October 21st

The next morning, Val and I went to a soccer game. A light rain was falling As she sat in a lawnchair. I could tell that her mind was a million miles away.
I don't know how many dear souls have traveled this journey with us. The counter on our blog, added in February, stands at 33,115. But God knows beloved, and He has heard all your prayers.
Time is an odd thing. According to the Bible, a man's life is three score and ten, 70 years, and then things start going downhill. But a more important Bible truth is this; with the Lord, 1,000 years is as a day, and a day is as 1,000 years.
The Interpretation of this seeming contradiction is this;
- 1,000 years of this difficult journey is like one day in God's economy. The words of John Milton in Amazing Grace were true when he wrote, "when we've been there 10,000 years bright shining as the sun, we've no less days to sing God's praise than when we first begun."
- The value of one man's life lived for God's glory for one day is greater than 1,000 years of another man who lives for himself.
Those of us closest to Val wish that we could share her pain and struggles. Couldn't we in some way just carry the burden for her? But I know that He who is closest to her does feel all her pain.
Some people have said that this Blog has been meaningful to them. That is nice but the real purpose of this Blog is to testify as witnesses to the beautiful life of Valerie Sloan McCrea. A warrior's life being lived for God's glory in an epic struggle of life and death. Valerie Sloan McCrea, a true American hero.As we begin this next year, there is one thing we will not do. We will not hesitate to move quickly to research the latest medical and holistic treatments for cholangiocarcinoma, stent, and pain management.
The American author George W. Cecil wrote,"On the plains of hesitation bleach the bones of countless millions, who, at the dawn of victory sat down to rest. And resting, died."
Beloved, we are at the dawn of victory. Our God will honor all that we do on the human level by his mighty power. This is His promise and this He will do.
Val called from Kauii last night on her way to a Luau. She is feeling well. Continue to pray for her well being in Hawaii. She is facing Chemo 22 at USC next Thursday. We will schedule a PET/CT for the following week. Pray that God will reach down and strangle the life out of this enemy. My vision is to look at a PET that shows a landscape of dead tumors.
I remember exactly the time and place of where I was the day you called to tell me that the tumors were cholangiocarcinoma. I felt numb. You have always been so healthy. You told me that you were going to fight this. I told your mother how upset I was. Your mother told me you needed help not sympathy and she was right. Find us the best doctor to beat this. I felt a tremendous need to get you in front of the doctor with the most experience in this type of cancer. I researched the internet to find the top Liver CA MD's, I called friends who had connections hoping to get you in quicker. Your Aunt Char was able to utilize her connections and get you into Cedars and in front of the top doc. You have bravely faced this battle with courage and dignity. Even when you have been frustrated you haven't lost sight of the goal-To win this battle. Your Mom, Dad, Husband and family have all been so wonderful to you and to all of us who love you. In spending time with you I came to better understand your daily struggles, joy and frustration. You are focused on getting better, spending quality time with your kids, family and friends. It is hard to keep your head up on days when you are feeling down.... but you always do. You do the next right thing. You are always worring about everyone around you and wanting to make certain that everyone is ok. That is just the kind of person that you are. Honorable through and through.
I pray for you everyday and light a candle at the church I attend each Sunday asking for a cure. I want you so badly to beat this Val.
I hope that you are having a great time in Kauai.
I miss you,
My dear Val;
I too remember exactly where I was and how I heard the news. I remember everything before that too so clearly, like when you were going to the doctor, having the tests done, and when they found something on the liver, how we prayed for it to be just a cyst. I remember it all so well, even though I didn't really know you that well then. Through this journey, this battle you have been dealt I have met an incredible person, as your dad said "a true Hero in every sense" and I have made a life long friend. I can't begin to tell you how much you mean to me and I know all the others around you... Remember at Don's house what he said: We love you for who you are as a person, for the wonderful generous caring friend that you are. YOU are why we huddle around you, not because you have cancer. This is so true, you are just awesome, and to see you fight this Goliath, even on the days you feel down, just confirms what we already know - you are one of a kind! I can't wait to celebrate your victory one of these days... What a glorious day that will be!! Goliath WILL go down, just keep your eyes on Jesus, and keep marching forward trusting in Him all the way...
I know you are having a great time in Kauai, enjoy the last few days! Can't wait to see you again, though..
Love, Osil
Val, I am an atheist. I don't believe in God, Jesus, or any form of religion. I do believe in the human spirit, I have met you, and I know you have what it takes to survive this. This blog is difficult to monitor with all the faith speak but know that there are people out there who believe in you.
Bev and I continue to pray for you daily, Val. We appreciate the encouraging tone of the blog site, but are ever mindful of the battle in which you are engaged.
Love, Dale and Bev
Happy Birthday to you!
I hope you have a lovely birthday in Hawaii.
Aloha & safe travels home,
Love you!
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