
The theme of this piece came from an excellent message by Dennis Keating last Sunday at Emmanuel Faith Church. Thanks for your faithfulness Dennis!
The Rock-n-Roll Marathon was run yesterday in San Diego. Having been a distance runner for 32 years, I know what it is like on a hot summer's day when your body tells you to stop but from somewhere deep inside comes the voice that says, "just keep putting one foot ahead of the other."
Webster defines persistence as; steady perseverance, unyielding tenacity, holding on to a course of action in spite of difficulties.
Perseverance and persistance can be seen in the chicken and the egg. A baby chick, approaching full life, finds himself in a nice, safe environment. Soon however, the chick becomes aware that the shell keeping him safe and comfortable is also confining him. He finds himself restricted and begins pecking at the shell. He pecks and pecks, working very hard, gaining strength hour by hour through the struggle.
Before long, the chick has attained the strength and endurance to cope with a new environment and breaks through the shell. The chick continues to peck and soon he is free, ready for a new level of life. Well-meaning people have tried to help little chicks speed up the process by cracking or peeling the shell away to help open it for them. The chicks do not develop the strength to cope with their new environment and soon die.
Consider the story of John Stephen Akhawari;
At 7:00 pm on October 20, 1968, only a few thousand spectators remained in Mexico City's Olympic Stadium. Finally, spectators heard the wail of police sirens outside the stadium. A lone runner wearing the colors of Tanzania staggered into the stadium. John Stephan Akhawari was the last contestant to finish the 26.2 mile race. His leg injured in a fall, bloodied and crudely bandaged, He hobbled the final lap around the track.
The crowd rose to their feet and applauded him as if he were the Gold Medal Champion. After the race, a reporter asked him why he had not quit. His reply, "My country did not send me 7,000 miles to start the race. They sent me to finish it."
The Lord Jesus had a moment in the Garden of Gethsemane where he was tempted to quit the race. But as he prayed, God the Father reminded Him that He did not send Him to start the race but to finish it. Our Saviour finished His race at Calvary, and declared, "it is finished."
And now, beloved, it is our turn to run the race. As the Writer to the Hebrews declares"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles us, and let us run with perseverence the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith,"
Tonight, Valerie is that runner approaching the Mexico City Arena, injured and alone. But inside are waiting "that great cloud of witnesses" that God has declared are watching her. And all of you are there, beloved, as is the Lord Jesus Himself.
Tomorrow, Dr. Goldklang will implant (2) temporary plastic stents at Scripps Memorial to open the bile ducts and restore proper flow out of the liver. Pray for supernatural skills for the medical team. Especially pray that this laparscopic insertion through the mouth is done so that Val does not experience the severe pain that accompanied the last procedure of this type. This seems to occur when they are too hard manipulating the patient's neck. Pray that there are no complications or infections after the procedure.
On Thursday, we are going up to USC Norris to see Dr. Lenz. Pray that he can make sense of the CD for the MRI/MRCP from Scripps. I think we will be getting another CT scan at USC this Thursday. Pray for great wisdom on his part as to the cause of this blockage. Val mentioned that it may have been caused by the Pilates she has been doing.
Thanks Dean for calling in that prescription last night!
Dear Val, Chris, Richard, Nancy and Julia...
I just have to say God bless you all! Each of you has lived and breathed the definition of perseverance and persistence throughout these past are all an incredible inspiration and I just believe that because of that and our dear will reap the benefits of all of your strong faith and will win this race!!!
And I pray on this night that God, the source of all health, please fill Val's heart with faith. Be near her in times of fear...You are in control. You made Val, You have loved her, provide her surgeon with needed skill to perform Your miracle...sustain Val by Your grace...let her strength and courage not fail...heal her according to Your Will. Amen
To each of on us for anything...we are all here for ANYTHING you need!!! Our prayers will be with you all tomorrow...
I will end this tonight with a quote that my beloved grandfather shared with us growing up. Persistance was extremely important to's written by Jacob Riis:
"Look at a stone cutter hammering away at his rock, perhaps a hundred times without as much as a crack showing in it. Yet at the hundred-and-first blow it will split in two, and I know it was not the last blow that did it, but all that had gone before."
You are hammering away at this...and every chip in this rock WILL get you to the winner's circle.
We love you!
Kerry Randall
Dear Val and Family,
I read this blog daily as I'm sure there are so many of us that do. You and your entire family have been such an inspiration. I almost feel selfish at times to share in what I have come to know as your family's "private" moments. Thank you for sharing so openly with us all.
Every time I read the blog I glance at the ticker and realize what I feel is a private moment is really being shared with so many of us sending you good thoughts, hugs and daily prayers.
As I go about my day tomorrow, keeping track of all the kids, tossing in the laundry, driving kids to school, etc... Please know that we are thinking of you, praying for you and know that He is performing His miracles.
God Bless,
Jen Gaetani
Dear Val and everyone..
It was so nice to see you and Julie out there skating tonight with the boys.. You guys are awesome! I was a big chicken.. Thanks for the popsicle, Val, you are always so thoughtful and giving!
I truly enjoyed our time in prayer this morning, I felt the Lord's presence so strongly with us, I was trembling... He truly is right among us when we are praying. We will continue to pray on our own and together until you finish this race, Val. And you WILL take the Gold, I just know it!
"Lord, place your mighty hand on the dr's hand tomorrow. Guide his every move. Give Val the supernatural strenght, Lord, by the power of your Holy Spirit, that she needs to endure the procedure and quickly recover. Lord, we know you are with her every second of every day, you never leave her side.. Lord, I ask that she would feel your presence tomorrow, and the days ahead, surround her Lord with your love, your peace and your power. I pray as Sunshine prayed earlier today, that there would be someone at that hospital that needs you Lord, and that they would see you in Val, Chris and her family. I pray that their faith, their strenght and their total reliance on you would inspire others to seek you and the peace that only you can give. Lord, again we ask for a miracle, for complete healing, as Val said, she is in your hands, Lord, she is yours, and we trust in you alone."
The Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord make His face to shine upon you, and be gracious unto you, the Lord lift His countenance upon you and give you peace.
Keep running, my friend, you will get there! You will conquer this grueling track, and your dad's right, we will all be there on the sidelines cheering you on and at the finish line holding the tape with Jesus on our side. He is also running too though, right by your side, picking you up when you fall down, giving you much needed water along the way, wiping your forehead and breathing new life, new breaths into you as you get tired and weary. He's there right by you. He is so proud of you, Val, and so are we!
We all stand strong and mighty with you guys! We do not waiver in our knowing that you will rid this dis-ease from your whole and perfect body. As you and I talked, Val, about visualizing what is going on inside of your body...the power of prayer, thought and visualization will keep you strong. Our love and thoughts are with you now and always...
The Ensor's
P.S. PLEASE! PLEASE feel free to send the boys over when you need some reflief. It is our pleasure to have them play with our boys! It seems unlikely that you will knock on our door and say, "Can you guys have the boys for a bit, or for the night, or for the day?", but we would like nothing more. Use us! We are here for you!
Val, I know tomorrow will go smoothly for you. You are so strong and such an inspiration to me.
Love ya,
Kelly Lester
Dear Val, Chris Nancy & Richard,
I don't even know what to say except you and your family have been in my prayers every night since that chance meeting with Nancy and Richard at WalMart. I read these blogs and I am amazed at how God works in our lives. The stregnth we have and the stregnth our precious Lord gives us, not only from what we have inside but also from those who love us.I pray that Valerie, your support circle only gets bigger and your courage only stands stronger. I pray that you heal and your body can stay strong through all of the poision. Sometimes I awake at night and ask our precious Lord to bring you peace and healing. You have a very special place in my heart Val as do Nancy and Richard. My Love and prayers are with you. Stay strong my old friend. You are beautiful.
Dear McCreas-
Praying for all to go well as it possibly can - for your doctors to be at their best, for no side effects or complications, for staff who are good with needles, for healing to come quickly.
Your blog is very helpful to me, and I thank you for it.
-Caroline Stoufer
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