I Dreamed a Dream

Two years ago today, our beloved Valerie left this world. I was so privileged to have her in my life for 38 years.
The last 18 months of her life, we traveled two roads together. One was filled with pain and tears. The other was filled with the glory and presence of our God.
I was forever changed. For the better. Life has never been the same. Our God has never been more real. His blessings are new every morning.
Last night Nancy and I saw an amazing and uplifting video. For those of you who, like Nancy and I, are especially sad today thinking about our beloved, I have included this link to it.
I Dreamed a Dream
The song, I Dreamed a Dream, from Les Miserables, is especially appropriate for me.
In my dream, we are all together, having just arrived in Heaven. Gavin, Ryan, and Tyler are with us. In the distance, Jesus is waiting. Valerie is standing behind Him. He looks at Gavin, Ryan, and Tyler and tells them how pleased He is with them and their faith after losing their mom.
Then he stands aside and they run into the arms of Valerie.
Beloved, this dream is a future event. It will come to pass.
GodSpeed to all who call on the name of God Most High
Thanks Dad. An encouragement on a tough day. That is an amazing dream and I look forward to the day it comes to pass. Every day we have is a gift. Love you! Julie
Richard and Nancy,
Thank you so much for this beautiful posting. Your dream has left me with goosebumps and tears. What an unbelievable day that will be! You have been in my thoughts and prayers all day long. And Kendall and I are honoring Val tonight in a way that is simple. We are full of joy over the gift of Val's life and all of the amazing ways she touched us. We too, are forever changed by the time we had with her. Thank you Lord for blessing us with Val...we will carry her with us forever. Until that day that you so beautifully described comes!
God bless you and your family always! God is good...all the time!
All our love,
Kerry, Jay and Kendall
Your posting brought me to tears. It was such a beautiful image. I know that Ryan, Gavin & Tyler miss their mom and will be so blessed with love when they are reunited with her in heaven. I miss my friend today and think of her so very often. I am confident that she is smiling down on us and helping us to always do the next right thing by God. I am sad today and so thankful you brought me to your blogspot. I miss having this place to go to.
Love to you all,
Thank you Richard for sharing that amazing video. Valerie is in our thoughts everyday, but especially on this day. She would be proud of her family and we know with all my heart she is looking down with a big smile. We also miss our dear friend, but hold her close to our hearts.
The Evans Family
Scottsdale, AZ
I love that dream! I was out at Hidden Shores this year on the
15th. I drove by site number 41 and laid a simple flower (likely a desert weed it was what I could find) Yet it was ironic to me how we are all like weeds so imperfect yet to God we are as beautiful as a morning rose with a drop of dew. Val saw something in people that others missed! What a lesson she taught so many of us....look for the beauty friends!
Love to you all!
I happened on this blog by chance and cried when I read the post and watched the video. My heart ached because they lost their mom. I guess my dad has talked to me so much about losing his parents. He lost his mom at 2 and his dad when he was 4. He knows one day he'll see her in heaven but I guess because I've heard my dad wonder aloud what it would have been like to know her, this post made me cry.
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