The Book of Life

On January 11th, 2005, I was sitting in a meeting when my cell phone rang. I immediately recognized the little voice of my grandson, Ryan McCrea. "Grandpa," he said, "I just asked Jesus to come into my heart." Suddenly the meeting room and it's participants grew strangely dim as I got up and left to spend the next 15 minutes on the phone with Ryan. Later, I went to my office and wrote his name on a piece of driftwood Nancy and I found on Whiffen Spit in Sook, Vancouver Island, B.C.
But more important than my inscription on the driftwood was the entry our Lord made in the Lamb's Book of Life. At that moment, the name of my beloved grandson, Ryan, was entered into the book containing all the names of those who belong to God Most High and His Son, Jesus Christ.
Last night, Val asked Ryan to sing a song he will be singing in a Christmas program this weekend. I sat spellbound as he sang for several minutes from his heart a song of worship and praise to our Lord.
Ryan's grandpa
Richard, you are such an amazing man. EVERYONE, you know or who knows you is so blessed. What an awesome person you are. We are praying for your family every night. God Bless You !
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Dear Val,
I have been thinking about you all day, praying that the chemo treatment went OK, and that those tumors are melting away. I have so much hope for you in Him who sustains our lives. Yesterday was just wonderful, thank you so much! It was just a beautiful day! So filled with His promises.. Especially that cross in the sky made by the jets! God is awesome, He is so close to you! The girls and I were talking on the way home, about how we truly believe that you are gonna beat this. Who cares what the statistics are! God is so much bigger that! And He will get all the glory when you are cancer-free and have defeated this enemy!
I pray you will have a great, peaceful week in that beautiful spot in San Clemente. Enjoy it, my friend. I pray your boys will join you soon, they would love it up there! I could tell you really longed for them, I totally understand how you feel!
Let me know if you need anything at all.. call me anytime! I mean it!! Praying for you always!
Psalm 52:8-10
But Val is like an olive tree
flourishing in the house of God;
she trusts in God's unfailing love
for ever and ever.
She will praise you forever for what you have done;
in your name she will hope, for your name is good.
Love, Osil
Those moments in time with children...those innocent words they speak that are so full of truth and wisdom...those are the miraculous moments that remind us of God's precious love for us...and that He is with us on this walk! We have never met Richard...but you have been such an inspiration to so many of us! Know that you and your family are in our mus be so proud of the family you have...they are amazing! God Bless!
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