The Holy City

When King Nebuchadnezzar threatened Daniel and his friends with immediate execution for refusing to worship a golden image, their swift response required no discussion or weighing of the alternatives. "We don't have to defend ourselves in this matter. If we are thrown into this blazing furnace, the God whom we serve is able to save us and He will rescue us from your hand. But even if He does not, know this, Oh King, we will not worship your image."
These men came face-to-face with an enemy that was poised to destroy them immediately in a most painful way. What kind of a scale did they use to weigh the value of their physical life against their worship of what the Apostle Paul called "The Unseen God?" The answer is simple, beloved. Although they had never met the Messiah, their lives were hidden with God in Christ. So are ours.
Through the eyes of faith, they saw what John was shown in Revelation 22 when an Angel took him into the future to see the Holy City, the new Jerusalem. This is Daniel's home. This is our home. This is our future.
Daniel, like us, knew only of life as it is lived in this body. His argument to the king, however, presented three truths that he held to be self-evident; God is able, God will rescue us, but if He does not,---. Daniel did not know what would happen to him that day.
We are just the same. And we are different. Daniel's battle was swift. Ours is long. After spending several nights on a small cot in Val's hospital room at Cedars, I woke up one morning and thought, hey, if the rest of my life is spent with Val in room 506, that's ok with me.
As we approach one year from Val's diagnosis, I can confidently say that, by God's grace, I do not grow tired or weary of this battle. As He rescued Daniel, I know He will rescue us. And all praise and honor must go to the throne of His Son.
Continue to pray for us beloved. Pray for my wife Nancy who is having an MRI on her brain today after experiencing some weakness in her side. Pray for Chris who had an ominious message from his doctor regarding some blood tests last week. Pray for Val who continues her daily battle with pain. Pray that the slow healing wounds in her abdomen heal quickly. Pray for a trip to Kauai tomorrow. Val, Chris, Ryan, and Gavin are scheduled to be gone for a week. Pray that Val stays healthy in Hawaii. Pray for the upcoming PET/CT for Val the following week and Chemo treatment 22 the week after.
P.S. You may notice that Chad changed the picture on our Blog title recently. This is only part of the "Sloan" Clan. Missing is Jeff's wife Janet, Josh, Jessie, Jared, Justus, Julie's husband Chad, Kyle, Julie Ann, and Nathan. Whew!
Happy early birthday to you. I know that your birthday is one week from today. I wish you a wonderful trip to Kauai and I wish for you a wonderful birthday spent on the most the beautiful island. My God bless you and keep you safe as you venture off to paradise. It will be so good for you Chris and the boys to get away and just relax in such an idealic setting.
I pray that your Mother's MRI comes back clean and that Chris's blood tests are also ok.
I miss you and wish for you to enjoy your time away.
Call me when you get a chance I miss tallking to you............
Dear Val..You and your family just look so beautiful. Keep up the fight! Have a wonderful and relaxing time in Kawaii. As always, you are in my thoughts and prayers.
Jamee Webb
Val & Chris - Have a wonderful time in Kauai, a deserved vacation for you and your family. And Valerie Happy Birthday may this year be a new year full of healing and continued progress with your battle.
Travel Safe,
Hi Val!
I am thinking about you always and so happy you and the family are able to enjoy a beautiful destination (Kauai) together. As you know it's one of my favorite places and I know you, Chris, and the boys are going to love it! It reminds me of how God has created so much beauty for us to appreciate and how he wants us to relax and sometimes slow down. Take it all in and feel his presence on your vacation, it truly feels like paradise.
I look forward to hearing all about it when you return and hopefully we will get the chance to get together soon.
Happy Birthday!
Lots of Love,xxoo
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