
Val and Nancy caught a Southwest flight from San Diego this morning. Char left from Denver. Destination: M.D. Anderson Medical Center in Houston. I am always in awe of the doors that are opened for us by God Most High! Anderson has the reputation of being one of the premier medical facilities in the world. They have treated more cholangio patients than anyone else. We are very excited to learn what they have to say about treatment options.
Everything has come together in a most amazing way to allow us to make this trip! Char's connection with Dr. Adjani. Records sent from Dr. Nissen's and Drazin's office. Finding all the slides at UCLA. The Cedars Slides sent back from Mayo arrived just in time. The imaging CD's. The list goes on and on. God's hand of deliverence and intervention is very visible to us and we lift up the name of Jesus. Val will be back Wednesday night unless Anderson recommends that she stay. Nancy told us that she had a dream where she bought a house in Houston and hung around much longer. Please pray for our team in Houston. For their health, wisdom for all the doctors and staff that will be involved in diagnosis, and good treatment options.
Val, always remember that the core issue for a christian is that day by day, hour by hour, your life is a picture of Jesus for everyone who sees you. He is with you and knows every detail of this disease. And you are His ambassador in this world.
Why the spider you ask? This is one of Chris, Ryan, and Gavin's favorite activities. Hunting Black Widows! Good hunting boys!
I am praying for you Val, and I have had prayers said for you at the church where my cousin is the pastor. God Bless you and your family!
Valerie - We are praying that your trip to MD Anderson provides you the answers you have been looking for and a clear path of treatment.
Stay strong!!!
Valerie - Patrick and I hope you have a safe and successful trip to MD Anderson. I have mentioned your condition to several of the Interventional Radiologists I work with day in/day out and they have consistently said that MD Anderson is the best place to be.
You are in our thoughts,
Lara & Patrick
We will pray for you on your trip to MD Anderson!! We think and pray for you, Chris w/ his back and the boys EVERYDAY!!! Let's get together with Lara whe you get back!!
Love and prayers to you,
Maricris, Virgil and Kids
Always thinking of you...
Dear Val!
As always...it was so good to hear your voice! I am happy that all of you arrived in Houston safe and sound. I echo everyone's comments when I say that you are in the best place for you to be!
You have been in my prayers...yesterday...I stayed for both services of church. I just wasn't done praying for you after the first one!
And, I will continue to do! I pray that you continue on this path with all of the strength and courage that has brought you thus far. I pray that MD Anderson has clear answers to all of your questions! And I pray that you feel our Lord's hands holding you and your family. I also for extra energy for Chris and your father over these next few days!!!
God bless you Val...and remember...
Whatever your cross, whatever your pain, There will always be sunshine after the rain.
Perhaps you may stumble, perhaps even fall, But God's always ready to answer your call.
He knows every heartache, sees every tear, A word from His lips can calm every fear.
Your sorrows may linger throughout the night, But suddenly vanish at dawn's early light.
The Saviour is waiting somewhere above, To give you His grace and send you His love.
Whatever your cross, whatever your pain, God always sends rainbows after the rain.
All our love,
Kerry Randall
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