Tuesday, February 28, 2006


Char and Richard,

Great news, It's covered. Thanks for all your effort with this.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: X person at Chris's work
> Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2006 11:59 AM
> To: McCrea, Chris
> Cc:
> Subject: Benefits Claim
> Hi Chris,
> Sorry for the delay but the outcomes is what we wanted.
> Your wife is approved for her continued current treatment under the Insurance Plan. They have been advised to enable this to happen.
> Please let me know if you encounter any problems.
> I will continue to keep good thoughts for your wifes recovery.

Habakkuk 3:3. His glory covered the Heavens and His praise filled the Earth. Thanks be to the High King of Heaven. His mighty hand was at work in Val's life today.

Monday, February 27, 2006

Urgent Prayer Request

Tomorrow, Tuesday, 2/28, at 1 pm Eastern, doctors and healthcare professionals from Chris' employer, and the Insurance Company, will discuss Valerie's request for Avastin coverage. Chris's work self-funds their health care expenses and the insurance company simply manages their money. We asked Chris's work to intervene in Val's case and cover the use of Avastin. Please pray that God will also intervene on Val's behalf and direct these decision makers to approve coverage. Pray especially that Chris's work will review the letter from Chris and the information assembled by Char. Both Char and Chris have worked diligently in the preparation of this argument.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006


I have been doing good. I had chemo #8 last Thursday and did not get home until 2:30am. There was a time mix up and I did not start until 6:00pm at night. I guess you could say it was a "night out" without the kids right? ha ha. I think I would have rather been at Samurai House for dinner. Anyways, I do not have to drive up to L.A for treatments anymore. Starting next week, I will be in Encinitas. I will just have to go up to L.A for my scans and to see the doc. So now, you all can come visit w/ me while I sit there since it's so close. This last weekend was hard because I had 3 sick kids with the stomach flu and pink eye. At one point my 17 month old was throwing up on me in my bed. When they are that young they just want you to hold them but I was trying to figure out how to get him to throw up in the potty. No such luck. Anyways, we are all better now. My sister is coming down this weekend with her 3 kids. We are celebrating my nieces 4th birthday. It will be good to see them. It has been such a bummer that right about the time all this cancer mess broke out she had moved the month prior up to San Francisco. We have been fighting our insurance for Avastin coverage again. Remember when we said it is covered? Well we got a denial letter in the mail so my team with Aunt Char as OB have been battling our insurance. Not fun. I was extra tired today. Could have been all the lack of sleep this last weekend. I spent a few hours on my Mom's couch today. She then came to my house and made a great stir fry for all of us. Thanks Mom!!!!


Fifteen years ago my wife Nancy and I were vacationing in Michigan when we received a call from our teenage son Paul informing us that "he" was now the proud owner of a Rotweiler puppy. On our return to California, Paul assured us that he would take care of Cheyenne. I don't think we followed that plan too closely. As the years went by, she became a good friend to all of us. Her favorite pastime was skateboarding. She had her own board and loved to get on and push herself around the driveway. She was a great dog, but Rotweilers, by nature, have this domination thing drilled into their DNA. I am sure that Val's Yellow Lab Bailey suffered permanent brain damage by Cheyenne's pinning her down every time she visited. One of my favorite memories is Cheyenne using the Scottie down the street as a bowling ball while her horrified owner stood by hyperventilating. She never hurt or bit another dog but insisted on being the big kahuna.
Cheyenne died yesterday. She was a good friend. We will miss her.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Information for Cholangio Patients! Hi Guys!

This is information on all the appointments from, Mayo, MD Anderson and Dr. Lenz.
Mayo Clinic, MN
Dr. Greg Gores, Chair, GI and Hepatology 507-284-8700
At this meeting there was not a lot of information from him. He said the Gem/Ox and avastin I am on is a good treatment right now and that the cancer has been halted. Two things he said he has seen to work for CC patients is Therasheres (radioactive beads directed into the liver) and Gleevac (a oral drug). Other than that he did not have much to say.

MD Anderson, TX-
Dr. Katrina Glover, GI Oncologist (she works w/ Melanie Thomas)713-792-2828
This was an informative meeting with Katrina. She is a great communicator and is genuine and has a lot of encouragement to give. MD Anderson see's you on a Monday does alot of tests CT scan, chest x-ray, bloodwork) and then has the f/u meeting on a Thursday the same week. So the down side is you have to go there every two weeks for 4 days. She recommended I stay on my same regimen as well. She gave three different drug cocktails that could be used as 2nd line-
-Xeloda, Gemsar, Erbitux (this is the one she would have put me on first)
-Xeloda, Gemsar, Taxatere
-Gemsar,Cisplatin, Tarceva
She thought Theraspheres was NOT a good idea at this point. She said they see alot of CC and she said they do not know why anyone gets this disease but it is on the rise.

USC Norris Cancer Center-
Dr. Lenz, 323-865-3120
Dr. Lenz see's alot of CC patients. Mostly in there 40's and 50's. He has had a 22 yr old and a 28 yr old. Above anyone else I have seen he knows this disease the best. He is German and knows alot of what is going on in Europe right now. He is also heading up the Sorinafib trial right now (which Hanz is on). He recommended right off the bat to stay with what I am on but change the dosage and length of infusion. He recommends a two day infusion. Day 1 Gemsar (infused over 100 minutes) with Avastin (infused over 30 minutes). Day 2 Oxiliplatin 100 mg (infused over 2 hours) and Calcium and magnesium given BEFORE and AFTER for a 20 minute infusion. There is increased efficacy done this way (data from Europe). He also talked about 2nd line drugs being Sorinafib/Avastin or Sorinafib/Oxaliplatin. He said these drugs synergism each other. He also mentioned coming down the pike are drugs that have the VEGF recepor inhibitors from the BMS family. He also mentioned drugs like 5-fu and Xelodia as well as intaarterial chemotheraputic agents including microsperes.
He recommended coming back every 6 weeks for a CT scan and said PET scan are worthless.
He said, "Three years ago, Cholangio patients died. Now we offer hope and longevity
through the chemotherapeutic options.

I talked with a Natural Path last night and a few other things I am looking into are:
-Acidic vs Alkaline diet
-Mind body connection (your body wants to heal itself)
-Accupunture (if on Avastin not an option)
If you have any questions, e-mail vmccrea@gmail.com Luv you guys, Val

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

The Cancer Appears to be Stable!!!

Our scan last week at MD Anderson indicates that the cancer appears to have stabilized since our last scan in early January – no new growth, no new lesions, and some very small shrinkage! This is very good news!

Our meeting with Dr. Glover at MD. Anderson provided us with a great contact and resource, and some ideas about go-forward chemotherapy regimens should this current one no longer achieve expected results. We know that at any time in the future, we can tap into the resources and doctors at MD Anderson. As Katrina Glover said to us, “Once a patient, always a patient”. That is reassuring. She has already communicated directly with our Cedars Oncologist, and they are in agreement on continuing the current regimen.

On Monday, 2/13, Val, Chris, Rich, Nance, and baby Tyler traveled to Los Angeles to consult with Dr. Lenz, a GI Oncologist at USC who also specials in liver and other gastro cancers. Feedback from the group was that Dr. Lenz was very personable, very optimistic and hopeful about treating Val’s cholangiocarcinoma. He endorsed the current chemo regimen, suggested a few changes in the rate and timing of the drugs, and wanted to see Val in six weeks to determine if the cancer continues to be stable and/or to shrink. We have a lot of ‘great minds’ conferring with us, and each experience helps us better understand the optimum course of treatment. That is also good news!

Val is currently scheduled for Chemo 8 in LA on Friday of this week. We are still working on transferring infusions to a local oncologist, but due to some insurance ‘hiccups’, we are unable to proceed with that plan this week.

Posted by Char

Saturday, February 11, 2006

The road less traveled

These words are for the Saints of God Most High who belong to Jesus Christ. Beloved, your faith is seen by all who are around you. You are the righteous ones just as it is written, "the righteous ones shall live by faith."
We have traveled many miles together dear ones in our journey through this dark valley. And we see Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. He is our traveling companion. He is the reason for every mile. He is well pleased with us.
What do we see today? The opinions of competent medical experts all agree. Cholangiocarcinoma is a rare and potentially deadly disease. The treatment options are best guesses absent the statistics of many patients. A total cure is unlikely. Management of the disease is the goal.
What shall we say to this? The answer is simple beloved. "Against all hope, Abraham in hope believed and so became the father of many nations." A medical impossibility occurred. Abraham was 100 and Sarah was 90 when Isaac was born.
The Apostle Paul struggled with chronic illness. He was beaten, imprisoned, shipwrecked, bit by a poison snake, stoned, and the target of assassins. What was his view of life's struggles? "I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us."
When I look at Valerie, I am in awe of her strength and courage. She is a true American hero in every sense of the word. The presence of God's Holy Spirit is evident as she daily faces this enemy at the gate. The forces arrayed against her would overwhelm any person absent the mighty hand of God Most High. Her armor is not of this world.
Our good friend Kerry Randall is an attorney. She understands the concept of presenting an argument. It does not involve anger but is simply a statement of reason and facts to convince the court. God invites us to present an argument to Him. Isaiah was speaking on behalf of God he said, "come, let us reason together."
As you pray for God's healing power and wisdom in making decisions regarding medical treatment, remember this concept of presenting a legal argument to God. He is the one who has invited us to do so and has given us the intellect to do it.
Finally, dear ones, always remember, "God is not slow about His promises, as some count slowness." Leave your prayers with Him and He will answer them at just the right time.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Special Prayer Time Tonight (Wednesday)

We are asking all who are able to please pray for Valerie at 8:00 PM PST tonight - Wednesday, February 8th.

We will lift her up in prayer together. May the King of Kings hear the prayers of His people and be glorified.

As for specific requests: 1) God's healing hand would stretch out and heal Valerie 2) That Valerie would be strengthened both physically and spiritually 3) That tomorrow's meeting at MD Anderson would be thorough, productive, and encouraging.

Thank you.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Faith Triumphs in Trouble

Romans 5: 1-11

1Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, 2 through whom also we have access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. 3 And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; 4 and perseverance, character; and character, hope. 5 Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us.

6 For when we were still without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly. 7 For scarcely for a righteous man will one die; yet perhaps for a good man someone would even dare to die. 8 But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. 9 Much more then, having now been justified by His blood, we shall be saved from wrath through Him. 10 For if when we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much more, having been reconciled, we shall be saved by His life. 11 And not only that, but we also rejoice in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received the reconciliation.

J. Theule

Monday, February 06, 2006

BLAST OFF to Houston

Valerie, mom- Nancy, and Aunt Char traveled to Houston Sunday afternoon (while everyone else was watching the Super Bowl) for a medical consultation at MD. Anderson, one of the major Cancer Centers known for treating cholangiocarcinoma. We spent the entire day, from 8:30 AM to 6:30 PM, at MD. Anderson, meeting with Dr. Katrina Glover. Val underwent more testing today…..one that we won’t describe in detail, but as Val described it “the test from hell”.

As we revisit our feelings about today’s consultation, we are all encouraged by the thoroughness, caring, and conscientious manner that Dr. Glover and her Physician Assistant, Aki, projected during our visit with them. Dr. Glover was very prepared for our appointment, and communicated with us clearly and directly. We never felt that we had to ‘badger’ her to answer our questions or concerns. She was very warm, positive and pleasant.

Unfortunately we will not meet again with Dr. Glover until Thursday afternoon, it will take that long for today’s tests to be processed, and all scans and slides, etc. that we forwarded here to be analyzed. On Thursday afternoon we will reconvene for a thorough consultation on diagnosis and treatment options, and develop our go-forward plan. Until then, we will just have to spend some time ‘exploring’ Houston. Tomorrow we are meeting Kelly Lester, another cholangio patient who lives here in Houston, to have lunch and ‘sight-see’ in Houston. We look forward to meeting her.

Hopefully we can find a little time for shopping, spa time, exercise, and some ‘girl’ stuff. We are usually pretty good at that!

Feb 6, 2005

Sunday, February 05, 2006


Val and Nancy caught a Southwest flight from San Diego this morning. Char left from Denver. Destination: M.D. Anderson Medical Center in Houston. I am always in awe of the doors that are opened for us by God Most High! Anderson has the reputation of being one of the premier medical facilities in the world. They have treated more cholangio patients than anyone else. We are very excited to learn what they have to say about treatment options.
Everything has come together in a most amazing way to allow us to make this trip! Char's connection with Dr. Adjani. Records sent from Dr. Nissen's and Drazin's office. Finding all the slides at UCLA. The Cedars Slides sent back from Mayo arrived just in time. The imaging CD's. The list goes on and on. God's hand of deliverence and intervention is very visible to us and we lift up the name of Jesus. Val will be back Wednesday night unless Anderson recommends that she stay. Nancy told us that she had a dream where she bought a house in Houston and hung around much longer. Please pray for our team in Houston. For their health, wisdom for all the doctors and staff that will be involved in diagnosis, and good treatment options.
Val, always remember that the core issue for a christian is that day by day, hour by hour, your life is a picture of Jesus for everyone who sees you. He is with you and knows every detail of this disease. And you are His ambassador in this world.
Why the spider you ask? This is one of Chris, Ryan, and Gavin's favorite activities. Hunting Black Widows! Good hunting boys!


Friday, February 03, 2006

It is well with my soul

Horatio Spafford was a successful businessman. When the Great Chicago fire took place in 1858, many of his friends lost their businesses.
After the fire, Mr. Spafford took stock of his life, and decided that he no longer wanted to live for the gain of material things. He wanted to get to know Jesus better and decided to move his family to Jerusalem. Just before his ship was scheduled to sail from New York, he was compelled to return to Chicago to resolve a problem with the liquidation of his assets. His wife and four daughters sailed. He planned to meet them in France.
Mid-Atlantic, the ship was struck by another vessel and sank. The telegram from his wife contained two words, "Saved Alone."
Mr. Spafford took ship to meet his wife in France. One day during the voyage, the captain called him to the bridge. Showing him the charts he pointed out that they were at that very moment over the spot where the ship went down.
To this day, the words penned by Horatio Spafford during this Atlantic crossing have provided strength, encouragement and comfort to all the Saints of God Most High.

When grief like a river, attendeth my way, When sorrows like sea billows roll; Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say, It is well, it is well, with my soul.

Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come, Let this blest assurance control, That Christ has regarded my helpless estate,
And hath shed His own blood for my soul.

My sin, oh, the bliss of this glorious thought! My sin, not in part but the whole, Is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more, Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul!

And Lord, haste the day when my faith shall be sight, The clouds be rolled back as a scroll; The trump shall resound, and the Lord shall descend, Even so, it is well with my soul.

It is well, with my soul,

It is well, with my soul,

It is well, it is well, with my soul.