Friday, May 26, 2006

CT Results

I went to USC yesterday to get the reading on my CT from 2 weeks ago. There was shrinkage in all the tumors and the lymph nodes and I also got a better idea on what needs to occur before I can get surgery. My cancer is predominately in my right lobe of my liver where there is a 6.7cm tumor and some other smaller ones as well there. In the left lobe there are some small tumors also. Dr. Lenz said if we can get rid of the tumors in the left lobe we can resect the right one. How obtainable that is will be up to the Chemotherapy working. So for now I continue on chemo, which I did not get yesterday because I had not slept the night before and I was so tired. My liver enzymes were up as well, so we postponed it a week. Nodules that never seem to change still show up in the chest CT but they still sway towards them being just nodules. They will keep an eye on them as we continue to shrink the others.

Tim Sharp is out of the hospital. Thank you Jesus!

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Block Medical Visit

OK. I know Tyler is sideways but I could not figure out how to make him straight. Reminds me of my life right now so we will just keep him this way. He is still cute though.

I went to Block Medical in IL last week. A very informative visit. This whole center is an integrated center that focuses on Alternative therapies in conjuction with Conventional. It was very informative. I met with Dr. for 2 hours and n ot only was encouraged but empowered. I also met with a dietitian, physical therapist and a psychologist while I was there. I am on a mission to get rid of this cancer and am convinced there is ALOT we can do as patients to make this happen. It is to much information to type all of it on this site but for those Cholangio patients that are interested we can have a conference call to disseminate the information. I also really encourage you to go there if you can. It was all billed to my insurance except the dietician which was $170.00 and worth every penny.
I get chemo this Thursday. I have felt good. Some side effects are making me crazy though. My toes and fingers are numb from the Oxiliplation I was on before. My lip is very blistered from the 5fu I am on right now and the Tarceva gives me a rash that itches. Other than those few inconveniences I am doing well.
Please continue to pray for my friend Tim Sharp. He is still in the hospital and can not get rid of an infection in his liver. They think that bile has backed up in an empty tumor somewhere and is causing insection. We want his infection to go away and be able to come home so he can go to Texas for a radiation treatment. Strength for Stacy his wife as well.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Preliminary CT Results

This is a picture of Dawn taken at the beach in Encinitas. She has been a huge asset as a Nanny for Chris and Val. She is great with the kids and has become an important part of the family.

I received a phone call yesterday from Taleen Khoukaz, Dr. Lenz' Nurse Practitioner. Her short message; a slight decrease was observed in nodule size in the CT done last week when compared to the scan done 8 weeks earlier.

We are filled with joy and so thankful for your prayers, beloved. The complete Pathology Report and CA19-9 Tumor Marker result is yet to be received, but this is another victory in the battle against our adversary.

Val, Deanna, and Ryan finished their consultation at The Brock Institute in Chicago and are due back in San Diego later tonight.

Chris has been a real trooper balancing work and chasing after the two terrorists, Gavin and Tyler, while Val has been gone. Great job Chris!

And now unto Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, to Him be glory in the Church and in Christ Jesus forever and ever. Amen.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Ct results come Tuesday

I am going to Block Medical Center in Evanston, Il to find out as much about what other alternative things I can be doing to rid my body of this disease. I will let you all know how it goes. I attached a picture of Tyler (20 month old) and I at swim lessons last week. Itn't he cute? Under water? Gavin my five year old is posing for us at swim lessons as well.

Friday, May 12, 2006


Cancer patients all have one thing in common. They are in a continuous state of waiting for news, Whether good or bad.

There is a line in the poem "If" by Rudyard Kipling that goes like this, "if you can meet with triumph or disaster and treat those two imposters just the same."

I am not exactly sure what Mr. Kipling was thinking about when he penned these lines, but the words are absolutely true for a christian.

If you are a child of God Most High beloved, there are two things that you can be sure of; God sees all your tomorrows, and God assures you that you are held safe and secure in His hands.

One of Frank Sinatra's lesser known songs is entitled "All my Tomorrows".

Today I may not have a thing at all
Except for just a dream or two
But I’ve got lots of plans for tomorrow
And all my tomorrows belong to you

Right now it may not seem like spring at all
We’re drifting and the laughs are few
But I’ve got rainbows planned for tomorrow
And all my tomorrows belong to you

As long as I’ve got arms that cling at all
It’s you that I’ll be clinging to
And all the dreams I dream, beg, or borrow
On some bright tomorrow they’ll all come true

And all my tomorrows belong to you

Again, I am not sure what Mr. Sinatra was thinking but truly all our tomorrows belong to the Lord Jesus Christ.

Yesterday we were up at The USC Norris Cancer Center for Val's 14Th Chemo Infusion and her bi-monthly CT Scan.

Before every Chemo infusion, blood tests are done. The results yesterday were great! Platelets up. Red cells up. Bilirubin down. Liver enzymes down. Triumph!

Now we wait for the results of the Ca19-9 Tumor Marker Test and the CT results. But our God already knows the results. And His message to us; I'll handle this one. trust me . This is my battle to fight and win.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Sunday May 7th

Today was a beautiful day. My kids (Ryan and Gavin) had their first performance for "Beauty and the Beast". It was great. It was so cool to see your kids sing and dance and be in a musical that spreads God's word. I watch them and tears come to my eyes because I question sometimes how long I will be able to spend such wonderful moments with them. I want to be around for ALL of it. Not just some of it. Then I smack myself and say "of course I will be around". Mind games. I wish I could stop them but I guess it is normal when in a situation like I am in. I am confident God is in control of this whole situation so I rest in his grace. After the concert we went to Chili's and then swimming in Kerry's pool. The weather was nice at the pool and I got some sun. It felt good.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Prayer for Tim Sharp tonight 6:00 PST

I wanted to take a moment and ask for prayer for our good friend Tim Sharp. He and his wife have 2 beautiful young children and are in their 30's as well. He has Pancreatic cancer and has been battling it for about 16 months. He has been doing quite well but most recently has had to be hospitalized for a blood infection, pneumonia and a lung blood blot. We are all going to prayer for him tonight at 6:00pm PST. Please pray that his pneumonia clears, blood infection goes away, blood clot dissipates, strength for the family (Stacy his wife has been at the hospital around the clock while her 2 kids are with her sister-in-law), next week his stent placement will go well and also God would have mercy on his body and heal him!!!!! Thank You so much!

I am doing OK. I had to change chemo drugs due to platelet issues. Avastin, Tarceva and 5fu. The side effects are less than the last round of drugs. (except a small rash from the Tarcevea). I have a scan this next Friday May 12th. We will see. I have really stepped up the holistic piece though. It makes me feel like I can do something pro-active and I have been feeling better. I would say out of 7 days I only have some pain 2 of them. I have been eating organic, juicing, taking wheatgrass, whole food supplements, having energy re-balancing done, yoga and massage. It is keeping me very busy. I have decided cancer is a full time job. I do take days off though where I do not think about is at all. I found a great Alternative Cancer facility in Chicago where they taylor alternative therapies around my chemo regime. Dr. Block has been written up in books most recently "Miracle Cures". You can get it at Jimbo's. I am going to meet with him. May 16th. Love all you guys and miss you. Especially my brother Geoff, wife Janet and my 4 nieces and nephews, Josh, Jessica, Jerad and Justus. I want to come out to see you guys ASAP!

Monday, May 01, 2006

The Kingdom of Heaven

Last night, several of us went with Val to an evening service at her church in San Marcos. Although the music was a bit edgy (for me), it finally ended when a young man was introduced as a guest speaker.

This piece is primarily intended for the benefit of those who were with us last night. Hopefully other readers will also be edified.

Having been a christian for 32 years, I have found that the Holy Spirit will inaudibly but clearly speak to me if I am in a situation of spiritual darkness or error. That did not happen last night. On the contrary, He told me to stay and listen for the next three hours.

It was a simple message. The Kingdom of Heaven is here.

I must digress for a moment but promise to return to the events of last night.

In his letter to the Church at Galatia, Paul says, "I have been crucified with Christ and no longer live but Christ lives in me". The Kingdom of Heaven is here in every living Christian.

The phrase "Kingdom of Heaven" appears 31 times in the New Testament and never in the Old Testament. Why? Because Jesus did not begin to live in us through the Holy Spirit until He returned to Heaven after the resurrection.

The Kingdom of Heaven is here.

What are our orders from the King? Heal the sick. Raise the dead. Care for the needy. Preach the Gospel. Thats it.

The Church of Jesus Christ has followed these orders from it's beginning until this moment, and will continue to do so until it is called Home. However, in the matter of miraculous healings and raising dead people back to life, the only record we have of men other than the Lord exhibiting this power is recorded in "The Acts of the Apostles".

As I promised, lets go back to last night's service.

The first hour or so, the speaker described several events where the Holy Spirit directed him to certain people in need of physical healing. Through the power of prayer, miraculous and instantaneous healings were described.

During the next couple of hours, people with various diseases were asked to stand and come up to the front. Besides the speaker, many people laid hands on them to be healed. When cancer patients were asked to come forward, we all went up and laid hands on Val that she might be healed.

And then an odd thing happened. I sat down and began to feel as if my body was lighter than it's normal weight. I had a sense of well-being as if a burden had been lifted from me. This continued for some time and I only mention it because Val described similar feelings as we were in the parking lot leaving.

And so beloved, I leave you with the mystery. What happened last night? I don't know. I am back to where I started. The Spirit told me to stay. The young man's message was true.

The Kingdom of Heaven is Here.