Difficult Moments for a Mom to Remember

These two treasured moments were to difficult to tell anyone without a years' perpective.
About six weeks before Val left us, one evening we were sitting together and I was holding her hand. I could tell she was struggling. I had just taken off my shoes. All of a sudden, she got up and sat on the floor in front of me. She started to massage my feet and I said, "Val, please don't do that, let me massage your feet." She said, "Mother, I must do this for you. There will be a day when you will need me to help you and I will not be there. This is for that time. Let me do this for you now. We both began to cry. We realized this moment would not be relived or forgotten.
As Easter was approaching a few weeks ago, I began reading John 13 and was surprised at what I read.
. . "just before the Passover Feast, Jesus knew that the time had come for him to leave this world and go to the Father. Having loved his own who were in the world, he now showed them the full extent of his love. Jesus knew that he had come from God and was returning to God. . .he poured water in a basin and began to wash his disciples' feet."
I was reminded of that night with Val. She was able to show the full extent of her love for me and I didn't see that correlation until then.
Many of Val's friends have become my friends. As the April 15th date looms ahead, I have appreciated having them in my life. They are filling this next week with activities around remembering Val. They know that Julie and her family now live in San Luis Obispo. They know the sadness I feel not having either daughter near.
When the reality of Val not being here set in for Chris and the three boys, it was so tough and a year later continues to be tough. Chris has done an amazing job balancing work and play time. So many teachers, parents, friends and family have helped Chris keep the boys on as normal a schedule as possible. They have fun in their motor home and Chris is helping coach the boys baseball team. When we see Chris, Richard and I wish we could take his pain away. We know that God heals broken hearts.
My Bible study group from Emmanuel Faith went down to Cox Arena to see Beth Moore this weekend. There were 9,000 plus women singing praises to the Lord and it was amazing. I heard this voice behind me say, "Hey Mom." I jumped in my seat and turned around. My heart sank because it sounded just like Val. It wasn't Val and I cried. I miss her more than words can say. As Beth Moore began teaching Psalm 139, I was reminded of my God:
Psalm 139 "O,LORD, you have searched me and you know me. You know when I sit and when I rise, you perceive my thoughts from afar. . .all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be."
I am known and Valerie is known. She will live on in the hearts of those who love her until Jesus returns.
Thank you dear saints for walking this journey with us. Oh that you could know our heart and see how thankful we are for each of you who have prayed for us.
In the name of our Lord,
Nancy Sloan