Hello from Prattville Alabama

The dirt is red and there are no end to trees. Homes are built with an acre of grass in the front yard. We are surprised that there are no mosquitoes. Horse flies as big as quarters.
It has been so nice to be with Jeff and family for this week. They are out the door early today as they are in charge of the Junior High Group for Bible School at Prattville First Baptist Church. I've never been in a place that has a church on every corner.
Jeff has had the week off and has taken dad on some brutal distance runs in the woods and hills. It has been in the 90's with humidity in the 90's. They have also been flying the radio control airplane in a huge open field.
The heat doesn't stop the activities around here with 4 kids. Josh 13 and Jared 8 are on an "all stars" baseball team. Jessica and Jared are on a swim team. The kitchen is never closed. Janet is on top of her game. They have a deer lick on the edge of their property next to the woods. We have watched deer every night.
God is good. Dad and I were so anxious about leaving you this week. As Bible school began on Monday, their emphasis has been on courage. How appropriate that the verse for the week is Josuha 1:9"Have I not commanded you? Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."
I love you,
Welcome to Alabama. You aren't very far from Demopolis. Enjoy your visit.
It was so nice meeting you last week at the swimming pool. My last two treatments have gone well and I find I only lose the day of treatment rather than 3-4 after, so God is good and hears our prayers. I hope you had a great visit in Prattville and a safe trip home.
All our best
Stacey Christopherson
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