just do not want to forget him. I wished you knew how many people you are helping deal with their healing.
Your words are so touching and I look forward to many more blogs from you. I wished I could have a dream about my loved one because I miss him so much.
I know Val was looking at you on Fathers Day and she must be so proud of the love you have for your grandchildren.
Is your family going to make or buy something for each family in Val's memory?
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