Block Medical Visit

OK. I know Tyler is sideways but I could not figure out how to make him straight. Reminds me of my life right now so we will just keep him this way. He is still cute though.
I went to Block Medical in IL last week. A very informative visit. This whole center is an integrated center that focuses on Alternative therapies in conjuction with Conventional. It was very informative. I met with Dr. for 2 hours and n ot only was encouraged but empowered. I also met with a dietitian, physical therapist and a psychologist while I was there. I am on a mission to get rid of this cancer and am convinced there is ALOT we can do as patients to make this happen. It is to much information to type all of it on this site but for those Cholangio patients that are interested we can have a conference call to disseminate the information. I also really encourage you to go there if you can. It was all billed to my insurance except the dietician which was $170.00 and worth every penny.
I get chemo this Thursday. I have felt good. Some side effects are making me crazy though. My toes and fingers are numb from the Oxiliplation I was on before. My lip is very blistered from the 5fu I am on right now and the Tarceva gives me a rash that itches. Other than those few inconveniences I am doing well.
Please continue to pray for my friend Tim Sharp. He is still in the hospital and can not get rid of an infection in his liver. They think that bile has backed up in an empty tumor somewhere and is causing insection. We want his infection to go away and be able to come home so he can go to Texas for a radiation treatment. Strength for Stacy his wife as well.
I applaud you for your strength of character and your tenacious nature as well as your sense of humor. I, too, am convinced that there is a lot we can do by combining traditional and alternative methods as well as prayer and faith to rid your cancer. I am very interested in hearing what you learned.
You are always in my prayers.
I love you.
Aunt Donna
Val, You continue to amaze me everyday that I read your Blog, because there isnt a day that I dont read it. Your strength and faith should be an example to all of us....I remember you saying that "You Loved Your Life" what more reason to fight for it... I remember how big your HEART was when we were in the second grade WOW now Just the thought that you have time to think of others the way you do while your own life is upsidedown....You are AMAZING... You are in my Prayers everyday to rid you and your family of this cancer.
Pat Stravalexis-Washington
My dear Val,
I am so proud of you, I remember when you first entered this battle, how you looked to me like a warrior, ready to fight, determined to win with God on your side. Like David, going out to defeat Goliath. I know GOD is gonna find just the right stone to beat this giant, he WILL go down... so keep on fighting, you will be victorious! You have a whole army of supporting troops behind you, and most of all, the greatest Commander in Chief of all times, Jesus Christ.. I am so proud of you!
Love, Osil
I love the sideways picture of Tyler - he truly is a sweet little angel. Ryan and Gavin are such good boys. You have done such a great job raising them and they love you so much! I wanted to take them all home with me....but then I thought you might notice they were missing :)
It was so wonderful to spend quality time with you this past week.
I am looking forward to hearing about your pilates class. You will probably be the best student he has ever had because you are so athletic.
Cirque de Solie has nothing on you!
I miss you already!
Val and Nancy-
Thanks for stopping by yesterday,
it was such a surprise!
I spoke with Justine last night and she mentioned she saw you both after you left my place, we should all get together for lunch.
Val- I continue to pray for you everyday. I know this week is challenging, and I pray your chemo treatment goes smoothly.
I love ya VAL!
Dear Valerie,
I am Laura Paczewitz's mother and I had the pleasure of meeting you when Laura and Eric lived in San Diego. I am so glad Laura gave us your blog so I could read of your journey. We are traveling down the same road in that I was diagnosed in September with Stage IIIc ovarian cancer. I have been on Taxol /Carboplatin and now Gemcitabine.
My doctors are cautiously optimistic, but you and I know the Great Physician and we can have confidence in His doing what is right and good.
Valerie, I embrace you in the Lord and am praying for you always.
In His Love,
Mary Deen Mansfield
It doesn't matter if Tyler is sideways or upside down...he is are all of your boys!
And YOU!!! I am sooooo proud of you also!!! You are a tremendous woman Valerie. I am constantly amazed by are truly an inspiration to myself and so many others. You are so smart and beautiful...and your Aunt Donna used the perfect word to describe you...TENACIOUS! Without a WILL take this cancer DOWN and OUT!!!
I can see the Lord working through you and with you Val. He has very special plans for you...glorious plans!
Good luck with your chemo tomorrow. I will be thinking of you and praying for you all day! I will also pray for your friend Tim and his wife. God bless you Val for being the special person that you are...we love you!!!
All my love,
Kerry Randall
Val, You are an amazing woman. Every time I read your blog I am simply in awe of what a wonderful person you are. You still take the time to pray and care for others. We are keeping you and Chris in our thoughts and prayers always.
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