Mrs. Taylor

Betty Sloan died at six this morning at Hoag Memorial Hospital in Newport Beach, California. Nancy and I were with her until 11 last night. I told her that she would be shortly leaving her worn out 88 year old body and enter the presence of God Most High. I asked her to say hello to Valerie and to tell her that we will see her soon.
In the world's eyes, Betty's departure was a struggle of breathing tubes, morphine drips and last gasps of air. We stand over a dying soul and secretly are grateful that it's not us. But to the eyes of God Most High, "precious to the Lord is the death of the saints" and "to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord."
I considered it a high privilege to spend time with Betty last night. To hold her hand and touch her forehead. To speak to her about eternity. Nancy told her that God has a place already reserved for her in heaven's choir. My mind went back to the time not so many months ago when I held the hand of my beloved Valerie. In a way, I almost envied Betty knowing that she would see Valerie in a few hours.
The picture above shows Betty in the middle with just a few of her many family members.
Elizabeth Croy Taylor Sloan was born to Mabel and Howard Croy of Hudson, Ohio on July 7th, 1919. She came into my life as a young child when she worked for my dad as a housekeeper. But she was much more than that. Eventually my dad and Betty got married but I couldn't break the habit of calling her Mrs. Taylor.
After my dad died in Ohio, Betty moved to our hometown of Escondido, California. For almost 20 years, we enjoyed her company a s member of our family. We have many fond memories of her showing up at our house in "The Betty Cruiser".
Betty's memorial service is next Saturday at The Community Reformed Church on Felicita in Escondido, California. 10 AM.
Godspeed dear one.
Dear Richard and Nancy,
It was so nice spending time with you both last night and I admire your strength and loyalty to our dear friend Justine as we joined in at the celebration of her son Jeremy's wedding. I know it wasn't an easy time for you but you both put on a smile and were there for your friend.
I couldn't help but be reminded of Val last night. That is the kind of thing she would do for her friends and family and it shows how your daughter was so much like the two of you....strong and loyal to the people she loved.
I miss her and there isn't a day that goes by I don't think about Val.
Last night was a very special evening for Justine and her family and Steve and I both enjoyed sharing time together with you!
CHAR's memories:
Mrs. Taylor.......
As young children, that is what we were told to call we continued to do so, as that was her name to us. When Betty and Eugene were married, she still seemed like Mrs. Taylor to three young children.
My heart is heavy today, thinking of Betty and what an important part of this family she has become. Always happy and satisfied, never complaining (even when she should have), she took life as it came to her, one day at a time. What a lesson for each of us to learn .....compartmentalize each day.....don't carry the heavy loads of yesterdays and each day to the fullest. Be grateful for what you have is bountiful!
Words and images that come to my mind when I think of Betty over the years......."our chore list posted every morning on the table", "the small black bucket she threatened to hang from your lip if you were pouting","wieners and noodles", "sitting in the chair when you misbehaved (equivalent to today's time-out)", "egg goup", "Demolay Mom's", "Rainbow Girls", "Girl Scout leader" and then later....."learning to drive for the first time in her mid-sixties" ie. the BETTY CRUISER, "lunches with the girls", "singing in the Church choir", "playing cards", "traveling with her daughter, Judy","participating in all of the family activities" and so on. She loved life and lived it to the fullest.
We all will miss her......
I never had the opportunity to meet Mrs. Taylor but Val always spoke of her with such love. I remember one time a few years back when Val was worried that her grandma wouldn't make it out of the hospital but like Val, she was a fighter.
I am sorry for your loss. She will be seeing Val soon and I just know how happy Val will be to see her Grandma!
Dear McCrea,Sloan,Theules,
I have been thinking of you all alot lately and praying for peace and joy for all of you! I miss your sweet Val so much! I am sorry to hear about the loss of another loved one!
Mary Lockrem
I am so sorry.
She will indeed see Val in heaven and teel Val of so much.
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