Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Stent Placement

Yesterday Val got her stent procedure done at Scripps La Jolla. Thankfully she only needed one stent instead of two. The two bile ducts that were constricted came together as "Y" shape so the doctor was able to place one stent to open both passages as the converged together. The one stent is better than two since it decreases her chances for infection, and one less foreign object in her body means less internal stress. The procedure went almost flawlessly. While inserting the stent, the doctor nicked the pancreas with his imaging guide. We don't really know if this is a big deal or not, but Val is in alot of pain. She also was up all night not feeling well. The doctor said that she really shouldn't be in so much pain from the procedure so now we are left wondering if there was damage done to her pancreas. She is going to USC Norris tomorrow to see Dr. Lenz to evaluate the MRI/MRCP and Val's pain situation. It is not a chemo day.

On a positive note, her jaundice has gone away and her beautiful coloring is back. So the procedure was a success!

Please pray that her pain will stop, that she can sleep, and that she will not get an infection from the stent. Also if there is any damage to the pancreas that it will heal quickly and not get infected either. As alway pray for God's perfect peace, comfort, rest, and healing.

Thank you......



Blogger Osil said...

Oh, Lord,

Carry Val through this time, Lord. Lift her up on wings of eagles. Let her feel your presence with her, even through her pain. Lord, please take this burden of pain from her, Lord. She has been through so much... pour your grace and everlasting mercy on her, spirit, body and soul. Replace her pain with your peace Lord, your power. We don't understand your purposes Lord, but we know Val is in your hands, and that all things are working together for good for her, cause she loves you so so much. Thank you for our friend, our sister...
In Your name Jesus, and may all glory be given to you in all things."

I am praying for you, my dear friend. This too shall pass...

Osil :)

6:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thinking of you today Val. I am hoping your pain subsides and you find yourself resting peacefully.

Love, Jen G

7:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Lord, I am in complete agreement with Osil! Lord, please pick Val up in your mighty arms and hold her tightly. Fill her soul with quiet serenity and peace. Surround her family with the same. Lord, we love you and trust you in all things. Please release her from all pain. Please guide them safely to USC tomorrow. Please let Val and her family feel all of the love and prayers that we are sending their way. In your name...Amen!

We love you girl!!! Remember...there is always a rainbow after a storm friend. Always in prayer...
Kerry Randall

9:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I have been praying for this burden of pain to be taken away from you. I am sorry that you have to go through this Val.
Please know that it will go away. Your doctor will discover what is causing the pain and he will be able to treat you for it.

Know that you are surrounded by love.

Peace for you,


4:16 AM  

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